When will America re-open?

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When you go 3 days without touching yourself.

Damn nigga that ain't never happening
OP can stop monlging cocks, usually his own

Didn't the Pajeet from the Federal Reserve say it would be 18 months of rolling lockdowns?

It was never closed.

Out in the woods, we're trading goods and services. Life doesn't stop neither does business. I traded two jars of Black Berry Preserves for two dozen eggs. Got 2 quarts of shine for one of my hand made axes. Life is pretty good.

>when you close you open

Oooooooo myyyyyy

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Around autumn of 2021.

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The "Happening" hasn't even started yet

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What’s rolling lockdowns???

Explain meme flaggot

Its where- HOLY SHIT, how are you posting if you are dead!?!?!


Me on the right

June 1

The quarantines are enforced locally state by state so it's going to vary, but Trump is going to pressure the governors to go back to something approaching normalcy by June. Recalcitrant pinkos like Cuomo and Newsom might defy him for a month or so, but even they will hit the hard wall of economic reality. Unemployed mobs breed instability and there isn't enough money for there to suddenly be a permanently unemployed underclass of thirty percent of the population yet, they need time for automation tech to catch up.
The decision has been made at the highest levels, open by June, back to work soon,boomers, niggers and fags dying off is actually a boon.
Of course, if your job was really important to society , you never stopped working.

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it's when they open up until too many people die and then close again

Probably another week.
People are starting to break quarantine, and if they attempt to fine them or arrest them, the courts will be backed up for a century.
The longer they wait, the worse it will be.

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Thanks desu

The sooner, the better. So many asymptomatic carriers don't have a clue they are sick. They will all go partying very hard the day you lift it off.

We will make an iron curtain like the soviet union and prussianize.

Lol wow you are getting screwed

Imagine being such a fucking retard.
I can't believe we made him your president.

When masculinity compensating fags like that aren't scared of a fake germ

t. Kike

>I can't believe we made him your president.

Earliest is May 1st

>Earliest is May 1st
Followed by a 2nd lockdown beginning June 1st.

They’re getting fined not arrested. Fines are through the magistrate not a judge and it will be balanced out by the lack of speeding tickets

Never. The elite are proving that Americans are a static quantity. They're setting up a huge trust exercise with the intention of dropping the ball and facing down four hundred million angry, desperate citizens.