The classical global project of the Jesuits was described by H.P. Blavatsky in a January 1887 letter marked with the words “private and confidential”.

Addressed to Alfred Sinnett, the letter says:

“It would be well perhaps, if the Jesuits contented themselves with making dupes of Freemasons and opposing the Theosophists and Occultists using for it the Protestant clergy as ‘cat’s paw’. But their plottings have a much wider scope, and embrace a minuteness of detail and care of which the world in general has no idea. Everything is done by them to bring the mass of mankind again to the state of passive ignorance which they well know is the only one which can help them to the consummation of their purpose of Universal Despotism.”

Attached: HPB-1a.png (516x355, 200.59K)

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Wasn't she also a notable occultist and Satanist?

Yes she was, and notice how she doesn't mention Jews. Not that i wanna defend jesuits by any means.

she's not wrong at all, too bad she worships maitreya. then again, perhaps at this point it's the only way to fight jesuits

She was a fraud.

what do you mean? she hated jews and christians pretty much equally

I love her short story the ensouled violin, I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys horror

Whoever speaks the truth about the Jesuits always ends up being called a Satanist.

>she hated jews
Based most of her doctrine on the Kabbalah.

so what? you don't think there is some truth in kabbalah? there is only one and no religion is higher than the truth therefore a portion of truth is found in all religious and philosophical systems


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Is the the one that saw that swastika as the symbol that represents the future of aryan man?

being a fraud is the first step to acomplishing anything

>How can you dislike Indians if you use their numbers?

I didn't think she was a Satanist but she definitely was into the occult, as the other user pointed out she was a huge fraud as well. She claimed to be a virgin all her life when she was known to have married, I have no idea why she was so adamant about lying about this other than possibly it conflicted with some of her views on psychic powers ( virginity holds power in many occult beliefs).

This desu. Kabbalah at its purest is just number and geometry.
Some symbols/representations may have been kiked, but it's fine at its most fundamental level.
The first three sephiroth for example can be described as:
>from a point, to a line, to a plane, thus the universe unfolds itself

After Blavatsky died in 1891, the Jesuits took control of Theosophical society through the pedophile Leadbeater and Anie Besant.
Today the Theosophical Society belongs to the Jesuits.

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>you don't think there is some truth in kabbalah?
There's true in anything if you believe it enough. She was still a larping vile hag who ruined Western Occultism for me, when I looked into her bullshit and how it spread from everyone from Steiner to Bardon to Cayce.

>The Lucis Trust's publishing company was founded in the early 1920s as the Lucifer Publishing Company.[1] The Lucis Trust says that the name was probably chosen to honor Lucifer.[1] The name was changed in 1925 to the Lucis Publishing Company. In Latin lucem ferre means "to bear light" and lucis means of light. The company has headquarters in New York City, London, and Geneva.

>The Trust is established in Great Britain under the title "Lucis Trust Ltd.", in Switzerland as "Lucis Trust Association", and in the Netherlands as the "Lucis Trust Stichting".

>The Lucis Trust runs a blog, "World Goodwill", which focuses on defining new Sustainable Development Goals for humanity.[2]

preddy good for a fraud I guess

>pedophile Leadbeater
Correct user.

Satan in the trips.

Wrong, on buddhism.

Leadbeater was a black Jesuit magician, he used the left hand tantra with his teenage students to create a black temple on the astral plane.

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CWL and Boys, Sydney

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Oh really. I happen to be very knowledgable on this subject. Let's play. So what from Buddhism did the Theosophists take user?

>he used the left hand tantra with his teenage students
You honestly think that faggot could AP for a start?

>She was still a larping vile hag who ruined Western Occultism for me

what didn't you like about her?

yes, speaking of the devil, that was... spooky,,,

Lies user, lies.