Anyone else starting to think this is a hoax?

Whenever it was first going down I stocked up on TP, water, food, and other essentials for me and my parents.
>essential worker never had time off
>getting paid extra
>most people still working
>parks all full because 75-85 degree weather
>restaurants still let you take out or use drive through If they have it
>been buying dips with extra money
I’m not complaining because it’s worked out well in my favor but wtf this shits gotta be fake nothing is happening

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No, and neither do you, shill.

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Bro I really do. I live in NC. Outside of Charlotte nothing big as happened here. Cases in all counties but no big deal. I know people who work in three different hospitals. Two of them have no corona patients and one of them has 3 in their hospital. I rode in a truck with a guy who “tested positive” the next day. How did I not get the virus? This was three weeks ago. I’m not saying it’s a fake virus it’s just blown way out of proportion...

another New York fag like me I see, haven’t seen anything really active at hospitals whatever yeah? Like no ambulances moving, hearing healthcare people lay off due to no patients and shit.

I don’t live in New York I live in North Carolina

Ah, well haven’t seen jackshit here either honestly. Also watch out /cvg/ comes here fast if you disagree with their views kinda like /ptg/

This picture definitely was. No faucet had a dick head on the end of it.

Lol yeah I’m not saying it’s not real but it’s contained like hell and even the county here with the most deaths last time I checked was like 9 and that’s not even the country with the most cases. Mecklenberg county where Charlotte is located has the most cases. Charlotte has the airport with the 6th most traffic in the US and still isn’t that bad. I just don’t get how that is... they should be in a similar situation to NYC

It's because they're basing it on some faulty assumptions.
1. If this virus was truly novel, then no one would have any immunity
2. There are large numbers of people who are asymptomatic or have very mild cases
3. Therefore the original assumption (novel virus that no one has any immunity to) is incorrect

1. If this virus was so contagious, there is really no way to contain its spread
2. Given lockdowns went into effect so late, everyone should have it
3. We observe that not everyone has it, or if they did it was a mild case that was never tested.

Counter proposal: This virus has been circulating undetected throughout the world, causing rather serious illness, for much longer than is originally admitted, even well before November. Not looking for something doesn't make it new.

So if your counter proposal is correct then it’s still nothing to worry about

Correct. Further I believe this is at LEAST the second wave, if not the third, to have swept across the world, getting slightly worse each time, so if you didn't get v1.0, you might get hit significantly harder.

It is painfully obvious at this point.
The American Dem. party just fucked over the entire planet due to not wanting to lose the election too much. Again.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking or atleast took advantage over the situation

>dem party
Hate to break it to ya but both parties are kikes, orange ney betrayed us or was blackmailed, and the virus is just fake at this point so soon we will all be chipped because there’s a scary virus outside and will be in debt forever.


Baby boom in nine months. That is the only thing I can see the lockdown achieving.

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why are you guys blaming everyone but trump...
first china
then impeachment process
then you blame the state governors
then you blame the people for not social distance
then you blame nurse and hospitals
then you blame the nurses
then you told people to go to church because the virus is a hoax
now you're blaming Dr. F

at what point does trump take responsibilities for his duties as president of the usa

it's not a hoax these asshats with their public models are going off a wrong time frame on the virus. ergo they look like doomsayers, and then dipshit normal fags are like "WAAAHHH IT'S A HOAX", then we re-open and it spreads like wild fire (implying it doesn't mutate between this point as well)

Atleast someone noticed. Just remember Yas Forums is 60 percent paid shills.

>His duties as president
To do what? Magic the virus away?



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Lockdown is not meant to stop it, it's meant to spread the contagion out even longer.

Maybe, but it seems that the reps are more eager to open the stuff op, maybe because they're mostly supported by industrial complex.
I'm not trump cultist, but at least he's not spreading globalism around the rest of the world that relentlessly.
>implying that socialism is sitting at home and getting free stuff.

It's absolutely a hoax

>CDC & hospitals frantically inflating death tolls
>everybody with as much as a sniffly nose thinks they have it
>tests are full of false positives

Even with the above, infection and death rates are miles below estimates. What is their end game?

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Lockdown to me means absolutely nothing changes but now I have to invite friends over to drink and now I'm not allowed to go boating. Funny how none of my friends or family or none of my friends family are sick. Funny how we've been violating social distancing for 2 months.

A lot of them sold stocks before closing shit down with the dems, they want us all in debt and chipped.

I don't think so, I think this virus is going to cause the world a great deal of shock. It takes 15-30 days for the symptoms to manifest deadly in healthy people, the ones dying now in this supposed "peak" are the ones with lower immune systems and co-morbities. I know i'm going into "Give it 2 weeks - 1month" crowd, but in reality bro; give it 2 weeks/1month and you'll be cursing out anyone who had the audacity to tell you this was "just a flu" or "a hoax"


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Diliate tranny. Or better yet kys and get it over with.

Trump 2020

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>Similar situation to NYC
Whatever else is or isn't going on, NYC, LA and Seattle hospitals are milking this for every dime of federal money they can get. And I don't really blame them knowing how they get fucked for funding with federal rules and requirements for Medicaid/Medicare.
Look at the women using trashbags because they're "out of ppe". Look closely at the picture, what do you see? Look really closely. Anybody else out there in the medical field see it?

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My local hospital had its first case a month ago.
We've been in quarantine since the week after.

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With reasonable travel restrictions and border enforcement, also sane safety precautions we could of avoided all of this. I'm sorry for whatever hardships you're going through brother, and the insanity of this lockdown shit.

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>What is their end game?

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why did fauci know about it in 2017, and why did he say it wasn't a big deal february 29th?
why did bill Gates conduct multiple pandemic exercises over the past few years?
Planned collapse, planned faggotry.

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Wuhan lab scientists and US researchers jointly published a paper on bat corona viruses back in 2015, there is nothing "novel" about this
You are also correct that this virus has been floating around in the US since at least November. We're quickly approaching a firewall of the population that's already had this thing before the world freaked out over this and the numbers are going to collapse relative to the epidemiological models
No matter what, Fauci is a hero and saved the world

this was not planned whatsoever, only an idiot would think they'd ruin their gravy train to implement some goofy NWO this early. They will seize this opportunity yes, but they're just as dumb as you and me and are far dumber then the elites of the past.

just tell us user, there's too much jpeg to look closely

You're a fucking retard


My hardships aren't the issue. I get regular updates from the hospital. We had an initial spike in the county, and so my town has been mostly shut down for four weeks, only grocery and gas and restaurants open.
My point is that I have given it two weeks, I have given it a month, doom is not materializing, nobody is getting more sick. New cases are tapering off the last two weeks, not increasing.

YES ITS A FUCKING HOAX. Conspiracy theories on here about coronavirus are all allowed on YouTube, until you point out how it's a hoax. David Icke's recent London Real interviews were fantastic and got removed from YouTube.

Every Yas Forumsack needs to watch this shit and then make up their own mind. Yeah it's a couple of hours, all you niggers have plenty of time right now just listen to it while playing vidya, that's what I did.

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look at this retarded mutt who thinks only the US exists and fails to see that half of the world has already been hit the with "virus" for more than 2 weeks/1month

this is not an argument...disprove user points without using your subpar iq reply...