/GBG/ - Greek Borders General


Latest Updates
----------------------------------------- 13/04
BREAKING: Turkey gathers thousands of immigrants at the coast, mainly near Lesvos and Chios, they also have positioned a very large number of ships of several kinds from dinghies to old cargo ships at the coast hoping to send them to Greece
48 year old Chios farmer who shot at immigrants inside his property makes his statement, while the immigrants say they just wanted to bathe the farmer said they stole fruits, his tools and contaminated water reservoir with soap and threw stones and sticks at him
Book written by highly influential Turkish Admiral Jihad Yaizi who is considered the "architect" of the agreement with Libya, he suggests that crisis at the Aegean is due to Greek policies and that Turkey should claim the sovereignty of the islands, islets and rocky islands to solve the problem
Greek The Minister of Defense believes that Turkey has plans to escalate provocations and send immigrants by sea during holidays
as Turkish provocations are expected to escalate, Athens and Greek armed forces are waiting to see Turkey's next move
According to report from Turkish newspaper Gazeteduvar, migrants who are in camps, after the 14 days of quarantine, are sent to the Turkish shore near the Greek island Lesvos, in order to come to Greece by boat

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis: youtube.com/watch?v=GqU022LgT-M

>Videos and images

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Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

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>!!!!!!!!! Support Greece, Buy Greek Products !!!!!!!!!!!!

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>For full list of updates check /GBG/ pastebin

----------------------------------------- 13/04
BREAKING: Turkey gathers thousands of immigrants at the coast, mainly near Lesvos and Chios, they also have positioned a very large number of ships of several kinds from dinghies to old cargo ships at the coast hoping to send them to Greece
48 year old Chios farmer who shot at immigrants inside his property makes his statement, while the immigrants say they just wanted to bathe the farmer said they stole fruits, his tools and contaminated water reservoir with soap and threw stones and sticks at him
Book written by highly influential Turkish Admiral Jihad Yaizi who is considered the "architect" of the agreement with Libya, he suggests that crisis at the Aegean is due to Greek policies and that Turkey should claim the sovereignty of the islands, islets and rocky islands to solve the problem
Greek The Minister of Defense believes that Turkey has plans to escalate provocations and send immigrants by sea during holidays
as Turkish provocations are expected to escalate, Athens and Greek armed forces are waiting to see Turkey's next move
According to report from Turkish newspaper Gazeteduvar, migrants who are in camps, after the 14 days of quarantine, are sent to the Turkish shore near the Greek island Lesvos, in order to come to Greece by boat
Containers from Turkey found among the materials used to build new "refugee camp" in Samos, the containers have been bought in December but the government said this wont be allowed and that the products must be bought from EU member states

I genuinely hope God brings the plague to Turkey and that the EU falls apart so that there won't be any limits set to conquest.

----------------------------------------- 12/04
IMPORTANT: today St. Catherine chapel in Moria was vandalized by immigrants, joining the long list of chapels being attacked in Lesvos
BREAKING: new airspace violations by Turkish F-16 jets and Turkey's plan to flood Greek islands with coronavirus infected immigrants
as Turkish F-16D fighter jets violated airspace, Greek airforce jets were chasing them and had them "locked" (under aim)
BREAKING: Coast Guard has orders to stop any boat or ship that tries to enter Greek territorial waters illegally according to Deputy Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis
far left activists vandalize yet another church, this time in Thessaloniki
BREAKING: sources claim that immigrants previously at Evros border are being transported to coastal areas near Lesvos and Turkey is encouraging them to cross by sea

----------------------------------------- 11/04
BREAKING: Turkey is gathering more immigrants at its coast and wants to send them to Greek islands, several sources have reported that they are being brought from camps and other Turkish cities, some suspect the immigrants might be already infected (video on mediafire)
Gang of seven immigrants at Samos camp were stealing money and phones from other immigrants at the camp, all of them have been identified, 3 minors have been arrested and their four accomplices who were identified are still on the loose
BREAKING: Turkey once again violates Greek airspace with overflights over Lesvos, Evros and Chios, their jets have been intercepted and directed back to Turkey
Article in English detailing a report that suggests possible Turkish attempt to send infected immigrants to Greek Islands
Video shows group of immigrants at Turkish coast near Greek islands as Turkey starts moving them to the region so they could be sent to Greek islands by boats (video on mediafire)

did the other thread died?

