He claims to be a christian

>he claims to be a christian
>he isn't a communist
why are you not following the teachings of God, user?

Attached: jesus.jpg (423x468, 23.91K)

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Communism is not a part of Christianity and Christianity is not a part of communism.

I hope your entire family dies of coronavirus you faggot communist. I am praying they will. I hope they choke to death while being ventilated. Don't ever push Jesus as being a communist. You are not human the only good communist is a ___ communist.

ok troomer

Attached: t5x9IkQ.jpg (908x539, 71.39K)

Prayers won't really work because I farted into Christ's ear

>You’ve got to follow an atheist ideology to be a true Christian

the kingdom of god is a kingdom aka monarchie, not communist
ok newfag?

Ideologies are not part of anything but they can be aplied to anything.
Not an argument. Remove the memeflag next time,mutt.
Nice reddit filename. If you had any conviction for your so called "beliefs", you'd take them a bit seriously. But you're nothing. Remove the memeflag.
Communism is an idelogy completely independent from atheism. If you've ever read the Bible, you'd know the preachings of Christ, but since you're a larper you just write things you can't understand.
Yes, God is king, and everyone is welcome in his kingdom if they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. Everyone has the same rights in heaven. Also, using newfag outs you as an underage,

This! Read your Bible, folks! Christianity is all about proccuring material wealth, fighting against non-whites and hating your neighbour if he humble himself before Jesus.

Attached: the whitest man ever.jpg (225x225, 8.69K)

Communism is secular Christianity, mutt. Say what you want, but it makes more sense to be a communist Christian than a capitalist one.

Christianity's endgame is a Universal Egalitarian Kingdom Under God, Communism's endgame is Universal Materialist Egalitarian Unreligious Commune.
They are only compatible (being very generous) in the short term, they cannot both reach their goal.

kill yourself commie


I thought you were serious but good bait, have a (you).
that's not very Christian of you, not Christian...

Attached: Jesus and the Boys.jpg (720x1080, 168.16K)

communism is explicitly anti religious and anti christian.

lowbrow flyover detected

>Founded by Jews

>It'S ChRiStIaN GoYs

>t. Never read Marx

Jesus encouraged charity. Charity is not socialism. Charity is giving voluntarily. Socialism is taking involuntarily. God is a monarchist.

>Render on to Cesar what is his

He was clearly not a communist, the Bible never mentions seizing the means of production

Sending you to a torture realm when you don't give sounds like communism to me

>all powerful state run by a handful of kikes
How very Christian. The true Christian politico-economic system is Distributism.

>torture realm
Someone fell for the Secular Lie.
All that waits for those who reject Christ is Absolute Destruction.
You don't get tortured, that's reserved for The Deceiver and his ilk.

You Christians should make up your minds about this.

we will rescue our own

Good thing i'm not Christian then

it's because i wish to follow the teachings of god that i'm against communism

Take an acid bath, pinko faggot.

because marxism rejects God and is the reason why spain has covid.

How about you just read the Bible yourself?
Hell as a torture realm is a Medieval idea.
The Bible itself talks about Non-Christians being thrown out into Darkness, and eventually everything that is not in the 'Light' (i.e. God's Kingdom) is destroyed utterly, leaving only perfection.
This is clearly stated throughout the New Testament by Christ, Paul, Peter and John.
I blame Americans for the pervasiveness of this unhelpful error.

>DuDe WaTcH mY hOuR LoNg ViDeO BrO!
why do christfags argue like this?

More Christians believe in the torture realm. Maybe you are wrong about this.

>you have to be an atheist to be a communist


Jesus lived on a commune with the apostles and his followers. There was no private property, everything was held in common. That’s literally communism.

Jesus never forced anyone to do anything. Communism isn't voluntary, you stupid shitstain.