Why is every pagan that I ever met a degenerate?
Paganism is Judaism
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Paganism is a meme.
Gotta love the hypocrisy. You love the white race except you hate the thing that made it superior in the first place apparently. Now you wanna go back to living in mudhuts banging on rocks all day and then whining about niggers who've done the same thing in Africa for 10,000 years lol
Youre a degenerate magnet.
Imagine liking Varg. He's literally living on the dole, not off the land, off the dole.
Because their lives revolve around comic book nonsense.
Imagine being such a dipshit goy NPC that you not only believe in a proto Jewish mythology but that somehow non Jewish mythologies are Jewish.
Christianity is definitively more Jewish than Judaism, as Judaism and christianity come from the exact same proto Jewish cult. Let that sink in. The old testament is literally the Hebrew bible.
Yeah I know, fucking Varg doesn't even live off the fucking land, he gets welfare and lives in a car lol
Imagine being so utterly ignorant of history that you believe in the mudhut meme and compare pre-Christian Europe to Africa. Pre-Christian Germanics had a grasp of metallurgy that exceeded the sum total of Africa's total development, developed a stable patriarchal society, had codified laws, mastered agriculture and cultivated numerous crops and livestock and lived in WOODEN houses. Mudhuts indeed.
But let me guess, muh monuments right?
>Architecture didn't exist before desert religions
What did he mean by this?
Why do all Christians lie? Why do they never tell the truth?
False dichotomy
Stop being a redditfag
I guess he believes ancient China and India are part of the middle east lmao
Show flag paulo
>Why is every pagan that I ever met
I have never met a fucking Pagan in my life.
This is just a fake religious group Christians use as a foil to keep people on the Cuckianity train.
No, those were Christian mudhuts.
I am northwestern European
that means I had only 800 years of Christianity in my lands at best. I am glad Christianity is losing to a atheist it shows how pathetic Christianity is. paganism however is beating atheists.
i think paganism has degenerated far from its roots. the pagans from the past were often conquered and with them not seeming the be avid writers, there's little source material to go off. i think what we have now is a religion built up by people filling in the blanks with whatever nonsense makes them comfortable and/or jews corrupting something which may have been traditional.
as it stands today, paganism is "witchcraft"-tier nonsense. basically it's larpy bullshit for people who want to be like some character they saw.
And essentially all pagan religions advocated for pro-family values, in many cases far more patriarchal than Christians. This is literally the only thing the pagans and the Christians had in common. Pagans were warriors and conquerors, Christians were peace loving and bad at war, although they liked to outlaw shit and force the population to comply, they were never that good at warfare against foreign powers. And even the Knight comes from pagan myths and legends, there are no warriors in Christianity, most of the better aspects of Christianity come from paganism.
unironically the unificaition of christianity with racialism it is all thats needed.
>but they say we are all equal
yes every human being deserves in principle being threated equally nice (in principle) because every human being has in principle equal capacity to feel as any other...
so basically it all comes down to: "respect everyone in principle but marry your own"
Remember Aryans don't owe jesus anything because he is not our savior. Aryans don't descend from Adam therefore Aryans don't need Jesus to die for their sins.
here is the evidence.
The Chaldean Account of Genesis, by George Smith, [1876] we see the truth of what Adam means. It doesn’t mean the first man, but it refers to a race. Here is a quote showing you what race.
"the Babylonians recognized two principal races: the Adamu, or dark race, and the Sarku, or light race, probably in the same manner that two races are mentioned in Genesis, the sons of Adam and the sons of God.” (Ref 1)
As you can see Adam doesn’t mean mankind. This disproves the original sin narrative. Since we did not inherit sin from Adam there is no Messiah coming and there never was one to be a sacrifice for mankind. For those who think we descended from that race the Babylonians referred to as Adamites is the evidence completely destroying that lie.
Seven thousand five hundred fifty-six (7556) haplotypes of 46 subclades in 17 major haplogroups were considered in terms of their base (ancestral) haplotypes and timespans to their common ancestors, for the purposes of designing of time-balanced haplogroup tree. It was found that African haplogroup A (originated 132,000 ± 12,000 years before present) is very remote time-wise from all other haplogroups, which have a separate common ancestor, named β-haplogroup, and originated 64,000 ± 6000 ybp. It includes a family of Europeoid (Caucasoid) haplogroups from F through T that originated 58,000 ± 5000 ybp. A downstream common ancestor for haplogroup A and β-haplogroup, coined the α-haplogroup emerged 160,000 ± 12,000 ybp. A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown; however, the most likely origin for each of them is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south. Haplogroup B is descended from β-haplogroup (and not from haplogroup A, from which it is very distant, and separated by as much as 123,000 years of “lat- eral” mutational evolution) likely migrated to Africa after 46,000 ybp. The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B ), as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein) on several hundred people from various haplogroups.” Klyosov, A. & Rozhanskii, I. (2012). Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 80-86. doi: 10.4236/aa.2012.22009. (Ref 2).
