Some countries just don't jhave a justification to exist, per instance Poland and Ukraine

Both should be a part of the Russian empire because they're fucking incapable of even holding a spoon above a soup plate on their own. Something like Croats and Slovenes, if our army were to not liberate that heathen that was shooting at us just yesterday, they would still be cleaning horseshit in Austro-Hungarian barns. All Slavs except Serbs, Bulgars and Rooskies are fuckin useless. And all Germanics except Germans are literal niggers. We need some new order of things around here

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>compared with any country of Eastern Europe

I don't know how this fucking meme still exists. Only delusional people believe Poland is on par with Ukraine, Serbia, Bohemia, Romania, Bulgaria etc.

Well, future will disprove your stubbornness and blindness.

>Some countries just don't jhave a justification to exist, per instance Poland and Ukraine
You fucking retard, you should be executed for just putting Ukraine in the same sentence as Poland in this context.
>they're fucking incapable of even holding a spoon above a soup plate on their own.
Funny considering the French learned to use forks from the Poles.

Attached: Polish-Lithuanian_commonwealth.jpg (920x838, 300.05K)

Exactly, which is why you should be a part of Turks, Mahmud Angelović

Bring back Prussia

Yeah, as a Polish vassal.

P.S. Poland creating Prussia in 1525 was a mistake.

Attached: Prussian_Homage.jpg (1195x593, 406.57K)

>Funny considering the French learned to use forks from the Poles.
What kinda crocodile substances from Siberia have you been using you projective absolute retard

said ..... the serbian

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These countries are useless

Attached: russia-butthurt.jpg (1000x778, 175.73K)

No country with more than 20 million inhabitants should be allowed to exist. Reduce population or split up.

why russia is shown as being in Europe?
russia was, is and always will be in Asia.

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Dude your unironical first national country included Hlinka guard, Germans had to learn you how to not eat worms in your backyard like a fuckin nigger. While here in the great state of Serbia we had an empire on three seas, invented electricity and fucked your mama. While we were eating with forks on our castles Germans were humping cows on Roman properties and you were drinking your own piss like a faggot sucks on a frape

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-13 Henry III of France - Wikipedia.png (1678x523, 371.87K)

>These countries are useless
>exactly ones he tried to controll but failed
>this means they are butthurt
ok ivan

>finland butthurt
>posted by a russian

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This faggot is literally giving me wikipedia as a source. What's next, you're gonna run the Red Sqaure covered in your own feces shouting JUDGMENT DAY? Christcuck

Then why do you want to add all of them to your own already-massive country?

We don't butthurt about talvisota because despite heavy losses we didn't lose war.

Serbs...Aren't you some turkish rape babies? I remember some Croatian friend telling me about that.

Because barbarians need to be civilized, it's our holy duty straight from Perun

yeah i bought into it until poland showed it had more balls than the entire EU parliament combined
i'd knock back some starkas with you slavshits now

25% of your population are Russians that's why

Did your German masters give you a permission to say that?

since when are slavs or as i like to call them niggers civilized?

You are Russian rapebaby
Are you civilised?

finland to sweden or russia whomever can defeat the other in a fairly matched baltic sea battle
baltic union
poland remains except for 1940 border plus danzig. landlocking it.
yugoslavia best slavia

We're the bedrock of White man's civilization and culture. You can find exclusively Serbian and Russian toponyms in India because we're the most Aryan after Greekbros. While you're seanigger subhumans known for gulping Russian sperm cells since the dawn of time. It's just sad

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Some of those ideas are fine and you'll pick the mistakes along the way, good yankbro

You're a Russian cocksucker, so you should like RT.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-13 ‘We taught them to use forks’ Polish official slams French amid spat over halted Airbus deal(1).png (813x1179, 863.5K)

no im a mongol retard
more the bedrock of fentanyl lmao

i look at alot of eastern european cam whores and gotta say you're all pretty fucking pathetic as far as instilling nationalistic values where it counts: your female population
literally ass open for turk/nigger invasion. get your fucking shit together slavsquatters

Poland is an artificially created "country" that was created by Jewish intellectual elite, using Slavic (majority Sarmatian-descendants) population for political purposes (a kind of a buffer zone) in order to divide Western and Eastern civilizations. First polish "king" (a figurehead) was surrounded by Jewish advisers. Even first "polish" coins were minted in now extinct Lashon Knaan (Hebrew-Yiddish-Hybrid) language. "Polish people" are nothing more, but a result of political policies. Poles are just a political side effect and as long as they remain useful for the intellectual elite's goals, they are going to be allowed to exists.

