Seems like no one respects you guys and constantly talk shit about you online, academia and media. Especially the way zoomer girls talk about you, it’s as though they look down on you. I imagine it’s pretty hard to get any sort of girlfriend as a zoomer white boy. So is it true that they are low status in America?
Are white guys low status in America?
Good morning browncel, do you have school today
Wherever they are low status, it's their fault. White men have allowed a lot of degeneracy to happen, so they deserve that kind of treatment.
dump phoneposter
If we were of a low status, low IQ niggers and spics wouldn’t constantly bitch and whine about our existence 24/7. We are constantly on their minds despite me not giving a fuck about them.
Bro schools cancelled til September. I can do this shit all day
K... keep me posted!
>Being an oppressor = low status
Lol what?
I saw that video too. Wanted to crack that nigger’s skull open.
user pls this is what the average 16 year old white girl thinks of you
Yeah, because blacks, hispanics, and gays have always been soooo good to each other.
She has one of two options. She either goes to college, studying some bullshit degree, and blames the white man for her eternal failures or she grows up, gets a good job and changes her tune. Sorry, but the angsty broad with purple hair who serves me my coffee has no bearing on my life.
>I imagine it’s pretty hard to get any sort of girlfriend as a zoomer white boy
The only interaction couples with a black man you will see in America is a fit black man with a very large white woman. Not even memeing, I have never seen a black man with an attractive woman unless he was only a fraction black
Would be a real shame if white people decided to band together and lynch these motherfuckers again.
Opposite. Jews love d&c and would play up to incels the way they do to feminists. The reason they don't is because the majority of incels are brown, and it would hurt Kalergi to reveal this
desu I've travelled all over Europe and seen less than 10 BMWF couples
I said America
This is why i never give to charities that support low-income households. Most of the time they’re fucking ungrateful cunts, who just want gibs.
I'm a 6ft tall white man in good physical shape and I can assure you it is mere jealously. All people wish they were me.
Bro I just think they all hate you
No. These people all talk shit, but still end up dating a White guy anyway. Twitter screencaps and humanities departments does not change that.
This sounds like cope. I imagine it makes you feel better not to think that everyone around you loathes the idea of you. But the evidence is as clear as day
Its just kikes and their nigger pets trying to demoralize just like you are. I don't care.
user I don’t get why you are disregarding all of these many peoples opinions are just demoralisation
I have neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself, to nigger who rises and sleeps, under the blanket of the very freedom that White men provide, and than questions the manner in which I provide them! I’d rather you just said ‘thank you’, and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pack up and fuck off to Nigeria. Either way, I don’t give a damn, what you think you are entitled to!
Lot of media control from many perspectives. Every niglet talking shit about whites is elevated. Any white who has a problem with that is banned. Can't wait for the day the so called media gets to reap what they sow.
It's the same reason the white left can get away with being anti themselves. It is the sub-conscious knowledge that we basically created and run the modern world, which could dominate any given culture if it wanted too.
>do and invent basically everything important in history, bar early china (pre mongol rape epidemic)
Nothing is ever good enough for these fucking drones is it?
He's right, and you know it.