this happened to a guy I knew.. he was deployed and didn't tell this wife and family back home when he relieved a little early. He wanted to surprise them (and his dog). So.. he goes back home, walks into his house, hears his wife whimpering in the back room and thinks she is injured, but he goes into their bedroom and a large black bull is fucking his wife and they are both totally sweaty and in the throes of ecstacy. He freaked out (understandably) and damn near beat his wife .. he held back though as he knows if he hit a girl he go to jail for a long time. He was heartbroken ... the thing that he said hurt him the most was that when he walked in on his wife she was panting and in such total otherworldly ecstacy because of the black cock she had inside her. He said that she never made noises like that when he fucked her. I guess it is true that white women crave black men and black cock
This happened to a guy I knew...
Saged. Chinkcels need a new hobby
>this thread
If you want to join the military for Zog, go for it. Just don’t get married until after you leave, or you will inevitably be cucked
Ye. Until they get HIV, live in the ghetto as a TA without a degree, slamming back 10 beers a day in an attempt to rid of their mistakes.
Sounds fulfilling.
Actor is Brutus Black look him up. Loved the wedding night porn scene with Chrisina Noir
If chinks are posting this, as you say, they must be paid good money. Hey I want that money too, but not cheap, cause secrecy is important. Send money via Huawei. Also, Huawei bought that small company in Russia for 50 millions bucks, is that how you pay?
Jews or Asian incels, the mystery goes on.
Nice Chink micro-penis larp
Whats it really like having a baby size penis ?
Imagine being a twink for life no matter what you do.
How do you guys even find it when its cold out.
The Chink micro-penis fears cold water
You seem to be new around here. Chinklets have a foreskin while OP doesn't.
Ointment applied.
Based. White women are unironically built for the BBC
all these posts do is prove how jealous you are of real humans
I used to enjoy browsing pol but every day your obsession with penises grows more and more.
Whoever is orchestrating this, you're doing a great job at getting people to stop browsing this site
why mods deleted the thread previous? so insecure Americans, this is relevant
Circumcised americuck kikes btfo
for me it's his stuff with becky and holly
Thanks bro
sheem sleepy
Keep your homo fanfictions and your sexual fantasies to yourself faggot.
OP is the guy he knew
Happened to a freind of mine but he was the nigger and went away to the army and cheated on his wife with random sluts
Fuck you nigger faggot chink jew
My dad shot a man he caught fucking his exwife before he met my mom and didn't get in trouble lol my dad is based. I'd gladly do the same in that situation. Probably shoot her though too because why not?
>and then i woke up
Notwithstanding the fact that the picture is related, something similar actually happened to an uncle of my Serbian friend who lived in Sweden.
>Comes home from work early
>Wife is fucking a sandnigger
>Slaps wife in front of said sandnigger
>Prison for three years
>Loses house, custody of three children, two dogs, all savings
>Gets citizenship revoked and perma-deported back to Serbia with a criminal record
Muh sage
Lmao white cuck
Reminder to janitors and moderators that allowing these threads to stay up today will cost you and your families lives tommorow. That is a threat.
1 post
>In today's episode of "Shit that never happened"...
Also, you write like a retarded 5th grader.
Sage n slide.
this is why I mgtow
good. fuck immigrants. especially slavshits
>something similar actually happened to an uncle of my Serbian friend who lived in Sweden.
Did he work at Nintendo?
It could happen to you too, user. It's a slippery slope.
kek why don't you try the black dick if you love it so much chink-op
He worked for PlayStation 5 and XSX, actually.
This board needs several extra janitors just to mop up all the race fetish threads that get posted constantly. Go get some fresh air and rethink your life OP.
LMAO I haven't met a single dependa who wasn't cheating on her husband with some nigger.
fuck america and shit
Anybody has the picture of the bleeding the GI on top and the nigger fucking a white women in the bottom? It says "meainwhile at home" or something like this at the bottom.
Guess he’ll just have to start fucking chink bitches while he’s blowing up their husbands. Seems fair.
Imagine getting up every day just to post demoralization threads on Yas Forums (it doesn't even work anyway). If there was a liberal equivalent to Yas Forums I would never think of wasting my time doing this shit
Oyy veyy! At least he didn't shit i his pants
>beats up his wife and not the guy fucking her
White peepo thangs
this is why you only marry virgins and never sign up for zog. and support policies that allow execution for idolatry.
Fuck op, but the picture is unironically true. It is extremely stupid to go and fight for israel in some dusty shithole, while also having your homeland full of niggers and other ape-like scum.