Anti 5G Movement

It's a thing and growing.
UK, Netherlands and China are the ones actually doing something about it by burning and destroying them.

It is not fully operational in the Netherlands yet so it is even more effective to stop it.

Attached: No-5g-future.jpg (1024x683, 139.2K)

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Why do we hate 5g? I heard other anons on aus/pol/ talking about how we should destroy them.

haha let me destroy advance technology that take that Illuminati

>Disregarded this as a another insane conspiritard theory like flat earth or fake moon landing
>Powerful groups are actually coming out and trying to contain it instead of just disregarding it like they do with every other conspiracy.
>Thus giving it legitimacy

Okay you got me, give me the 5g redpill

It has 48 times higher frequency than 4G.
The micro and radio waves at full power will be 5 times greater than sunlight and heat you up from the inside out, the skin will not protect you.

This makes you sick and outright kills older and already sick people.
Small animals will die including birds and bees.
Diseases and viruses will kill people faster and easier.

Makes sense. Thanks for the info.

So how does non-ionising radiation do that?


>ching chong bloken engrish

The same way the non-ionizing radiation in a microwave does it.

Holy shit you people are retarded, I don't know who is worse, the Nazi Flag spreading it for the Aussie eating it up. That post was total pseudoscientific BS

No one wants 5G mutt.

what do you know about ionization, user?
are you repeating something you saw in a youtube video hoping to sound smart?
5G waves operate at a wavelength very close to the width of the pores in your skin
it heats your skin the same way your microwave heats water
it causes skin damage the same way the sun does
(skin damage is soft TV speak for cancer)


>According to this info given to us by the guys pushing 5G, this is pseudo science nonsense

yeah does someone have a nonschizo take on why 5G is bad? I've heard it's going to allow them to track basically everyone and everything instantaneously but is that true?

I wish science-illiterate retards weren't in charge of politics

Yeah 5G will be at an high enough intensity to heat things by vibrating Water Molecules. Surely that won't take much energy!
Looks like we ODed your jap brain on the actually dangerous forms of radiation

No one cares what you think squinty

Yeah I certainly would believe some poster on Yas Forums over credentialed engineers and scientists

Okay, there are a million theories but here are two important FACTS:
>telecoms have done ZERO studies into the negative affects on humans
>they are literally DEW spread out to cover entire cities.

I don’t know anything about what health affects because there are no studies, but I do know they are capable of crowd control because they are capable of operating at the same frequencies as military/police weapons used for crowd control

This should be extremely concerning. Imagine a lockdown that could be enforced with ZERO boots on the ground. Imagine walking out your front door and immediately being cooked alive for defying the stay at home order.

Alternatively, imagine cooking a correcting crowd so they disperse without even needing police to corral them

>(((Credentialed engineers and scientists)))

Protesting crowd*

You are right, the Chemists are lying! Go drink some bleach right now it purifies your sperm

we already use 5g in the navy to monitor the weather and atmosphere. this works because it ionized oxygen, allowing meteorologists to measure the movement of water and oxygen in the atmosphere. however 5G shills tell you it's not ionizing radiation, even though every vet in the signal corps has fried an egg with a phased array antenna for fun. when oxygen is ionized the hemoglobin in your blood can't transport oxygen, so you die from a lung attack even if you're on oxygen.

incidentally this is how people are dying from corona, and the test for the virus merely tests for the presence of genetic material. therefore not a single human has every been proven to have the virus, we have no way to chemically test for it yet.

if you talk about this at all, a dead thread will fill up with rare flag shills calling you a schizo and push the thread to the bump limit to get it off the page.

the 5g shills even made a fake news article about a fake law that the DHS passed (which is funny because that's the wrong branch of the government, anyways) they literally IMPERSONATED THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY to stop you from talking about this.

When the shilling is this intense, and they use abuse as social capital, you know that we are right over the target. It honestly doesn't matter if the virus is real or not, or if you are talking about that, as long as you are not talking about whether the health effects from 5g are real or not.
>enhanced stress hormone levels found in the blood of rats exposed to long term high repetition radio frequencies
>Clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats. The tumors were malignant schwannomas. etc.
>In addition, three large-scale carcinogenicity studies in rodents exposed to levels of RFR that mimic lifetime human exposures have shown significantly increased rates of Schwannomas and malignant gliomas, as well as chromosomal DNA damage. Of particular concern are the effects of RFR exposure on the developing brain in children. Compared with an adult male, a cell phone held against the head of a child exposes deeper brain structures to greater radiation doses per unit volume, and the young, thin skull's bone marrow absorbs a roughly 10-fold higher local dose. Experimental and observational studies also suggest that men who keep cell phones in their trouser pockets have significantly lower sperm counts and significantly impaired sperm motility and morphology, including mitochondrial DNA damage. etc.
>The applied levels of MMW power are three orders of magnitude below the existing safe limit for human exposure of 1 mW cm(-2). Surprisingly, even at these low power levels, MMWs were able to produce considerable changes in neuronal firing rate and plasma membrane properties
>Eighty percent of the in vivo studies showed responses to exposure, while 58% of the in vitro studies demonstrated effects.
The responses affected all biological endpoints studied. There was no consistent relationship between power density, exposure duration, or frequency, and exposure effects.

It weakens you not outright kills you unless you are a small animal.
Corona would not have been as big if 5G was not around.

A common cold will with 5G have a high chance to kill you now.
Over time it causes cancer since we are exposed to it constantly.
It heats the water in your skin and is dangerous for your eyes particularly.
>Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.
>Nevertheless, they showed a modest increase in the intracellular level of IL-1b, a major pro inflammatory CYTOKINE produced and release by keratinocytes in response to various stimuli [62]. This result suggests that 61.2-GHz exposure could activate keratinocytes. Moreover, the in vivo study of Makar et al. [63, 64] on mice irradiated at 61.3 GHz and 31 mW/cm2 also showed a pro-inflammatory effect initiated by activation of free nerve endings in the skin.
>At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen.
>Medicine PhD explains the health concerns of 5G, cell phones as well as research suppression by telecommunications industry.
>The measurements of all trees revealed significant differences between the damaged side facing a phone mast and the opposite side, as well as differences between the exposed side of damaged trees and all other groups of trees in both sides. Thus, we found that side differences in measured values of power flux density corresponded to side differences in damage.

>The same way the non-ionizing radiation in a microwave does it

how much heat does a 10 watt 5G signal generate in a human body 100 feet away?

Most assets dont know they are assets, modern scientists can't repeat the experiments of their forebears and science itself has become a religion where what the coats on top say is simply taken as fact until the coats on top say otherwise

Daily reminder to stop taking your fucking meds

The screen you are looking at has a higher frequency than 5g. Unless you put a 5g tower up your ass you are getting a higher dose of em radiation from your screen

Let us know faggot

Attached: 5g.jpg (1409x683, 163.09K)

Burn em down boys.
I don’t believe the coronavirus-5G conspiracy theory, but,
fuck those things. there is a reason why Silicon Valley execs living in $50million mansions have special wires in their sleeping quarters to reduce EMF.
Damn near proud of the schizos for actually doing something for once.

Still don't want 5g




5G is Ghz not hz or mhz

Active Denial System is nearly the same as 5G, you are getting blasted by military grade weapons.

Don't fucking know and don't fucking care. We don't need 5G.

'We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe'

>It has 48 times higher frequency than 4G.
uhh no

4G is in Ghz as well retard

>Why do we hate 5g?
no published peer reviewed testing