Gee thanks for the $1200 trump, I can't wait to give it all to my landlord...

Gee thanks for the $1200 trump, I can't wait to give it all to my landlord. This surely makes up for the economy being shut down for 2 months.

>This is what MIGAtards actually think

Attached: Trump.jpg (720x887, 369.3K)

You know what people think? You can read minds?
Mind reading isn't real. Some schizos think they can read minds.
Stop spreading your delusions from your apparently crippling mental illness you fucking dipshit.

Is it even coming?



Donald Trump isn't making you stay in. Go outside nigger.

>Gee thanks for the $1200 trump, I can't wait to give it all to my landlord. This surely makes up for the economy being shut down for 2 months.
KEK. Welcome to life, son.

Attached: kek.jpg (125x119, 3.32K)

>gets 1k
>we made a fortune thanks to him!
absolute state of his sharting voterbase

Some people already got theirs

Would be cool if the money only went to people that voted for him in 2016.

>too many newfags from reddit bringing their schizo issues with them

>Welcome to life
No, you have to go back.

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doesn’t know to save money
expects president to make it up for him

Back to where? Just trying to help you. You have to harden the fuck up.Everyone is in the same boat with the chink plague. What do you want our governments to do exactly?

This was the dumbest post I've read today

Depends if you put all in bitcoin, landlords can wait...

only poorfags have already received their trumpbux

I’m not getting any money since I make too much. In essence I’m giving you that $1200 so either be appreciative or shut the fuck up. No one forced you to sign a lease so don’t bitch about your bills. I paid my mortgage last week because it’s my obligation.

If you are so broke, then why you are paying so much rent?

Not shut down the entire world to save the heckin' boomerinos is a good start

The virus was only the opening scene of this happening, the real happening is going to be the damage to the economy. Unless you unironically think 20+ million people can all lose their jobs and nothing bad will happen.

I’m broke as fuck and I don’t see anything.

I already paid rent though
That $1200 is going into getting me into tradeschool, and a new gun
I’d call you a poorfag but I’m one too. Difference is I don’t wanna be a poorfag anymore I guess

That $1200 is literally just paying for my preps that I purchased before the lockdown.

Did it hurt your feelings schizo.

>You have to harden the fuck up.
I don't pay rent to another nor do I accept handouts from the government. Plenty hard already.
>Everyone is in the same boat
I have a private boat.

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>nor do I accept handouts from the government
How do you plan on giving that $1200 back then? It automatically gets deposited in taxpayers accounts. Hold onto it all year and give it back in taxes next year?

Should've had some kids and got married faggot

>for 2 months
>mutt 'thinks' he'll be back dancing for shekel tips by June

holy -- fucking -- kek

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>It automatically gets deposited in taxpayers accounts.
Not everyone lets the IRS have free access to their bank account. I don't know how welfare works but I haven't received shit, neither a check nor a notice.

If you have filed taxes, it’ll get deposited in the same account that your tax returns go in to. I don’t need the money as I am still employed and have a decent emergency savings, but I’ll still take the check. It’s our money. Taxation is theft.

My return came in the mail. Will a check be mailed to me? I will take the check as well, if it comes. Not going to stand in line for it tho.


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It should be directly deposited in your account. I haven’t received mine, but my brothers, who use a credit union, have had there returns get directly deposited into their account.

Thanks for the bailout, wagies.

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fuck u nigger im buying a guitar. where do you live that rent is 1200 a month. kys. thanks daddy trump.

i got my trump bucks btw.

nice man is it a schecter blackjack? Or sum type of fancy ass PRS?

you should be extremely grateful that you're getting anything at all

idk yet. im looking at a vintage charvel star on ebay or a hamer vector.

Wouldn't it be cool it you ate shit and died?


>Be essential chad, extra hours from panic buying and home office
>Laugh at communist seething that the government isnt doing enough for them
>laugh at communists mad that the social contracts they signed arent exempt in a crisis

How retarded do you have to be to watch Nancy Pelosi stall your ability to feed yourself. Then continue to accept government cock as your only means of sustenance

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