Why would I ever side with Soros?
China appreciation general /cag/
Soros is fucking based.
> pol now sides with a moneygrubbing kike infecting the west with degeneracy
Based Swede.
>Why would I ever side with Soros?
Correct. We should instead side with those who appreciate cannibalism.
Is he right?
Remember, with chinks and Jews, you lose.
Because he’s probably using a diversion tactic. Bait and switch.
What Soros is thinking:
>all right wingers against globalism disagree with anything I say
>might as well change up my beliefs to throw a monkey wrench into the gears and cause some confusion
He purposely makes statements like that so we assume what he’s thinking. Do you he really wants all of his opinions and beliefs public knowledge?
Plus the Chinese are Jews with flat noses. They share the same will for world domination
His video about what would happen if corona hits USA was prophetic
I don't want to be on the same side with Soros...
Xi chinkpink threatens Jews because he might supplant Israel as the overlord of the west. We should support white sovereignty, not debate which tyrant would do less harm
Hello Captain Sweden.
There's no reason we can't value that which makes China based without the authoritarian BS.
Besides, team globohomo is very much authoritarian. Bake the cake, bigot!
>the pot calling the kettle black
Reminder these threads are chink discord pasta to confuse kids and morons on believing you need to pick a side when clearly fuck jews, chinks and jannies.
I wish chinks would murder every single man human and child in your abo fucking prison island
how could you forget niggers? fuck niggers and fuck you
>positively seething ricecel
All coloured people should be deported to the surface of the Sun, and all non Australian whites should be civilised and enslaved for the glory of the Australian empire
wtf I love Xi now.
I watched this guy for about a year and he's only been wrong once.
Fuck jews
Fuck chinks
Fuck OP
no, I don't care if the chinese eat other chinese people. I want the kikes to fuck, the blacks to fuck off, and the muslims to fuck off. The Chinese can eat all the babies they want, there is nothing for whites in siding with the jews. Siding with jews is suicide
He bankrupted england with this bluff tactic so your assumption may be true
You mean the niggers being sent by jews? Fuck you...no ones likes Russians or Russia, not even Russians.
Chinks are nationalists. They are still chinks but this makes globalist kikes like Soros seethe
How about fuck Soros and fuck Chinks
Both of them belong in jail
Because you are so accustomed to inaction and “words accomplish things” nonsense that you dont even have the ability to say “yeah well what are you going to do about it Soros?”
I wonder how much Xi paid him to say it?
Bread and circus
The Chinese are coming for the crown