What the fuck is going on? Are plastics seriously fucking with our hormones? The testosterone drop maps to the introduction of plastic goods in the 60s onwards. It also correlates with dropping IQs in the West. What the fuck is happening to our men, how can we avoid it and how can we stop it?
What is the cause of declining Testosterone in the West?
We need better plastics that dont fucking seep into our water supply
We should make plastic American to fix this issue.
Sedentary lifestyles
>dropping IQ
Due to brown people
I would argue the literal culling of high test alphas in WW1 and 2 did not help matters.
Pseudoscientific schizo cuck meme
Even the average male jawbone is getting smaller and it DOESNT MATCH UP WITH GENETIC DATA LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS IN OUR FOOD AND WATER
too much junk food and porn
constant bombardment by radio waves from every part of the spectrum. Everything is wireless and our balls don't like it.
Porn. Too many men are watching porn nonstop really
This too
The pregnancy prevention pill. Women take the pill, choose wrong males then piss the hormones into the water supply turning the frogs gay
>I would argue the literal culling of high test alphas in WW1 and 2 did not help matters.
By that reasoning, Swedish males should be Alpha as fuck because of no war in 205 years
There's tons of shit fucking with testosterone and endocrine receptors. Plastic is one big source, but there's also RF-EMF, pesticide runoffs (eg atrazine), more sedentary lifestyles (and less sunlight), a society that caters to less masculine men in many ways and forces the rest into drug abuse or other self-degrading activities, tons of medications given out regularly by doctors (SSRIs lower sperm count and testosterone), birth control medicines leeching into water through waste water which is then reprocessed into drinking water (estrogens are too small and have such a large effect per million that regular filtration barely works).
here you go, its a combination of many factors most likely. Mental, and also chemical.
Something you might notice: if you meet someone who's of noticeably good stock, there's a fairly high chance their grandfather and/or great grandfather served in the navy or air force. Much lower mortality rates (actual and %) in those services accounts for it.
Maybe you guys are and you just don’t know it yet because you don’t believe in yourself
Men are trying to transition into females, because propaganda tells them - there is no place for men in the future. And the future is now.
Jewish subversion
>feminism and secularism, leading to nagging wives and cucked men with no future
>abandonment of clubs and sports
>diet void of protein and fats, full of soi and plastics
Everything went to shit
That doesn’t explain how new arrivals experience the same low testosterone effects that we do after being here for some time.
Count fluoride and GMOs too. There's a good documentation on this stuff, but it's a German site.
t. Actual retard
Yes it does, moron
The state is literally the man now.
They have massive T levels in prison.
You have been castrated.
2 WW2 grandfathers. One grandfather, Navy. Never left the country. Other grandfather, Army, shipped to France.
>On watch in the North Sea. Runs below deck, climbs in a jeep, throws up everywhere and falls asleep
>Gets put on Howitzer 105 battery. His job is to get the shell in the chamber, keeps dropping shells because he's afraid his hands gonna get slammed in the chamber, crew is constantly diving for covet cuz shells are being dropped everywhere. Gets reassigned. New job: Get ride into town, buy cigarettes and food, come back. Goes bar hopping every day. War ends, comes home.
Win some, lose some.
>the governments of the world 100 years ago identified all the high test males and sent them to die in huge wars as part of a secret plan to make us all cucked
No it's fucking not that. You see soiiboys with fathers grand fathers mothers side uncles etc who are clearly more high test. There is an unknown component radically fucking with Western men's Endocrine systems and most signs point to plastics
Thank God I have my bass voice with 1100 ng/dl of testosterone.
I would legit use steroids had I been born with shit tier genes
Another thing is the disturbing way the elite government and health services don't seem to care about this. Not going full Alex Jones here but It's like they WANT to effeminise the male population
This shit has been known and campaigned for (and subsequently swept under the rug) for decades now. You're damn right, it's a "problem" for us, but lower testosterone means less trouble for those at the top.
The additional problem is how ubiquitous plastics are in the economy. If we got rid of all of it, so much value and money would be lost.
If we got rid of disrupting herb/pesticides, farming wouldn't be as sustainable as it is, lots of farmers would lose money and perhaps people would starve.
SSRIs are too useful to stop prescribing to every kid complaining of a bit of social anxiety.
I don't watch Alex Jones, but the reason he appears crazy is probably because of how far down the rabbit hole he's gone with regards to this shit. To someone with schizophrenic tendencies, it can easily appear like EVERYONE in any position of power is out to get you.
Any user here on Testosterone Replace Therapy? I'm thinking about getting on it but I still want to have kids someday. Are my only options to A) freeze my kids or B) cycle off when wanting to procreate?
I will once I turn 35 or 40. As far as I know it does no hard to fertility as long as you do it with a doctor
A man with 1100 ng/dl of testosterone would never have had the test done. Nice try.
In case people havent read my graph, here are some good pointers:
>do weight lifting, preferably to increase strength
>lite amounts of running as well
>do not drink soda, only water, occasional coffee or tea is okay
>do not eat food that has additives in it which could disrupt your body, artificial flavors, GMO crap, preservatives in the meat are probably the most evil ones as they can cause cancer
>MAKE sure to include veggies into your diet
>MAKE sure to include plenty of animal products into your diet
>if you doubt your water, get a water distiller or something
>no other kinds of drugs, dont drink booze
>dont eat foods that are too foreign as your racial diet most likely is 90% cheeses, local fruits, eggs, milk, veggies that grow near you and a few other national staples
>meditate a little bit because stress, cortisol antagonizes testosterone.
And a few more pointers to add. This will help your test tho.
I've seen this too. Have a nephew. His father is in construction. Short little scrappy dude with huge hands. Nephew is 18, effeminate, tiny hands, wouldn't know what to do if you yelled at him, never once been in a fight, has played no sports, sings in a choir.... he's smart, great at math, is into girls, but struggles to so much as move fucking furniture. I couldn't even get him to grasp changing a tire, even made him do it. Low T.
Cocaine doesn't help Alex.
Tfw I got script for testosterone.
Im Back up to 1000. Which is what an 18 year has