Brit/pol/ - Bobbies in the Shadows

>UK Police appear from the shadows to bust up rural picnic

>Cops prowling around break in en masse to lonely man's apartment

>Government criticised for handling of the "crisis"

>Leaked dossier shows Blairites delierately tried to lose 2017 election to oust Corbyn

>SNP under scrutiny for how £2.2 billion to support business is being spent

>Huawei rejects "baseless" claims about its involveent in UK 5G network

>UK has a political power vacuum and the journalistic class has completely failed : Iain Dale

>Who is Philip Cross? Information wars from Craig Murray

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Just got my dna results in, I'm not sure I believe it, the company is probably run by Jews because I'm actually white.

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Ash not happy lads

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>giving your DNA to kikes
>paying for it
Jewiest shit I've ever heard


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fuck china

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Built for BWC

>I'm actually white.

Sure you are, Kungawo.

Don't forget to clap for RNHS this week lads
And every week
For the rest of your lives

>1/8 of all uk cases have ended in death
>"recoveries" have been removed from the official figures

Attached: uk stats.png (391x565, 25.02K)

Black and Muslim People
>Core Labour base

The suicidal left

what is it with people and 5g? there wasn't this fuss over all the other g's.

Good, I can't stand that cunt.

>More than 100 recovered coronavirus patients in South Korea test positive again amid fears 'reactivated' cases could spark fresh outbreak

But she is vulgar; why do people listen to her?

Funny as her colleagues and NovaroMedia as a whole fell in lock step with the smears, and I’m guessing she’ll be told to hush up and get aboard the Keir Karavan if she wants to keep her job.

Also lol at darkies being actually considered left wing and not just “whitey gimme dat, you racist!”


The great Seethening of 2020.

>Alienate the red wall by electing another middle-class professional remainer as leader
>Alienate Corbynite psychos by pushing the nutcases out

Labour's vote share will be sub-20% in a year

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Why are you ignoring the fact the government guidelines themselves say that they can declare someone died from Covid-19 without any evidence?

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why are you ignoring the fact that several countries (including the uk) have been caught underreporting deaths by a massive degree?

>The most prolific pedophile and child sex trafficker in our countries history
>Still walking free and having regular chats with Prince Andrew and shit

Is she ever going to be brought to justice?

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nooooooo but muh lockdownerino

don't respond to it.

Sub-human African

no unless some out of the loop country arrests her, then she'll be killed

>Core vote
>People on the fringe who never vote

These Lundun narcissists have no idea how wrong they are.

No because that would be anti-semetic.

can't eat bread anymore

doctor said thats whats causing the stabbing pains and shits and why I get a gummy feeling in my mouth

but I am fine when I eat sour dough

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>Hundreds of deaths of old people are being 'AIRBRUSHED' out of UK daily death toll, warn care sector bosses - as staff say lack of PPE is playing 'Russian roulette with the most vulnerable'

doommong going into full meltdown by look of it

To get the extra bandwith requires higher frequencies, milimeter wave. High freqs do not penetrate barrier well - like your neighbour playing music, you hear the bass more. This means they dont travel so far and they need more powerful transmitters much closer together. 5G being harmless is absolutely not settled. Quick intro from a non meme source

They would have died regardless, and as it is the COVID-19 death figures are being fluffed enough as it is.

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> It is like watching a party busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

God I hate this hairy lipped shitskin bitch and the establishment that gives it an artificial platform.

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Remember how everyone thought Epstein suiciding would uncover everything? Nothing will happen.

Are you blackshitanon?

Your own article says 2/3rds had the expected numbers of antibodies
1/3 had lower than expected , but that doesn't mean none.

Also South China morning post is owned by Alibaba so basically the CCP

5G is pretty different, it uses higher frequencies and more bandwidth, that means the signals don't carry over so well, so they need lots of high power emitters on every street corner because even a little wall will ruin reception, and the phones have to use so much power to transmit that they get really hot, which tells you there's a lot of radition going both ways.

>Labour members who want a refund for the past 5 years I don’t blame you, but what about all those supporters who paid £25 to vote for Jeremy in 2016.

>What about the thousands of pounds that was raised in the run up to 2017 GE.

Something to do with the gluten maybe? Sourdough has less gluten in it

fucking state of these mongs

You fear the Doommong. I don't agree with every single one of the claims he makes, but he's often quite right, and he's running rings around you faggots.

/cvg/ are always contradicting themselves.

>get PPE
>waste it all in the first week

>why wont the government give us ppe?

wtf is wrong with nurses

Should start a refund troll astroturf like others did for the Bernie refund thingy.

>but he's often quite right

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so it ruins battery life and microwaves your balls at a slightly higher setting than 4g? seems pretty pointless.

>doctor said
Were they brown?

Trust the plan.


I want me money back he wasn't the trot I thought he was.

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It's not like the entire general is a unified body with a singular interpretation of events you absolute fucking spastic. It's a whole host of different people with differing opinions.

Hijack these

>screenshotting a typo

>another /cvg/ regular

As I said, I don't agree with every single claim he makes, but he IS often quite right. Read my post again, genius.

There a bunch of delusional fuckwits, mate.

I got a massive boner reading what she would so honestly. She lived Kuroinu for all intents and purposes. She was even more psycho than Epstein and her entire thing was mind breaking girls into being sex slaves.
My dream is to hunt her down, capture her and mindbreak her into sex slavery. Would be the ultimate domination.

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Why is official Birmingham museum info claiming blacks have been here since medieval times?

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He isn't close to the 3 million figure either though

>eceleb tier shitskin discussing politics

/cvg/ has consistently been 2 months ahead of the scientific community and the media since the beginning.

Did you know the Black Death lasted 140 years?

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Just wait two weeks bro

Karen what do you think about the Wigwam in Liverpool?

If a monkey posts enough daily mail articles statistically one of them will be factual

Doommong has been correct about all aspects of coronavirus. My balls turned black and fell off down the toilet.

No, I'm just familiar with the way generals work. That would be like saying Brit/pol/ contradicts itself when several differing opinions are voiced. You fucking stupid retard.

God, I've only been back a few hours and I already cannot fucking stand to be around you ridiculous spastics.

He hates it, understandably.

Some of them are, some of them aren't. They've been right about a hell of a lot, and a lot of you here were completely wrong.

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Nah, that's just the whitest guy in Brum.

Proper chap lol; I do not like it either