It's happening.
It's happening
..ham-man? does that mean ham-man (or rump)-man in jiddish?
Haha, thats what he gets for serving zog
fake and media manipulated
why would you name your self rumpman?
these jews are so fucking weird
trump got blood on his hands
what about this one bro?
I find rumpman/shinkman to be a kinda scary name. some of your direct ancestors were so gassy that they were named such
Dies from the flu*
bet it was a nigger. they can't handle the corna
This does raise some concern for me, a card-carrying NothingBurger.
Presumably, this sailor was relatively young and fit. Was he sneezed at in the face in the confines of his shared quarters? An initial high viral load may have overwhelmed his immune system.
Probably just a fat diabetic.
fact is we now absolutely nothing about his pre existing conditions. What we do know so far from other cases is that the avg age of those who die are extremely high, typically 84-87 in europe. There are a few younger people dying, they typically have other complications and diseases.
would be surprised if the guy was 87 year old serving at a warship, but absolutely not if he had some pre-existing condition, he might or might not even have known about. it's also going to happen that you get that 1 guy out of hundred of thousands that simply just die from this
ffs it's just a god damn cold
well at least they aren't these guys
they are currently crossing the atlantic to south america on a rowboat. It's been a bit of rough sea and now a big shark destroyed their rudder
they are not far from french guinea, but due to the corona it is or was problematic for them to be allowed in, due to the god damn corona. none of them are sick and they have been out I think 40+ days now
luckily they have been allowed to enter though when they arrive and got a hotel room waiting. but ffs imagine this beeing out at see like this and this stupid ass corona shit happens. Think they started rowing from the faroe islands but I'm not 100% sure
>hey we've been out here on rowboat rowing from europe and now our rudder was destroyed by a shark
I'm sorry corona you can't enter
they are allowed in though
I am sad to hear this. Sail on, sail on, sailor.
thank god
death to america
Why we posting where it’s docked again?
Stop letting the sailors fuck Asians.
they should die, stupid fuckers and their lame ass "projects"
good riddance, hopefully the american navy is decimated
b-b-b-but these are military personnel. They're young, physically fit and in overall good health. I thought the chances of them dying would be .0000000000001%, Corona only kills 90 year olds with terminal lung cancer, Yas Forums told me so!!
Honestly at this point in disgusted with anyone who voted for dolend trump he does not give a ahit about the US military and just wants "his economy" to recover. Once ships are fully infected and naval and army and airforce bases are completely infected who the fuck is going to fly him around on air force one so he can play his golf game in florida or Scotland. Its bullshit. I fucking bought hand sanitizer masks h202 and dried goods in january/February. And I'm just a normal guy. This nigger cant even buy masks for our military what a fucking failure
He actually died of AIDS.
Pretty sure you can't serve in the US Navy with an active AIDS infection.
Thank you for your service
you always have the one oddball
we know nothing about any pre existing conditions either and given with all these anti-phobia rules. This would seriously not even fucking surprise me the least these days... it's obviously a joke but you know don't be a aidsophobe you bigot, let him serve!