whats exactly wrong with women? can any of you pinpoint their problem? i can see the same behavior among traps irl but still cant describe it entirely. childish? obsessed with status/appearance? npc?lack of personal opinions?whats their main goal?
Whats exactly wrong with women? can any of you pinpoint their problem...
What %
its mostly white women doing this shit
they are the driving force behind blacked porn, refugees and the end of western civilization
>Aborted tens of millions of infants
Better than those infants growing up to be degenerate fucks.
>Blamed their problems on men
Centuries of oppression can do that to anyone.
>Become promiscuous
Men are too - so this is hypocrisy.
>Gotten worthless college degrees
This is not strongly correlated to women empowerment - women got useless degrees even when there was no feminism.
>Demanded equally worthless make-work jobs
Most M.B.As are men - not women. Most managers are men - not women. So this is inaccurate.
>Believed that wealth falls like manna from heaven
Quite a few men believe this too.
>Come to believe marriage is temporary
Only incels believe marriage is permanent. Most married couples are bored of each other 2-3 years into marriage.
>Destroyed children's lives
Men are equally responsible here.
>Rationlized every bit of it
Just like men rationalize most of their mistakes.
>Bob Wallace
The irony of a roastie rationalizing this is fucking amazing. Thank your for this post I haven't genuinely laughed around here in a while.
>Incel laughing at his eternal virginity
My pleasure darling.
I’m tired of the same old d&c targets, but not interested in the landlord one you shills are trying to get off the ground. Got any new material?
I don't know the problem of Women , but I know most of them are lazy or a weak at work. Like this fat Boomer incel bitch I work with. Anything hard she can't do or won't do, the tasks she does have are easy and time consuming. Everyone acts like shes all great when in reality shes fat and gay and doesn't really do shit. In her mind shes great.
t. roastie cope
>Low IQ incel bantz
They say when virgins like you turn 30, you'll become a wizard. You thought about what you'll do after you become a wizard?
Oh no, I've been called an incel anonymously online. How will I ever recover? Sex can be had, can you ever find happiness defending this retarded cycle of self indulgence leading to depression because of fried dopamine receptors? Good luck cunt.
This...is just embarrassing.
>Oh no, I've been called an incel anonymously online. How will I ever recover
There's no going back from being an incel honey. You're stuck for life.
Notice how when islam rocks up at our doorstep, women all of the sudden are conservative?
Kek. Thankfully you’ve been able to abort a child for your convenience.
Women weren’t made to/evolved to be in charge of anything other than children and cooking, cleaning, and so on. It’s actually the higher calling and extremely important. The breaking down of this system is why all people have more problems today
Show tits or stop larping holy fuck fucking plebbit level shit right here.
women are children. they have to be controlled by a strong man
>It’s actually the higher calling and extremely important.
This is true, but most women have to settle for the lower 80% of the gene pool. Eventually, that system just produces more and more weak men and will collapse. At some point, people have to realize that allowing all men (and by extension all women) to reproduce, is not a good idea. We should let only the top 50% of each sex reproduce in each generation - or at least try for reproduction. Those who succeed, great, those who don't, just give them cocaine or something.
>Show tits
Yeah, you wish, virgin. Don't you have some 2D waifu to fuck?
>women are children. they have to be controlled by a strong man
Sounds incestuous user.
>Confederate flag
Oh, my bad.
No they aren't, Jews are. Stop blaming women for the actions of Jews.
lmfao look sir learn the rules or stop posting.
your thinking of guys under 30. guys over 30 are not that
shut it woman
>can any of you pinpoint their problem
yeah mate, it's the same thing that's wrong with men
Literally women haven’t evolved to be in positions of providing for their family.
That’s why they’re fucking retarded at it.
>whats exactly wrong with women?
Women are more lustful and obsessed with sex than men. Consequently, they are stuck in a lustful hunger their entire life unless led away from it by men. Men have the ability to see both sides of life; the sexual and the non-sexual. Women are incapable of that. They can only see the sexual side of life and it completely consumes them.
Somehow men are still oblivious to how completely sexual women are. Hypersexuality has been so normalized that no one bats an eye when 9 out of 10 women dress like whores to walk outside. Fathers think its normal that their daughters take hundreds of selfies for their followers on instagram. Attention seeking is a sexual experience for women.
Women can only escape the haze of lust by completely dedicating themselves to their husband and family. If you want to see what a liberated woman really looks like, imagine the stereotypical loving grandma: she has no real concern for herself, she is completely dedicated to the welfare of her family. All she wants is to make her grandchildren happy. She has lifted the veil of lust from her eyes and sees clearly, she has no need for attention or validation. This type of dedication is the woman's path to liberation.
Based and chadpilled
An incel can rent a piece of ass for 200 bucks an hour or so. Order it online like a fucking pizza. An ounce of gold is $1700 this morning. Pussy is pretty fucking cheap and cheaper in the long run to rent once a month than try to retain with a government backed contract. Your fucking hole is worth less than an ounce of gold. Remember that. You aren't special. You're so annoying, men pay you to leave after a seed deposit.
>Women are more lustful and obsessed with sex than men.
Sex is good. Only hermaphrodites hate sex.
>Consequently, they are stuck in a lustful hunger their entire life
Why is this bad?
>Men have the ability to see both sides of life; the sexual and the non-sexual.
Yeah, no. Men think with their balls - at least the ones that have game do. Incels and virgins have to sit behind computers and code because they don't get game.
>she has no real concern for herself, she is completely dedicated to the welfare of her family.
Sounds like a slave user. You like your women to be slaves - you kinky fuck.
>An incel can rent a piece of ass for 200 bucks an hour or so.
But he'll still be an incel after he's done paying for sex.
Do you even know what "incel" means? Once a man pays some vapid cunt, i.e. any woman alive, to fuck, he is by definition no longer celibate. It is no longer involuntary, because a woman, a whore - but I repeat myself, voluntarily let him fuck her. By definition, he in no longer an incel. And from experience, all pussy costs something, every single ounce of it. No matter how much "chads" think they are getting it for "free", they aren't.
>Who is an involuntary celibate?
Should I teach you how to search for terms on Google now?
>Only hermaphrodites hate sex