Brit/pol/ - Fuck Lockdown edition

>UK Police appear from the shadows to bust up rural picnic

>Cops prowling around break in en masse to lonely man's apartment

>Government criticised for handling of the "crisis"

>Leaked dossier shows Blairites delierately tried to lose 2017 election to oust Corbyn

>SNP under scrutiny for how £2.2 billion to support business is being spent

>Huawei rejects "baseless" claims about its involveent in UK 5G network

>UK has a political power vacuum and the journalistic class has completely failed : Iain Dale

>Who is Philip Cross? Information wars from Craig Murray

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I hope you lot all install the Our NHS contact tracing app


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>i-it's just a flu

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>Craig Murray





Corona deaths are just part and parcel of living in a big city.

Attached: Corona Deaths 12th April 2020.png (796x924, 124.82K)

Lads, I have a genuine idea:

Dating app which connects you to people who are between 2 - 10 generations of your family tree. Thoughts?

So your great-great-grandfather's sister's daughter's son's son's daughter is matched with you (providing you're of a similar age).

reminder to go outside
the best cure for flu is vitamin D, fresh air, sunshine and exercise

remain indoors is the evil meme to continue the 2020 flu season

fight me

Also, the fact that guns need ammunition.
Making good propellent and primer that actually fully combusts and doesn't clog up the mechanism is the most difficult part (see that Halle shooter)

This is me greeting the police

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Why do you wanna fuck your relatives

in iceland they have apps designed to prevent people from dating their cousins



Enjoy prison for that threat

t. Ahmed

You lads are the best and I love you dearly

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Where the fuck is the Labour dossier?

my, that's a big one

He’s such a larper

Not a joke, we have designated BBQ areas on the beach.

>About half of all Covid-19 deaths appear to be happening in care homes in some European countries, according to early figures gathered by UK-based academics who are warning that the same effort must be put into fighting the virus in care homes as in the NHS.
most countries are only (under)counting hospital deaths, so the real death toll has to be at least 3x the official count.

My cousin was hot then she got fat and married a cop who looked like a basedboy wojak

He played us like a god damned fiddle

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Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest! What is their charge?Trying to enjoy a meal? A succulent chinese meal!

what did he do?

>OI! Vhat's a fookin fhreat m8! Oi'm gunna send ya ta da fookin slammah fo' makin' fhreats to our offisahs.

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Enjoy prison for crossing the road without the state's permission

It's a toy hammer matey don't you dare insult the prophet

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what are the realistic chances of us being back at work in the next month?

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don't remind me, jesus

some of us are working mate

It was all an act

"Odd" phrasing, "can be reactivated", as opposed to "can reactivate", what reactivates it, if it does not do it on it's own?

>Imagine not being able to recognise 4chin fine names
>imagine being a namefag
>imagine being this easily bamboozled
lmao, the state of newfags

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Yeeeaaaahhhhh. Do you even history?


how do you know?

0%. the virus isn't going to magically disappear

Very high lad, Boris recovered, deaths going down and infections very slow

Still recovering from the shock - what a pro!

In December my nan and grandad simultaneously got pnumonia was in hospital, my mum went to visit her and her they made her wear full ppe becuase their was a flu outbreak in the ward. In October one my dad's friend had really bad pnumonia had to go on a ventilator and all, doctors speculated it could be bird flu but they didn't do any tests

Makes me wonder if this had been going round for longer than they say

chernobyl is on fire lads

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i don't take my phone outside

Pretended to be a schizophrenic e-celebrity very, very convincingly for over 10 years, for reasons that remain unclear. One thing we can say for certain, Tim J. Byrne can act.

Hahaha the seething Jews in the comments

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The Halle shooter used the wrong type of powder in his propellant.



>Boris recovered
nobody "recovers". it's a SARS/AIDS chimera. it stays with you forever because your immune system can't actually destroy the virus.

Attached: sars aids.png (969x263, 27.12K)

We have a virus. The “virus which has no less right to kill to live than humans have to kill to rule”( Borislav Pekic – Rabies).
It has been described as a creature on the border between life and inorganic nature showing the possibility to confuse other programs. It exploits certain types of cells attaching to their sheath and runs into them the only one molecule-RNA. That molecule contains commands for the production of the same virus inside of the living cell. It establishes a “secret or shadow government” in the cell. All resources in the cell are subordinated and are executing commands recorded in a “kill matrix.”
The cell production system is remodeled, after which depleted cells die.
Virus manipulates as humans do!
We should make friends with viruses!
Nikola Tesla in his article about “The problem of increasing human energy,” published in June 1900, left us a lot of essential messages, one of which I will share with you here.

“When we speak of man, we have a conception of humanity as a whole, and before applying scientific methods to the investigation of his movement, we must accept this as a physical fact. But can anyone doubt today that all the millions of individuals and all the innumerable types and characters constitute an entity, a unit?
Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them. I cut my self in the finger, and it pains me: this finger is part of mine. I see a friend hurt, and it hurts me, too: my friend and I are one. And now I see stricken down an enemy, a lump of matter which, of all the lumps of matter in the universe, I care least for, and it still grieves me. Does this not prove that each of us is only part of a whole?”

The police confiscated my tartan thermos flask and hot cross buns the bastards.

people thought the same thing about Chris Chan when his rolling and trolling video came out, turned out he was still fucking crazy

Not a good idea la
>When Cousins Marry (Genetic Disorder Documentary) | Only Human