Can we come up with black, latina, and asian versions of 'karen'?

I'm thinking Kesha, Karmen, and Kai?

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Are any normie memes actually organic or are they all created by the CIA

The Charo

> Public servant doing nothing.
> Feminazi
> Laughs with tiny dick jokes
> Tired all the time.

What's the difference?

Get this Reddit shit outta here

Legit question. What the fuck is the point of the CIA if all they seem to do is fuck up society? Do they really think they are doing the right thing?


> Charo
LMFAO, well done España

Depends on what you mean by "fuck up society". They got into the habit of waging a never-ending psy op campaign on the population during the Cold War as an outgrowth of fears that if THEY didn't do so, the Soviets would (which they were 100% trying to, both governments dumped massive resources into how figuring out how to manipulate mass psychology). The constant little ways in which these psy ops make us angry, sets us against each other, and seemingly degrades "our culture" is annoying, but in general all part of a greater plan to keep the minds of the sheep safely corralled in an enclosure where they won't run off and do silly things like overthrow the government or start killing each other; it's all we talk about, if there WASN'T a constant campaign to suppress it we'd likely implode into civil war

Shaniqua- always talking loudly on the phone, stupid colored hair and nails, tries to use food stamps to buy newports and malt liquor, offended by everything because she's too stupid to understand anything and therefore always takes offense, also obese and seeking more govt $
Maria- smells like tacos, always buying large quantities of shirts and blouses at goodwill and masa at aldi to feed and clothe migrant labor/human traffic camp, always pregnant and using ebt

you're a fucking retarded gorilla nigger.

the black one has always been the shaneequa

do you wanna speak with the Yas Forums manager?

Where can I learn more about CIA mass psyops?

This is literally a stolen meme combination of that wine aunt wojak and that mommy wojak. (Both of which are better due to how extreme they are). God normie memes are so fucking retarded and afraid of being truly edgy.
Like 'Karen' should be the type of mommy to give baby Ritalin and cut off their dick while drinking copious amounts of wine and arguing with the husband. Now that is true comedy.

or we could just let all twatter and plebbit "memes" die and not care about them.
that's what I'm gonna do. fuck you faggots.

That’s exactly what I mean. That and helping with drugs entering our country. I really doubt we would be close to civil war if they didn’t push the psyops. Sure many of us have different opinions on politics but that is why we have different states.

>defending antiwhite, antihuman, unconstitutional CIA operations

good post

Shut up roastie.

You deserve this.

I unironically see plenty of potential upsides to a civil war that would leave millions dead and break the global power of the United States, but I understand if not everyone agrees with that, least of all the US government

they manipulate thought. under the guise of collecting intelligence. always been a cabal tool

memes are a psyopp
so is music. just look at metalheads. or techniheads. they dress the same. metalhead culture is all abought muh drugs and guitar and skull and bones pentagram shirts

Mostly because the vast overwhelming majority would find their heads on fucking poles, and rightly so for all of the race mixing garbage they promote.

Good post. It's a small wonder the USA doesnt descend into barbarism at the drop of a hat. Nobody (with the possible exception of blacks and gays/trannies with their artificial place at the top of the social hierarchy) is happy yet everyone feels powerless to actually change anything. Plus even in a national crisis you can still get food and the power always stays on

The Karen meme is anti-white.

saying memes are a psyop is a psyop and you glow in the dark

Plus that fucking dull, soulless adult animated cartoon art style.

>calls police on spics running their shit mouths using their shit language.

Karen is pretty cool.

Fuck spics.

>if all they seem to do is fuck up society?
That is the point. To keep society in a continual state of destabilisation so no one can pose a legitimate threat to ZOG. Also, if there's no change in power, they can never be prosecuted for all the ill shit they've done.

everything but the chore chart is based and redpilled

There are white women who are NOT a Karen. That's why it works.