Smug Christian Thread

Why the fuck have these guys managed to evolve into the new smug atheists?

What confuses me about /pol, is why there is such a reliance on empirical evidence when discussing topics like; Racial IQ differences, Coronavirus, 9/11 physics, etc.

But whenever discussing the hard evidence behind their religion (usually Christians on Yas Forums), they are content with using the bible as their main reference source. This is especially aimed at the fundamentalist types who use bible verses to contend any challenge to their faith. Why be wilfully ignorant to the numerous flaws and contradictions from one book of mostly anecdotal origins, and in the same breath, utilise scientific research to support other popular views shared by many on /pol? Is this not hypocrisy at it's finest?

(You are now coming across as smug fedora tipping faggots, when you attempt to shut down numerous debates by using "Muh God/ Muh Jesus/ Muh Bible" arguments.

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>Hehe Christians are just like redditors amirite guys

Religion by definition is a belief system. Anyone might formulate a system of beliefs as a matter of conscience.

As a former atheist who is now of the opinion that there likely is a god and that his name is Jesus, I am saddened that this is the typical flavour of "Christianity" that people in the Anglosphere commonly encounter:
>Sunday morning in this part of the world is surfeited with pop-evangelists, banging Bibles and decrying other people’s sins in very loud voices. They do so not only from pulpits, but more effectively and more annoyingly from radios and TVs. Try to get a five-minute synopsis of the news as you drive to church, and you’re harangued by “Dr.” so and so, “noted Biblical scholar,” who never got past the ninth grade yet rakes in a fortune in “love money” each year from his gullible listeners. We also have our “mega-churches,” which thrive by entertaining their casually clad Sunday morning “worshippers” with bad music and a theology aptly described by H. Richard Niebuhr as based on “a God without wrath [who] brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment, through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross” (The Kingdom of God in America). Then there are the proponents of a “gospel of prosperity,” who preach a God of the Market who leads men-with-portfolio into a kingdom without taxes, through the ministrations of a Christ without a conscience.
The Orthodox Church is much more genuine and rejects fundamentalism. In fact, the above was written by an Orthodox priest. However, no human, and therefore human organization, is without fault.

I'm not atheist by any stretch. Agnostic and more hopeful than anything. But is it still a belief if it is odds with scientific reasoning? I.e. age of the earth, reality of "miracles", consubstantiation etc

Only Protestants believe in young earth creationism. Orthodox and Catholics think that the creation story (including Adam and Eve) are not literal (as evidenced by its choice of words) but serves as an explanatory and theological story.

A miracle, by definition, is beyond scientifically explainable. There is a lot of anectodal evidence, even doctors who are taken by surprise but write them off as "spontaneous resolution".

>smug fedora tipping faggots
when you say this, we know you're a worshipper of the Jews, their god, and believe in their disproven story-book fables from Asia, because you're a retard who believes in magic.

Okay, but many Catholics believe in consubstantiation which is, in my view, quite parallel to believing in young earth creationism. I can't really take the anecdotal evidence as true desu. If I did then what is to stop me from believing any UFO story, any flat earther story etc

>As a former atheist who is now of the opinion that there likely is a god and that his name is Jesu
It's this fag story again. Oh, I was an atheist ( staunch atheist , die-hard atheist, angsty atheist, edgy atheist, hardline atheists, militant atheists ) sitting here doing my physics homework when suddenly I needed to abandon the mathematical laws of physics confirmed by scientific experiment in favor of a Biblical magical Jew god, Jew god magic, and the ( fictitious ) Rabbi Jesus who inherited the magical Jew power from the magical Jew god. I clutched the Bible weeping and then Jesus spoke to me. I fell to my knees weeping and prayed to God for the first time in far too long. I fell to my knees with humility, cried and begged for forgiveness. I just cried and admitted that I had strayed from his path and was ready to accept God into my heart. Oh my God, I'll never be an atheist again!

hahah the cliche transformation

The existence of a deity is not falsifiable. Racial differences, IQ, coronavirus' origins etc are falsifiable. This is a false equivalence and people who try to apply scientific inquiry into the existence of a deity out themselves as scientifically illiterate. Unsurprising given that most atheists are pseudointellectuals who study science SOLELY so they can try to argue against the existence of a deity.

Religion is used as a wedge issue here to detract from conversations about real problems and the people behind them. Behind every christ posting shill here is an attempt to derail the board. Imo they have been entirely successful.

they genuinely are in the sense that they seek confirmation by consensus
>pol is a XTIAN board!!!

Sounds like legit 4d chess that

>why is their not a mountain of hard evidence for your faith-based religion
>t. 90 IQ fedora

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I wa a literal angsts edgy militant atheist.
God forgave me
Get bent, kike

>Why the fuck have these guys managed to evolve into the new smug atheists?
its in their nature, they have nothing of substance to fall back on so just meander around everyone elses foundational beliefs.

whats really retarded in their adopted pol language is when these cunts call non christian white people LARPpagans, when the truth is every fucking tradition they claim is just a pagan larp itself.
and when it comes to race theyre the biggest larpers on here



>Behind every christ posting shill
i dont doubt it, they share characteristics with kushnerbots, shit up threads to 200 posts and then dip out as soon as contention is posted.

Cuck stains

Imagine killing your pure blood Nordic pagan brothers in their ancestral homelands because they wouldn't worship a Jew hanging from a cross killed by other Jews in their Jew Homeland.

Christcucks are truly pathetic.

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Christkeks are the real edgelords, without question

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What is also funny is that flat earthers, because they are so drilled by their gay little videos, go on and on about strict empiricism, but without fail are almost always some type of fundamentalist Christian. I have a friend from college who became like this. He has become completely insufferable.

I'm sort of a flat earther but I'm not Christian.

Every flat earther I have met irl between 10-15 could not stop going on about the bible.


It's spelt "there", brainlet. Love the amount of American christcucks who claim intelligence by default, and then proceed to make grammatical errors.

Good summary.

Yeh, I'd hate to say there's a correlation here but it hints at it.

Maybe flat Earth is more prevelant among Christian's since they use it to justified their faith.

Shut up bong do you have a loicense to post that comment?

I agree OP. Its because they are weak minded and love to follow instead of create their own path. Its a lot easier to say muh god than accept reality of personal choices. So yes... christcucks are the new fedora tippers.

>hard evidence behind their religion
This is why we’re smug: you don’t understand what you are talking about on a fundamental level. And the worst part about it is that you think you do.