It's still a bit early

Once the Aegean seawater temperature is above 20ºC and the Meriç river regime becomes stable for human passage, the refugees will start flowing in.

Wait for late May.

R.olling for the retaking of Constantinople

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after the EU falls we must make some sort of law to prevent Germany from having an army and economic power, you will only be allowed to have enough money to survive, and if word of Germans protesting or complaining about it comes out you should all be obliterated from the face of the earth

you have highhandedly destroyed Europe

single handedly***************

And Greece will stop (((Erdogan))) again.
Sorry not sorry Ozgür

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Show real flag, Yas Forums isn't available in Turkey. Yas Forums links lead straight to /x/.

Eternally the roach says “when” and “if”

Get back under the fridge

no but it reached the bump limit, it will be archived soon

how will you do that without the eu lmao


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You could apply it to all of Northern Europe, it still wouldn't be enough. Jews and their golems are the only threat

kek, it's not Greece stopping the people.

It's the weather, the river regime, and cold waters.

That guy was arrested. Is he out now?

>Germany isn't a Jewish puppet state and has been acting in its own natural interests.

Don't be bluepilled.

international treaty with all european countries, you dont need an economic union or a block to do this, just a pact among a countries, those have existed since ever

I didn't even know who is this guy. Just like the picture lmao


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aim higher fren

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Pater Kleomenis. Based as all fuck. Publicly naming the jew all day every day.

made some changes to reflect what you said
however even though the English will like the Germans and Dutch just try to undermine any action taken against turkey I've let them remain light blue since they would more likely be neutral than full on supporting the Turks.

For those that are curious what the map is based on:
Support shown at Evros and inter thread support
Also support on the Cypriot gas issue in which
Egypt, France, Israel and Italy have shown commitment also Haftar would join if the shitshow in Libya is settled
Russia is at odds with turkey in Syria so they're a separate faction.
fence sitters should be obvious, cucked nations that will only join if the war has been won else they'll just profit or manipulate both parties.

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Sure sure roach. The wind blew And scattered your army. Seems legit for a pussy nation who can’t even defeat the Kurds.


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Can you really count Lybia?
It's more of a rogue state, the Gouvernement is not stable at all and don't have an army.

It's almost not a country


No thanks i'm not an inbred commie boomer

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NATO has been propping up the Turk for years and let the illegal invasion of Cyprus slide because they valued fucking with Russia more than defending the lives and freedoms of Greeks.


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It's our holy duty to fuck Europe up. Just wait for late May. You will start crying again.

>Seems legit for a pussy nation who can’t even defeat the Kurds.

Last November they were crying foul & genocide when we fucking violated their Anus in north Syria. The British, French & US troops tucked tail and run when Turkish artillery started its action.

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It's unstable as shit at the moment, once order is restored and the infighting (which is only continuing at this point due to Turkish support)
ended they will align against the Turks, they won't be much help I'll admit but every little bit helps

Even our Leftists want to get out of Nato ffs.
Only neo-liberals like Macron want to keep it.

This thing need to die.

its not the first time tho, and Germany has been funding all sorts of shit for decades now, the Frankfurt School is also one of the main entities behind all this shit

I dont give a shit about who is what, Germany alone was able to do this and they could keep it going if they wanted and fuck europe even more

they cant be trusted, they are brainwashed into oblivion and the population is absolutely retarded

> The British, French & US troops tucked tail

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Silence roach. You lost in Syria. You lost in Evros. You will loose in the Aegean and east med. You will be lucky if your country isn’t split into three or four parts.

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Tbh i think Romania will side with Greece.
Mostly because of the influence that the romanian orthodox church has in Romania.

They even sent troops at the Greece border when the crisis hit.
The thing is which side will USA take.


