

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-13 11-17-17.png (1177x1186, 975.37K)

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>everything you should know about establishment whores

thanks for the link to the article faggot

sick of these "I read this tweet, what do ya think of it" threads

they are Marxists not anarchists...

Why aren't they out protesting? Why are they obeying the fascist government lockdown?

>it's complicated
so deep.

Attached: download.jpg (634x764, 97.49K)

Hierarchy is the only reason those punks are alive. Without law enforcement they would be turned into something more useful, like fertilizer.


Commies in 2020 wear black, and call themselves anarchists.
Will hang just the same.

Communists masquerading as anarchists.
Somebody should the "people's stick" and shove it firmly up their ass.

why do you think i would link to something that would generate revenue for these loathsome people? go fuck yourself idiot

I fucking hate jews

Done in one
Why did any of you homosexuals reply after this point?

Is there a way we can associate the anarchy with Nazism and white supremacy? Most anarchy groups are filled with middle class white folk.

>Same thing
Ok, boomer.

Attached: 1551463875941.jpg (1592x1445, 719.79K)

On what? I haven’t been told what I need to know

So you don’t actually want us to decide for ourselves you just want to force your views on us. Not cool bro. You should’ve considered writing your post with a statement and not a question. It’s really misleading to do otherwise

No, they're not the same thing. But these are communists pretending to be anarchists.

>let's discuss a tweet about an article you've never read
holy fuck kill yourself

nothings stopping you from reading it

Except for the lack of a link

you know how to find it. besides, this isnt about the contents of the article, its about the articles existence

Does it really matter if they're paving the way for real anarchists? Do you think they would maintain any authority within the movement if it began to flourish?

>more than just a punk rock phase
Every single anarchist I've ever talked to is either a rebellious teenager or an adult who's overflowing with puberty hormones or manbaby syndrome and stubbornly refuses to accept any authority he doesn't deem "legitimate" according to his extremely subjective beliefs. Basically a spoilt brat.
Anarchists are just edgelords with half-baked beliefs. They recognise that there's a problem, but they don't blame the right culprit, nor advocate for the right solution.
Their system is paradoxical too.
kys faggot

Attached: op is a faggot.jpg (700x700, 77.38K)

>you know how to find it.
That’s besides the point. You breached the normal guidelines for posting. You should be ashamed!

growing up is accepting your inferiority and thanking the boot on your throat.

>not archiving to prevent them from getting clicks
Shills, all of you. Whether by design or stupidity.

Upload the URL to pastebin or and share the link you fucking retard

linking directly to articles is also to be shunned
archive link >>> direct link

>paving the way for real anarchists
That's not how it works. Communists and anarchists can't coexist. Communists are authoritarians, they will use the "people's stick" to beat the shit out of everyone, including the anarchists they claim to be. There is no fucking movement.

Look at the "anarchists". Every time they've been out and doing "anarchist" things in your country, there's graffiti left behind with hammers and sickles and "liberals get the bullet too". That's not anarchist. That's 100% pure communist bullshit. This is a communist revolution trying to make itself more palatable by hiding itself as anarchists.

Anarchists fucking hate communists.

No, they are just the "thugs" for the establishment. They are sent in to harass protestors ans prop up the state. When these drug addicted college dropouts inevitably get their asses kicked for throwing piss bottles, the media claims that it was the protestors who were violent.

When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called "the People's Stick". - Mikhail Bakunin

That's what the father of anarchism had to say about communism. He called Marx out for what he was, a fucking jew serving the banking jews.