Why do blacks care more about $10 worth of rubber/leather than human life?

Why do blacks care more about $10 worth of rubber/leather than human life?

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If white people didn’t invent sneakers, there would be no sneaker murders. Checkmate racists.

To care involves thought.

They are not human

Because blacks aren’t humans themselves

Nigga concords be expensive and rare as hell

I've been to jail. They don't mind at all, it's like a second home to them.

Jews invented sneaker fetishism.

That human life will consume much more than that in welfare going forward.

Because blacks aren’t human.

That and (((urban society)))

Nikes > Niggers

imagine being a fucking monkey who cannot think about the life sentence awaiting him when he does stupid shit
For a pair of fucking shoes.

Dumb ass fuckin niggers

IQ less than that of a mice

wow what a shocker you never see animals acting like animals

White boys wish they could have high fashion sense as the BLACK man

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Because they are stupid chimpanzees who should have been left in the jungles to die from malaria and Ebola.

A cheap oil job and a $.99 cent plastic crown makes a man look cheap.

A pair of used shoes lmao. Who the hell would want used shoes. My own stank is plenty enough thanks, I don’t need someone else’s on my shoes. The used sneaker market baffles me

Nothing much going on behind those rodent eyes

bruh fuck white ppl

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according to the left it's because they're so poor due to white supremacy that they literally have no other choice

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All the estrogen in their systems makes them love shoes more then life, just like roasties.


>shoes Made in China
Worth it.

>Miami-Dade police arrested Adrian Cosby and George Walton, both 19, early Sunday and charged them with Tuesday's slaying of Andrea Camps Lacayo and the wounding of her boyfriend, Sergio Berben.
>According to the Miami Herald, detectives say Camps, 18, and Berben had agreed on social media to sell Cosby and Walton three pairs of Adidas Yeezy sneakers for $935. Pairs of that shoe are selling for up to $500 online.
>Police say they located Cosby and Walton by going through the victims' social media communications. They say both confessed, with Walton telling detective his only intention was to steal the shoes after trying them on.
i'll never understand niggers and their propensity for excessive violence
dumbshits now could face life in prison over some ugly shoes

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should we be thanking chink manufacturers and jew marketers for solving the nog problem?

>investing in something only a nog would find valuable
>being surprised when they never intended to BUY the items
Sorta brought it on yourself. The stereotypes will stop when they stop living them out like this. Until then... expect people to hate on certain people.

Hannibal buress getting yoked.

That's a nigger

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>shoe robbery
I don't even.

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Maybe the faggot shitstem shouldn't have deployed racist mass incarceration tactics to make so many blacks get comfortable in jail.