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Hey I'm all for it. White Americans don't benefit at all from NATO fucking up Europe and the middle east, just a bunch of greedy shekel goblin in Washington and Jew York. Sadly so many retarded Americans, especially Boomers, think NATO are the world's shinning white knights.

Good man. Yeah, this map seems more belieavable now. If there is one last change that could be made (although not so nesessary) is to maybe make Ukraine red or at least light blue. They are so extremely butthurt towards the Russians that they are willing to do anything that makes them look good in the eyes of NATO and they automatically oppose anything the Russians might do.
kys Fucking retard. Πόσο γελοίος μπορεί να είσαι γαμώ το σπίτι σου;
If Haftar wins then yes. Only reason he hasn't yet is because of turkroach support for the other side and UN cuckery.
>Tbh i think Romania will side with Greece.
Maybe. Although it seems that you guys value your NATO membershit too much to do that. I'll gladly be proven wrong though.

Could be yes.

Which polical party is in charge in your country?
Cuckservatives? Liberals? Or true patriots?

You should give a shit, because shooting the puppet doesn't work. Shoot the puppeteer. In the 19th and early 20th century the British Empire was the primary vehicle for the expansion of Jewish interests. When the British Empire started to decline the kikes just jumped ship wholesale to America. If you don't kill the parasite it just finds a different host.

At this point, I am hoping that Trump gets re-elected just so the image of this "alliance" can be damaged even more. Of course, I don't think anything will change but it's still better than nothing.

So the turkish lyra is crashing with no survivors right?

>Maybe. Although it seems that you guys value your NATO membershit too much to do that. I'll gladly be proven wrong though.

I wouldn't bet on it...we defied Nato once with the Serbs.
We defy Nato by not recognizing Kosovo
We will defy them again esp if Italy and france joins on your Side
Center Right National Liberals,German serfs that's why it's a IF atm.

ahhhhh, the smell of Turkish delusion in the morning... I missed this shit, please guys, pay attention to the tone of seriousness and how he believes all this

also note the "we are winning" tone

he also ignores that he is hetting bombed by russia and had his ass kicked by syrians


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Oversimplifications and exaggerations. Cyprus is a whole different story under totally different circumstances. The point is, either kick Turkey out of NATO or make them cooperate by force, like in Lybia where we aided Haftar or now in Evros, not to take Greece out of NATO. That would be retarded.

Don't worry he will spam the famous "Muh we got the best drones tho"

Why are you so invested in this BrazilBro? Not that I don't support the Greek too, I do, I don't understand how Europe doesn't despair and act, but you're even more invested than the Greeks in this board themselves. Are you a descendant or what?

Ναι ρε γουδί όρθιο βγάλε μας απ' το ΝΑΤΟ και φτιάξε δικιά σου συμμαχία εσύ με την Συρία και το Πακιστάν.

oh user, I wish I havent read the books I did so I could agree with you... but people who actually study and read about such topics are not common so I dont blame you for taking the shortcut

if you are interested try making some research on Antonio Gramsci and then Frankfurt School... those two will lead you to at least half a dozen more people

The deep state will favor Turkey without any shadow of a doubt, though some Republicans might offer surface objections to placate their voters. Unfortunately the average American voter doesn't know enough about that part of the world to have an informed opinion. Remember that the Clinton administration managed to sell the public on bombing Serbia to save Albanian and Bosnian rats.

Trump's been leashed and the deep state establishment won't let go of its Turkish alliance unless Erdogan gets really arrogant and does something drastic(like bomb Israel) to offend them. So honestly its not likely.

tell him about koulis islamoulis


Agreed Ukraine would likely join turkey just to spite Russia, all in all they're a shitty corrupt nation noone wants in their group for any reasons other than land grabbing and their women.
Enclosed is a map of a possible future

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kind of, it has been going down for the past few days after they burned a lot of their dollar reserves to control this free fall, but its not working really well, it will probably close at 6.79 today

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Goddamn I can only get so hard. Imagine the best timeline, Roman Empire reformed. Dixie secedes again, BTFO's the eternal Yankee, conquerors the Golden Circle.

If anything the Frankfurt school is a perfect example of why the Jew is the enemy.