Attached: Lashon-Knaan-Polish-Coin.jpg (200x192, 13.77K)

Why should you give a shit about these countries? Just sounds to me like youre still butthurt over how they dont want to share a country with you.
If all these countries want to be independant from Russia so much, theres bound to be a reason for it.
Even Belarus doesnt want to merge with Russia lmao.

>While here in the great state of Serbia we had an empire on three seas,
That's cute.

Attached: 2Gp6SEGMcbTZiyk6GUgNjwCVF1mM34QY.jpg (1920x1442, 488.78K)

Fuck the White Europa that includes Poland and Denmark shill. Some Turks being White just like the forementioned two doesn't make them any crucially valuable only by being so, we need to develop. You're some kinda Varg Vikernes cringelord aren't you

>Poland and Ukraine
>Should be a part of Russian mutt empire and racemix with churkas
Yeah, no, thank you.


This person has some problems. Non stop similar threads.

both pooland and benelux have a reason to exist. they have been created as a buffer state, so that germany has to declare war on extra countries if they want to invade france or russia. while jelly anglo kikes will obviously intervent and guarantee them.

Your mongol state was Russian for almost 300 years. You are Russian rapebabies

Just go ask Merkel if she has any control on us right now...
You are actually the one talking about things that are none of your business because you can't get enough of the Big Russian Cock.


sit down poolish "man" . you didnt create shit, except a haven for kikes. even your meme flag proves this. low IQ magic believer

>Poland is an artificially created "country" that was created by Jewish intellectual elite, using Slavic (majority Sarmatian-descendants) population for political purposes (a kind of a buffer zone) in order to divide Western and Eastern civilizations. First polish "king" (a figurehead) was surrounded by Jewish advisers. Even first "polish" coins were minted in now extinct Lashon Knaan (Hebrew-Yiddish-Hybrid) language. "Polish people" are nothing more, but a result of political policies. Poles are just a political side effect and as long as they remain useful for the intellectual elite's goals, they are going to be allowed to exists.

This should be put in fuckin school books everywhere. Poles are literally a shit stain, a black hole on a White man's anus

>You can find exclusively Serbian and Russian toponyms in India because we're the most Aryan after Greekbros.
Russians are the least Aryan and most Mongol because they have the most Asiatic DNA of any Slav. Poles and other West Slavs are the most Aryan Slavs.

Attached: GLL0M9y.png (986x1118, 853.9K)

just a warning flare estonian

And so why most of Russians look hapa, and most of Ukrainians look just normal white people?

We don't have the dna admixture you illiterate retard, we have finno-ugric people living among us.

They are not useless. They are useful for Gosdep.

what are you on about, on the map it was russian but the nobility was germ

Woah woah simmer down Berta. A Serb and a Russian always stand together while Hans is widening your butthole, but no reason for you to spit out rudeness out of that whore mouth just because we like fine entertainment

>Red Sqaure
Speaking of the "Red Square", it looked the best when it was filled with Polish banners.

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cuck you turk whore
poles are rooted in the dark ages long before your ass raison of a country coalesced from the wastes of byzantium

Face it moron, you russians are the most butthurt here because these countries dont want anything to do with you.
You just call them useless to protect your ego.
Couldnt even keep Estonia because of singing civilians haha

Ok, Mehmet "Scholl"...



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Cope harder

Keep coping, as if you can fool anyone.
>having said that, yes there are some white Russian people but that is a very small minority.
>Russia also has highest % of muslims of all Europe. Ah all of those big nosed dark and hairy caucasians....

Lmao literally using stats from his Jew master's book. Find me a single West Slav toponym in India, I'll wait. And you're fucking problem is that you don't know what Aryan even means. 1. Speaking an Indo-European language 2. Having ancestors that colonized India in 3th century BC. And Russians are pure as a blond piece of honest White woman's hair, Mongols explicetely standed against any kind of racial mixing fucktard. It's non existent as an occurence

Based serbbro. Slav(e)scum must be wiped out once and for all

>We don't have the dna admixture you illiterate retard, we have finno-ugric people living among us.
There is a reason why Poles classify your "Russian" "civilization" as Turanic (Mongol/Asiatic). 200 years of Mongol occupation and subjugation of the Rus people have left its mark, both physically and foremost mentally.

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