/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

BE INSPRIRED: bitchute.com/video/aBBsBVZ6hLg9/

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must FIGHT for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- BRAND NEW VIDEO: bitchute.com/video/266QQeZTEN43/

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National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based on the unbounded love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is a considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities that are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.

>Claims to be a nazi
>Posts websites made by a jew who lives in Israel
lol oh man

>tfw brekky of fresh hash, fried eggs on toast, bacon, oatmeal, and coffee

I encourage everyone here to start cooking fresh. Fats are very good for testosterone

As a half-white half-berber mutt, how do I cope with my own existence? When it comes down to it, I have no people that I can truly call my own, and it tears me up inside.


How's the /SIG/-quarantine going, friends?

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Become as superior as you can possibly be in every way possible and your race wont' matter as much as long as you support the movement.

lift weights to advanced levels of strength
save and invest your money
read books
learn to fight
be an absolute Chad but be an fascist one at that and people would be fools to say you're not an ally

Jump rope came in the mail. I was doing loads of jump rope before all the gyms closed and now I'm having to grind back up. I could barely do 1 min yesterday.

I got a rope with wooden handles and a leather string because wood and animal products are naturally biodegradable and more eco-friendly.

My calves feel crazy today and I'm supposed to do sprints later

Sounds great.

I managed to force myself to complete four home workouts per week, all of them required no equipment or just light dumbbells. I'd still rather go to the gym, but it's been fine.

NoFap is proving to be extremely hard in quarantine... I live alone in a small room and when you don't play any video games etc. during the free time after work, porn/masturbation almost forces yourself into your mind as a way of dealing with the boredom. I think I need to read more instead.

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My fiancé and I will be having our first child this year, we are 21 and 20 years old. What I find most useful about national socialism is how one can use it as a way of life, rather than a political mind prison.

Instead of saying to my soon to be wife, "hey nazism is great ya know, let's be natsees". I can instead explain how raising a large, healthy and happy family is a good thing. It came as little surprise to me that she agreed, women all want children. No matter how brainwashed 99% of females biological drive to reproduce will come through.

I'm rather shite at getting my point across but essentially you can live life as a national socialist, without ever needing a swastika armband or a copy of mein kampf on the bookshelf.

Focus on improving the mind, soul and body of yourself and those closest to you.

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Congratulations, man. That's awesome.


Posting some proper music for the mind:

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That picture is a goldmine for farming anti white hatred. Everyone who hates this is either a childless cat lady, a jew, or some sort of drug user/sexual deviant.

Agree. Cooking is an essential step to independence from the modern jew.

Could be better. Studying more and fixing things around the house.

Very based. Happy for you man!
>The jew cries in disgust as he calls you an incle from his synagogue

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Why you cannot be just berber? You mean your father is muslim, but you were raised liberal? Middle eastern culture does have good points, things to save and plenty of countries to feel local and useful.

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Kek. Well, leaving in an orderly home is worth it sometimes.

This reminds me -- my budget Excel sheet tells me I've been saving almost 70€ over the last month by not buying lunch during my break at work (I work from home right now).

Does anybody have experience with meal prepping? It's starting to seem like a good way to save money and eat more healthy at the same time.

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Thank you friend!

Again, thank you!

Intending it to be the first of many, I know some will say it's just pissing in the ocean at this point. I disagree, it's thinking like that which results in situations like the one we're all in. I'm not going to turn the tide with 4 or 5 plus children but I can ensure my family bloodline continues and that my children get a decent upbringing. By having children it creates a lasting legacy for any achievements of mine and my families. Something my grandchildren and great-grandchildren can raise a drink in toast to.

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My father was white, actually.

>So "proud and white" means you're proud of all that exploitation and subjugation.

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I mean statistically wouldn't you need to use the tranny hitler meme for this? 45% and whatnot.

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Every child matters. Even if there will be hardships. And thank you for encouraging me to keep on going. I also think it is important to show your family. As someone posted how a mother with merely 4 white children(ALL of my great grandmothers gave birth to 10 children) gets so much negativity. If you show your family: a it will encourage others/give young women baby fever, b will expose the white hate, c make childless people rethink their life. It can and it will change lifes of others! No need for "nazi" things of course, just nice pure happy.

just walked my dog

we're all gonna make it

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>The industrial revolution and nuclear energy was created through exploitation
>All of China and Japan was enslaved
>Africa was given civiliazatiom but that's a bad exploit-y thing
Don't be dumb
I suggest going to /ck/ or plebbit.

>saying you're white means you're proud of btfoing everyone
Sounds like more reason to be proud than anything

What are you reading, /nsg/ + /sig/?