AncestryDNA accuracy

So I have my mother and fathers results in comparison to mine, but some of the results confuse me

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Me part 2

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Me vs my mother

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Me vs my father part 1

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Me vs my father part 2

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My question, how can I be part Filipino? No one in my family is Filipino. I don’t get it

ethnicity estimates is the least reliable part of a dna test.
You should look for shared matches.

Your dad has 11%. You have 5%. Your mom has 0%. What are you confused about? You got it from your dad.

No shit, but where did he get it from, my grandma is french and grandfather is german. Not Filipino. And it has to have come from my fathers side because my mother is almost 100% pure Anglo

could be because of western admixture within the control group who make up the Philippines ethnicity result.

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>shared matches
What do you mean? Like the family tree? We have a family tree, and there’s no Filipinos in it


>No shit, but where did he get it from
11% is significant. Hmm, could be crossover / mixup from indian group?

So you get the results, and it looks like you have a tiny bit of Filipino, even though you don't look Filipino, and your dad doesn't look Filipino. But because your grandparents also don't look Filipino, and I'm assuming they haven't had the test so you don't know their actual numbers, you're confused? Obviously one of them has a little bit of Filipino.

>1% Ghana

>What do you mean?
Yes, the people you get as Matches, you can view matches and see who you share them with.

Kek. It means your great grandpa had yellow fever.

This is a tough mystery to solve OP, may take all day.
You and your dad should go out for a bite to eat while I interview your mom

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Indian as India or Native American. I do have Native American blood because I’m from New Orleans and most French people here have a little bit of native. If it was a mixup that would make a lot of sense actually

It happens sometimes in some groups.
Because of contact people have mixed a bit, especially in ports and cities with trade so if a small percentage of the population have a non native ancestor then the control group is contaminated that DNA, so its a mix up.

I'm part finnish so my family get all kinds of weird ethnicities, mostly asian.

How many Filipinos live in New Orleans?

imagine being retarded enough to hand your DNA over to a private company

average obese amerimutt with goblino DNA and lacks a foreskin

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Literally whiter than you lol

What club can I join?

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The Philippines were part of the Viceroyality of New Spain with extensive contact and exchanges happening. In fact there still are quite a few Filipino words in Mexican Spanish and vice versa because of this.

okay mutt

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Ok but that doesn't apply to me. My fathers side came to the US in 1890

Congrats, your are 1%black

that means nothing
>0-1% black

Imagine doing that and then posting it here, as if OP didn't just dox herself.

>average IQ of africa is 60
>that's generalizing and therefore wrong!!!!
okay mongrel

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post your dna or gtfo

Based anglo-saxon master race

spaniards breed with jungle monkeys->filipinos now have western admixture
you have some dna of those spaniards as well, but DNA collecting company wrongly considers it phillipino DNA.

You can corroborate that none your 32 great great great grand parents was a Filipino?

I'm not spanish though

You do realize this means, at most, 13% of people claiming to be white have African ancestry.

One my mothers side yes, my family tree goes back over a thousands years, and is all english which is why shes so pure, but I can only go back 200 years on my fathers side to france.

europeans are related

is there a way to search for matches with Filipino dna?

Don't know, but I want to join too. I even still have foreskin. Wanna be frens?

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Well then congrats the official records are thus false and at least one of your grandpas has been cucked or one of your grandmas has been raped. This is neither a rare nor unusual occurrence.

>55 percent white
Holy fuck the memes right themselves

>willingly giving your dna to your jewish owners
no thank you mutt
so you go from 56% white to how much
48% by my calculation
and now subtract the spic dna


If my father has 11% and I have 5% and my mother has 0% then how many generations back would I have to go to find the 100% Filipino, assuming its not just a false positive and not just native american dna

You are more Native American than Elizabeth Warren.

Someone slept around (or was raped) a hundred plus years ago. All sorts of crazy stuff went on and no one talked about it.