He saved Europe

He saved Europe.

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he couldn't even save the last piece of cheese cake on christmas eve

The opposite

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no, condemned it

Yeah the UK is absolutely doing fantasticly right now.

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Chuchill created Hitler.

Fantastic I say

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He saved Europe.

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Couldn't even keep England white.

You spelled "The World" wrong

Unfortunatly he failed to save it

By destroying Germany, yes.


he tried to rape some whiteness back into your savage ass, ahmed

He shilled for the kikes and now Europe is fucked.

KYS Ahmed

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Churchill's policies based on orders given to him by his masonic masters intentionally stifled the zionist movement after ww1, as to convince them to look to more radical solutions. That's what led to the creation of Hitler.

That story gets to me

Jesus fucking Christ it all went so wrong


>Tfw you realise that this speech was written as a way of "sticking it to the racist far right" but everything he said turns out to be right all along

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Ok, Mustafa.

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You can only imagine how many WW2 vets realised just how much everytning they have been told, everything they fought for and sacrificed turns out to have been for nothing.

Most normal people don't think about war in political terms, autist, especially not back then. Anyway if you still haven't realized nazi germany was controlled opposition you're one braindead motherfucker.

Fuck germany and their globalist homosexual immigrant worship.

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The only thing that matters is today, tomorrow and the future. Whatever happened is in the past.

The world owes him the destruction of the British empire.

We couldn't have done it alone.

You grovelling coward, no wonder your country is known for its cowardice. You don't just hand you're ancestors hard work to some bitter krauts with a leather fetish.

Having weak european boarders was your idea, no ours.

Yeah keep thinking that.

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>oh he read somewhere that nazi germany was controlled opposition therefore it must be true

No, you only think so because you don't have enough information about ww2 Germany. Reading some stupid conspiracy theory and believing it like a sheep - does not make you smart. It makes you a sheep.

how come france is full of niggers?

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No he didn't he supported the Jews / monarchies megalomaniac conquests.
Hitler warned the international bankers that if they pushed Germany into war he would take it out on (((their))) people. They did not care nor did they listen.
The same banksters funded the genocide of 100 million European brothers in WW1.
Let's just call it out for what it is, the Jewish and aristocracy classes have committed so many genocides against white people some ,estimates put it at a billion white people since Rome.
Then they rewrite history and flood our nations with immigrants and convince the said immigrants that white people are the problem.

The wrong side won the war and its obvious, anyone who contributes to this system defiles the memory of those who fell. Shame on every single tax payer you disgust me.

That's precisely why nazism is still a thing. They'll never stop promoting it, it's one of the most useful ways to malign people who's views would otherwise be considered mainstream.

Reminder that Cuckhill lost the elections in 1945 nobody fucking liked him .


So a bunch of mostly shitskin countries that don't even care about muh queen and are only in for the gibs ?

nice shitpost

Was there any modern war patriots have not been lied into? Maybe the Portuguese in Africa? I don't know enough about that.

more true than you might think. the proof that hitler was culturally destroying europe is the pillaging against the louvre and many other museums.

It's not a conspiracy theory when everything about ww2 and how it happened lines up. Herzl proposed creating a powerful and feared anti-semitic movement to get the jews to move and to justify creating a strong jewish state but even crazier psychos took upon his theory and ran with it. That's how ww2 happened. Hitler was just a mad dog, I want whoever let him off his leash.

>You don't just hand you're ancestors hard work to some bitter krauts with a leather fetish
Yeah, you hand it over to third world ragheads with a bestiality fetish instead, right, Nigel?

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From what?

Now its shit skins and anarchists
Seriously think such degradation would exist with the nazis around?

Any one of them nations alone would fuck up poverty Romania. We wouldn't even need to get the CANZUK boys on the job, we could send Uganda.