Technically our society is more Christian than ever. Literacy rates are at an all time high, we all have access to Bibles in our own native languages. Although the power of the Catholic Church is much weaker but only because Catholics tried to kill all the Protestants, such as my ancestors, and they ended up suffering a humiliating loss at the hands of the Protestants and forced to reduce their power.
okay jew
if you don't want to partake in Aryan culture then you can live in your holy land. if you think the site of Jerusalem has more significance than Stonehenge then you will be banned from Europe and your children too.
the false worship of a false god will not be tolerated in our lands.
>lmao christianity raised white IQ making whites superior to niggers and the like
Varg is a mongoloid that should be ignored but you’re in the same box
The north haven't been christians for 2000 years you mongoloid. At best it's 1000 years and it turned our nations to shit.
Christianity is cuckholding incarnate
This, most of the bombastic shitposts are just that, a general consensus is that everyone should have an ethnostate, save for the long nose tribe, and everyone stick to their own.
In the Aryan ethnic teachings there was death and rebirth.
How it works is you have a personnel vessel that you can be born into. Your goal is to transcend the cycle of death and rebirth while you are in that vessel.
You get as many tries as you need as long as that vessel is born.
The only way you can stop that vessel from being reform is by race mixing and the destruction of your race. If that happens then you will be stuck in a eternal prison by yourself with full knowledge of your past lives.
The only way you can break the cycle and not return to your prison is by going through your first ancestor.
Our first ancestor is FRYA. She gave us a covenant to follow which would allow us to be chosen by Her to ascend to Her watch-star forever being free of the death and rebirth cycle.
when you worship jesus christ you are cut off from the Creator because to get to the Creator you must go through your ancestry. that is why blood is so important. our first ancestor is Frya the Great Aryan Mother and through Her can we get to the Creator.
>lies like it's second nature
Like clockwork
Jews are the "bad cop" of the Christian power structure. Every persecution of the jews has been condemned harshly by the Catholic church, even the ones where jews were caught red handed killing children or clipping coins and even then they were allowed to stay if they just acknowledged Jesus as their savior (even if they didn't mean it). The church still has the testimonies and evidence but ignores it. Also many of the inquisitors were themselves jews that basically pushed their kinsmen out to more profitable areas such as the New World.
Yeah classic fag delusion from from stormcucks who don't know shit about history apparently
They are comics you fucking dipshit shill.
Lol this is funny.
Christian Europe was 1000 years of constant eugenics. You tended to get a lot more kids the richer and smarter you were and a large percentage of the population was executed every year for crime. You can thank the eugenic Christian era for the great scientific advances Europe achieved. Maybe the eugenic effect could be similar if they remained pagan, but the point is that the graph is making false assumptions about this constant scientific advance that got halted culturally by Christianity. Also, you might say that Europeans developed into a cucked race during that long eugenic period under Christianity, but the reason we're too cucked at the moment has a lot to do with recent dysgenics after the industrial revolution transformed selection pressures and a lot to do with brainwashing
For example when the userers took a peasant's house, who feeds the peasant? The church. The church which could have stopped the userer but instead lets him operate without one word of protest. This makes the peasant loyal to the church but still fearful of the money changers the church is supposed to be opposed to.
>those were Christian mudhuts
Yeah ok schlomo, go fuck off you pagan cucks, you're worse then those niggers in Africa at this point
>Worship a literal kike from the desert you pleb
This one is funny too lol
Keep them going.
Only christians submit to judaism, their whole thing is to call western civilization judeo-christian, judeo comes first because its more important to them
>800 years
Charlemagne, the Irish, William the conqueror and more that I don’t care to mention would like to disagree with you
This is peak pagan intelligence, everyone. Anyway, ever notice how pagans talk about paganism like vegans and vegetarians talk about eating vegetables/meat? No one gives a fuck if some contrarians start worshipping trees or hating on boomer Christians. In fact, Christians LOVE being shat upon and engaged by non-believers.