Say something redpilled

Say something redpilled

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OP is a fag

There's nothing wrong with smashing boipussy.

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Fuck jannies

the Earth is flat

based and redpilled

Jews control the banks and media.

dead niggers

I am straight. Don’t you forget it.

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I voted for obama

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OP is straight.

no fucking way thats a dude

you all are going to die

Reminder clowns are CIA and y'all got tricked into wearing CIA memes.

There is nothing wrong in strict quarantine. Social whores must suffer.

God sent me.


4 squares per wipe is all you need.

Be gone thot
based as fuck
you wish
It is look at it's face


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There are only two genders - male and female.
There is only one sexuality - heterosexuality.
Anything else is a sin and a mental illness.
Putting on a dress DOES NOT make you a girl.
This post WILL make trannies SEETHE.

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Julian Assange being alive is a deepfake, 1 live alien among a few dead ones were recovered along with a craft in Roswell New Mexico, China and Iran were attacked by a bioweapon but meanwhile a hoax is making it look like the U.S. has it while old people draining millions a month combined in pensions seem to be the most prevalent covid-19 victims them and niggers, the jews killed jfk for being a real american, pizzagate was supposedly debunked by the media same day they ever decided to talk about it with 0 investigation, Great Britain’s Tavistock institution jews the hell out of the goyim, a pyramid with giant skeletons inside exist in Antarctica, ever 7,000-20,000 years give or take our magnetic poles here on earth shift and causes continents to sink along with other apocalyptic events, the jews did 9-11, there’s a massive cyberwar attacking USA in all covid-19 hotspots and that’s been happening since 22 March 2020 see fortinets live cyber map let alone their blog and chat feeds, the CIA has a history of selling drugs, Weiner’s laptop had Hilary’s emails and the contents were beyond graphic, deep underground military bases, the elites consume adrenochrome and pedophilia is how the members of the club all get blackmailed into compliance, children are sold like a commodity in this world, bill gates wants to reduce population in the world via vaccines, the system has been rigged against low-mid class for a long time, glowing in the dark niggers read mine and your posts, the jews consider goyim no different than wild animals, the world economy is ruled by banks and interest, the governments of the world are the most sophisticated criminal organizations around, 99% of what you read on your phone is disinfo designed to lead you astray from ever piecing this together yourself, we aren’t the first people in history to be ultimately exploited to the amusement and entertainment of the ones in power.

Who is this

We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge.
In fealty to the God-Emperor Trump (our undying Lord) and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Earth Primaris.
I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and consign a billion non-white souls to oblivion.
May Imperial Justice account in all balance.
The Emperor Protects.

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hitler was a kike and americans ruin the board


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Can something be both obvious and based?
Asking for a friend.

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

shit spewage comes from assholes

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kaya is a fat fucking slob, this doctored image does not help but to point out what parts were shooped to make this pig look fuckable


Niggers should be exterminated.

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Microsoft doesn't care if you don't buy HoloLens, they hired Marina Abramovic because they want to appeal to elites in government for a juicy contract.

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Latinas were made for BWC

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Wasting our time here only makes us weaker as men. We bitch about society getting weaker and continually fail to be strong for our nation, our community, our families, and ourselves.

Trump's the best president since Reagan.

The Chinese have set back globalism for at least a generation by their deceitful handling of the Corona virus.

Governments madly printing money without end in sight may lead to hyperinflation.

There is no justice under the sun. The rich and powerful protect one another while the cries of the poor or oppressed go ignored.

Religion is stupid yet areligious societies fail more often and with more disastrous outcomes.

fat fucking pig

Jesus lives. Accept Him and be saved.

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Politics is a fraud and part of the control system.

The /sailpill/ is the truest path to happiness and freedom.

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Christ man calm down.

You need to go back to Plebbit.

Everything I posted is 100% based.



>muh Trump
How much Jewish semen do you gobble down per day, nigger?


Slavs are subhumans