18 Months

Just 18 more months of lockdown to go.

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Oh no, I couldn't imagine having to stay inside and away from other people for 18 whole months, that would be really weird. It would be even stranger if someone did it for years...

I don't care about not being social. More concerned about the 50 million layoffs great depression plus economy we're heading into.

Well that sucks but it's better to listen to medical experts like this Fed banker.

People are going to start protesting on May 1st if their businesses are forced to remain closed. People need to live.

I’ve been thinking about this in terms of the 4th turning, especially about the collapse of the political paradigm that usually accompanies the Turning. The technocratic order that arose in Depression/WW2 era has now become deranged and I’m guessing will completely collapse over the decade.

Because the technocrats have completely lost touch with reality. There is literally no way this will last 18 months.

There are two classes of people now.
Those who will obey and those who will resist.

Good luck finding 18 months of pay Americucks, time to get genocided faggots

Peter Butt, Joe Pizza, This guy. When does clownworld stop?

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Neal is a kouth breathing moron we reopen april 30th if not some time the beginning of next week.

Lockdown ends in 18 days

I don't have enough cat food to last 18 months.

i was in the "laugh at the nothingburger fags" as early as early january or late december. now i am really starting to believe that coronavirus is fake

I'm with leaf bro. We're under attack. This is war.

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>Being concerned

Lol you are like baby. I hope we reach Mad Max levels of retardation so I can carve out my own fiefdom.

Why are people from the Federal Reserve telling people how long the Virus lockdown will be?

Good question.

Fine, so do I start Coronahookers.com with confirmed antibody hookers?
I think I could make a KILLING.

Senior citizen special

There literally would not be a country left after 18 months. Long before then you would see a break down in supply lines, social cohesion, civil obedience, and finally in the ability of governments (state and Federal) to effectively rule.

It would be funny to watch these chicken shits and karens cry for an extended lockdown if they weren't so fucking dangerous. We have already crossed the red line where the 'cure' becomes more dangerous than the disease, and we are flirting with a real happening...not a fucking nasty cold...the longer we continue.

Their end of the world model projections have been thoroughly falsified both by our own numbers and by Sweden. They need to lift this lockdown NOW. We are looking at 2-3 years to rebuild this economy today. In another month we'll be looking at a decade of depression.

18 months? We'll be fighting each other for survival in the streets long before then.

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he's following event 201 model which also said 18 months

>The people who control the money supply don't control the country

Kind of the way it works, sorry.

Why are we letting some pajeet make money policy decisions


So Bill Gates is in control of the Federal Reserve and the WHO now?

>I'm larping, because if this should occur I'd starve or suck dick to eat
KYS you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.

This. And/or speakeasies will open. Eventually people are going to reach the point where they go bankrupt if they stay closed, so they might as well risk opening and getting hit with a fine. At that point the fine just becomes the cost of doing business.

>tfw own all these firearms
>have to stay inside



Thank you for making an articulate post. This is pretty much what I was going to say although you have done a much better job than I would have.

Open insurrection starts in 1 month.

That's not possible, even the most financially responsible people in the working class can't weather that many months with no income. The overwhelming majority of people will probably be tapped out in the next four months.

Civilization will not survive 18 months of quarantine. Not memeing.
Do these people have more than 3/4's of a brain between them, or do they get their ideas from their zoomer kid's Whatsapp groups?

We're being led by morons. Our leadership is by now saturated with stupid, real, deep, no-pill-you-can-take-stupid at every fucking layer. Anyone capable of understanding things, or possessed of good judgement has been driven out or has checked out. The whole rotten structure is tumbling down in slow motion, exposed for what it is while the media keep lying about it and our leaders keep believing the lies.

Would to God that all this is enough to remove them.

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most amercans didn't even have a $400 rainy day fund.

If you have 1000$ + in the bank when this thing started you are in a minority. Its that bad.

I went to my local, “nonessential” head shop yesterday and they had a sign on the door saying call for delivery. When I called they said they would deliver to the parking lot next door (they weren’t allowed to deliver to their own property), or I could just park in back and come in the back door. Can’t wait until bars start doing this too.

so basically this is what it looks like when you have total corruption that makes every major system in the nation collapse at once

very nice, so grow your own food, make sure you got rent or you find a place to live cheap and grow your own shit and be ready to cover your property tax