Who is going to vote for the orange retard?

Who is going to vote for the orange retard?

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You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.
3 years of your histrionic autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, almost 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

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In gonna vote for him, post rare pepes and subscribe to milo just because it genuinely upsets you "people"

>Who is going to vote for the orange retard?
Shaming only works on leftists, I am going to vote for the French fag coming elections.

I am, although my states Dem so it doesn’t really matter. Also I think it’s important to note many of us aren’t so much voting for Trump as we are voting against shitty leftist policies.

yeah cause the groping rapist with dementia is the better choice

Same as last election, better him than biden. He did some based and unbased things in his presidency, all around a regular president that I hoping he goes full hitler in the second wave, but I doubt it he is too worried about his popularity to do some drastic shit. Its basically comparing to shot yourself in the foot and learning how to patch yourself to blowing off your head with a shotgun

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. The city people voted for Hillary.

no choice really unless they do a reelection

go back to shareblue, faggot.

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There's still a lot of fat boomers and retards in america so he might get elected.
Low taxes for the rich and endless slavery to Israel here we go again

go get your refund bernout

The city people are the dumbest

I will, along with a shitload of other voters.

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we had this thread yesterday already

>Every single election is still for the lesser evil

Golf War gore is the best deterrent to OPs faggotry

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Everyone. What's the alternative? A senile man that sniffs little girls?

my god why are niggers so ugly

white people

The world is an evil place.

I’m voting for him because I spite everyone and want to die soon

I am! Who in their right mind would vote for Biden? Trump might be a narcissistic boomer who loves cucking to Israel but at least he can string together a sentence
This debate is gonna be Grumpy Old Men 3

cuz satan needed an army

I was not going to vote for him but everyone keeps blaming things on a man that has nothing to do with what they blame him for. It's like when people blame blacks and Jews for stuff that they had nothing to do with. So as a liberal, I've decided to vote for the orange man to prove a point.

Lol trumpredditors have fallen back to glorifying the zogbot army.
Oh noo some sandnog head exploded in 2002 i guess donald kushner wins again


I am. It will trigger shills and normies. Also it will make sure shill organizations know dumping obscene amounts of money shilling here is a waste of money.

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I had changed to unaffiliated and was going to not vote, but when talking with democrats they are insufferable assholes and all they do is insult me and talk about how bad I am for having white kids.

I'll vote for Trump again, but I wish I could vote for Hitler.

Why do you care? Vote for who you want and then accept the results of the election like a good goy

BASED Zogbots fighting our greatest ally's wars for them! G*d, it makes me proud to be an American!

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I will.
I know he's a massive ZOG cuckold but I have more gun shit I wanna buy at reasonable prices.

Trump supporters are uneducated cultists who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Anyone with a brain.

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>who gomma bode four da onange guitar?

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is wanting to vote for this retard after his bungling of the pandemic.

Other countries are doing fine right now... America is in full meltdown.

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>here we go again

I am. Suck a dick, nigger.

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Everyone because they all got free money.

you're posting words and no proof of anything. put all of europe together and they're doing way worse.

>when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
I mean, yes, but it's mostly because there's less people on the other side and you can get better pictures too.
Btw TDS sufferers, there's always a shit ton of tourists taking pictures of trump tower. people love the guy even though they are not allowed to say so out loud.

HAHAHAHA! BASED Black men amirite!?

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You're right, so vote for Biden, right?

Being rich, I will vote for him.

His only real competition is a senile pervert and realistically you're voting for the party not the figurehead on top anyways.

>2017 anti-Trump shilling
It's hilarious that you think that stale shit still does anything to dissuade people.

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I am. I'm not the MIGAtard I was back in 2016, his incompetence in regards to enacting tighter immigration policy and his consistent knee-bending have disillusioned me. But it's probably the last four years we will see a "Conservative" ever hold office in America, barring a HABBENING my generation is only gonna be more commie and gayer than the last.
America will fall in our lifetime, or at least a major rift that could form into a secession or civil unrest, because of a lack of homogeneity. I wasn't necessarily a race guy, and I'm not a sperg who will outright treat niggers or jews like shit, but it's becoming clearer to me that America's multi-ethnic "peaceful cohabitant experience" isn't working. There is no shared identity, and kikes in congress and media will never stop undermining the little common ground than can be found between Amerimutts. 4 more years of Trump is staunching the bleed.

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The majority of Americans.