Why are they trying so hard to convince everyone this is normal?

Why are they trying so hard to convince everyone this is normal?

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>Why are they trying so hard to convince everyone this is normal?
Why isn't bestiality normal?

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It's the norm now. I don't know how it is in your country, but I've never seen a blonde woman in mine who isn't date a black guy. At best he is brown, but never white.

In order to make it normal.

What do you mean?? all I see is a happy couple!

is she ok is he raping her?

>how do we show diversity without promoting white men

Literally what it is. If they showed a black woman with a white man they'd get accused of perpetuating some slave owner fantasy.

They are pushing zoophilia now?
I thought pedophilia was next on their list

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It's literally normal tho

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>Superimposes chimp pic
That was some quick work CIA - nice!!

Drugs are a powerful think.

photoshop a jewish woman in there

and it's ALWAYS, white female black male

fucking kek!


Why do women do everything they can to give up power when they get it? Hmmmm


I'm going to lynch every black user off my 8 inch dick and laugh doing it. you fucks disgust me.
>iTs n0rMal
No its fucking not and you know this to be the case.
>hur durr muh bbc
That's also a fucking lie.

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So they can replace whites. Good chance your not going to stand up to mass immigration and globalism if you are a mutt rape-baby.

They keep settin' 'em up, I keep knockin' 'em down.

built for BBC

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You misspelled cm

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Have interracial sex, incel.

Niggers don't recognize themselves from the mirror until they are six years old. White babies do at the age of six months.
Nigger IQ is 65-75 in Africa, 85 in USA. White average IQ range is 95-109 (Northern, nonmongrel Italy). Higher IQ people are more difficult to control, and jews aren't exactly skilled in the fields they take over - compare Disney products, Lucasfilm or such before and after jews become the highest authority. They want to produce, or only can produce, low quality content. It's cheaper.

Nigger men don't marry, or if they do, it's nearly always a divorce. More money for divorce lawyers. More votes for socialism from single mothers. More money flow from a central source, more money for jews.

It is normal in Netherlands

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It is only natural!

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That's so weird, too. It's better to have 0 niggers than any, regardless of what kind of control grid you have for them.

Says the macacao. We're talking about civilized countries here.


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They made a promise to God. His rent collector has arrived.

White flight is also a big business. The more mongrels, muslims, mexicans and/or negroes move in to a neighborhood, the less it's worth to live in. Old boomer families must take a new mortgage, and jews can opt out to change laws so that the mongrel folk moves elsewhere, and they get cheap housing to sell off again.

It’s the women and gay men

The issue is more so a moral/cultural one. Plenty of good people can be stupid as hell and even slightly violent. But niggers have no morals make more children then never develop relationships with their children making a cycle. Instead of raping crime is cool some of these manipulative fucks should rap about family values or some shit.

Do more, pls

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simple, it's easier for the ruling class to safely and predictably grow their power and level of control when the population has a particular IQ. they want to change the trends and make this number stop increasing. the best way to do that is to introduce african dna more prominently in the population

Brainlet approach
You should replace the women's faces with jewish ones

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because women especially white women would like to have an orgasm from penetrative sex, not just a white boy sucking on her clit to make her come.

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this is what they took from you Yas Forums

Niggers aren't human though and bestiality is degenerate.

it's fine but the model on the left might be gay
he has cookies face

Amen!!!! White women are for Black BVLLS

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I find it wierd it is never a white male with a black chick, always the other way around.


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Maybe in your shitty northeast hole that is true

Seethe about what? Women selecting for apelike traits once more? That happens every generation.
If you shave an ape torso and cut off the lower limbs and head, you won't be able to recognize it from the male homo sapiens. You can't really mistake it for a female body, because men have had higher aesthetic standards than that. In terms of nigger men, the jaw and forehead are the same for them and apes, difference would be legs - which are underdeveloped for the whole species. Runners, bah, not even digitgrade.

Women have a bad, pre-civilizational taste in things. Which is why they want apes, which is why men look so ugly. Our whole species is a mess. Eugenics is banned because majority of the people are like jews and want to survive despite being trash.

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lol the same white women in those photos are the same ones that would get angry if a white man got with a Russian or South American babe.

because whites are the most fragile and insecure unlike blacks for example so wmbf won't get a lot of reaction and be shared everywhere like you are doing now

jesus relax Chang, white women wont fuck you no matter how much nigger shit you post

Cope more little white cuck. You can post anti-Black threads all day, it won't make a difference. BBC is out banging white girls everyday, you're here crying "THIS SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Maybe if white girls wanted you you wouldn't be a Nazi..

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How many thousands of years will it take for them to reach decent IQ ranges, though? I imagine the equatorial 'humans' will remain in the 60-70 iq range, or plummet there, and the northern ones will have theirs increase as winters cull the ghetto populations.

Tell that to the Africans that got mad because Chinese and French men were taking their women.

>you're here crying "THIS SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>Maybe if white girls wanted you you wouldn't be a Nazi..

Ok Schlomo.


America gon get dis dick. Pic related faggot

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>Maybe if white girls wanted you you wouldn't be a Nazi..
So you're a retarded jew in this for political reasons. Your mutilated dick isn't going to heal itself.
Besides, white girls want me, I don't want them.

you win the thread

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Women in those photos are butterfaces also it's like the same three chicks in the photos.

Negroes are kept in 10-15% range. Those "People Of Color" are Mexicans. They've been deemed to be a suitable underclass that can be lured into socialism again and again. Just like the monkey traps in Amazon, a cage where a fruit is placed; monkey hand fits in, but fruit doesn't fit out, monkey is trapped.
Like the retard it is.

Besides, America mongrelizing, and plummeting its IQ range will mean that it becomes unsuitable location for technological development or even use. This results in the cutfag mongrels not waging wars overseas, and we can ignore them like the distant savages they are.

>white girls want me, i don't want them
That one girl havin a crush on you in third grade doesn't count

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