I'm conflicted and need help. I like Donald Trump, I like the mass butthurt he creates, but he loves the Jews. His dad was the biggest shabbos goy of all, going out of his way to finance Zionism. This is devastating for me. What should I do? Betray the white race or drop Trump?
I'm conflicted and need help. I like Donald Trump, I like the mass butthurt he creates, but he loves the Jews...
Don't drop trump. Jews are just a meme. Fpbp. MAGA
there's no way she's satisfied with anything less than a you know what...
OP is a jew and this is a bot thread, go whack off to ugly chicks on Yas Forums
Anything you can say about the Jews, you can say about the CCP 10,000 times over, and you can say about Islam 10,000,000 times over.
i like coffee
but is it good for me?
Is Miwlkies good for you?
>I like Donald Trump
That's as true as I am Jewish faggot.
A big white cock, yes I know
Wtf is this? A shabbos goy rollcall?
The conservatives have relied on the Jewish vote for 80 years. Trump is no different.
Another shabbos goy, Jewish vote goes to Dems. Always has.
Not white.
Who me? I'll post my picture if you want
Naming the Jew would get him Shoa'd so fast he'd never win a reelection at best, at worst he'd get a bullet to the skull from one of the leftists who think he's already a Nazi. Not naming the Jew is what keeps him in with the normies who've been brainwashed with Holocaust muh 6 million propaganda.
Built for giant white supreme penis
>I like the mass butthurt he creates,
Why would Trump give a damn about you? He will screw you over just as badly as anyone else. Trump is God's judgement against conservatives.
read the paste in name
yes, post a picture of you please
Trump is a traitor through his love of the biggest racists on the planet. I bet he had his son's penis mutilated as an infant. Fucking false-god adoring clown.
start liking Jews, it's that simple, and it's not difficult when you compare them to other races
Built for Berniebro cock
>that comic
Lol keep supporting you fuck and wait for the plan
Ya trying to sneak around Mutts law while still cuckposting aint ya
When someone says "durrr Trump gave Israel more than Obama did," say so what?! A few billion no big deal. When someone says "Blumpf made it illegal to criticize Israel on college campuses," you say fuck those liberal institutions anyways!!
Churches support Trump. Churches support a man who is totally unapologetic of all those sins. You don't have religious beliefs, you have excuses.
a breast reduction surgery to ease her daily back pain?
CCP is jewish invention, same with islam. Therefore this should go something like this:
- anything you can say about CCP, you can say 10,000 times over abou islam, and 10,000,000 about jews.
> CCP is jewish invention
Dunno about CCP, but Christianity is most literally the Jewish invention.
Your god, was an eccentric Jewish rabbi.
coming from two protestant, jewish cucked countries. sage.