Whats wrong with Satanism Yas Forums?
Seems pretty based to me.
Whats wrong with Satanism Yas Forums?
Seems pretty based to me.
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This is more sensible than other religions
For a lot of people it's nearly impossible for them to consider a paradigm where you don't completely submit to the concept of a deity. Being the center of your subjective and objective universe while still operating in the physical plane is just too much for your average brainlet to comprehend or want anything to do with. Taking complete responsibilities for your actions and designing your own meaning for your particular existence learning as you, versus having everything already explained to you and wrapped up in a nice little package, most have no interest here.
Yeah, it's wrong. And I just want to say that I had a few encounters with graveyard satanists. There more you hit them the harder they ask for it and they never file complaints. That's the best use for satanists, taking out your frustrations on them.
true that. Most people it seems are stuck mentally in the medieval period.
Satanism is based
Ave Satanas
Atheistic Satanism a la LaVey is about as based as it gets.
"Get your shit together, get educated, do well in life, make money, enjoy yourself along the way, be as kinky as you want but only with other consenting adults, also LARPing is fun."
The only downside is that the halloween-tier schtick attracts superior atheist fedoras who, ironically, are the total antithesis of a LaVeyan Satanist, if only because they commit the Satanic sins of looking like shit and being stupid.
Still funny to watch Christniggers and conservative neckbeards get triggered over it, though.
Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
Satanism is a bit like wicca only you don't have to be a 13 year old girl to participate. Same daddy issues but anyone can do it!
The nine Satanic sins
1. Stupidity
2. Pretentiousness
3. Solipsism
4. Self-deceit
5. Herd Conformity
6. Lack of Perspective
7. Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies
8. Counterproductive Pride
9. Lack of Aesthetics
How is abrahamism not daddy issues?
I could argue that its worse, you are worshiping a runaway dad thats never called
Because I'm not a service to self faggot. You'll eventually realize love and service to others is the only answer in the cosmos.
You need to be 18 y.o. or older to post on this website.
nice try shlomo
Because we don't hate our Father and have no need for faux rebellions.
all of my stuff in one posts sorted by subject
Their believes and philosophical framework
True Tinfoil stuff
Also this board is 18+. grow up faggot
Mostly agree with this, but the fedora-ism is actually a big issue.
The self-ownership stuff is the important part, but the whole thing is juvenile, the aesthetic repulses people, the Halloween-esque rituals are silly.
All the individualism they promote is better expressed in egoism and individualist anarchism. Research Max Stiner.
They have basically the same values as secular humanists, which are nothing special.
LaVeyan types are also into occultism, which is silly. The Satanic Temple aren't, but there's so much silly infighting and so many cringey goths that they aren't much better.
Finally, while the value system is fine, being an active Satanist doesn't provide much actual benefit. Zen Buddhism teaches techniques for sharpening the mind. Quakerism provides a supportive, value-focused community. What does Satanism actually provide?
Why would you love a deadbeat dad?
what the fuck is wrong with you
I'm not Jewish, and I dont enjoy eating foreskins?
Nice flag flaggot;Anton Lavey was a liberal glow in the dark nigger CIA agent, and so was that faggot in the army who started the homojerkoff temple of set
It's gay
It is but like all stigmatized beliefs it attracts psychotic wannabe worshippers.
no one going to go through all of this you dumb faggot
thanks Krautbro
Yeah, the fedora thing is a massive issue. I reckon it's because of LaVey's writing being so edgy and rabble rousing. Most people realize that it was just him shitposting in the 60s and 70s, the fedoras buy into it.
The aesthetic and the rituals are a product of their time, at least in part. They trolled conservative America back then and they succeeded in it. I still think it's amusing, if only because it's so on the nose. When they dug around for symbols to use, they purposely looked for whatever was the spookiest for that exact purpose.
I agree, LaVeyan Satanism really isn't anything special. It has many good aspects to it, though it might be more of a solid starting point for things that go deeper.
I disagree on LaVeyans being into occultism. LaVey kicked theists out of the Church of Satan, some of which went ahead to form the Temple of Set. Those guys are legitimate occultist nutjobs. Plus, if you've read The Satanic Rituals, it becomes blatantly obvious that it's all just LARPing for spooky DnD nerds.
I agree that the value system doesn't provide much when compared to other philosophies. But as a basic framework that doesn't want to do more than "here's something solid for daily life" and "here's a solid starting point", I think it's good stuff.
>What does Satanism actually provide?
Shortcuts to personal power. The temple of set reading list is a wall of philosophy, political theory, psychology, and effective mystical practice. I'd also argue the whole occult angle is effective, metaphorically at the very least. LaVey absolutely destroyed witchcraft so that one may wear its corpse.
>Whats wrong with Satanism
Let's see what's wrong with Satanism. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say uh SATAN? You know the guy with the fire and the horns and shit? The part where you pray to LUCIFER the lord of all that is evil and unholy? Just a wild guess there. But what do I know, I'm not a fuckin' SATANIST.
>Whats wrong with Satanism Yas Forums?
its a christian-opposite meme-larp made by a fucking jew, its literally a mash of incoherent shit
It's basically just a Dionysian cult for people who are stuck to Semitic forms. Honestly, Satanism mostly gets a bad rep for the liberal takeover of Satanism which has occurred over the last 20-30 years. Prior to that Satanists were at least honest about fucking everyone over for their own self interest. Today it is promoted as a cult for everybody.
>larped so hard he destroyed witchcraft
do you think about how stupid you sound before hitting that post button? obviously not.
>even satanists hate solipsism
As a legitimate historical practice and the whole reflavored christcuck Wicca revision based on it. Elliot Rose's monograph on the witch trials and craft in Europe is an interesting read and the LaVeyan position derived from it moreso.
That’s not real Satanism, Laveyan ‘Satanists’ should realise Satan is the god of another religion and change their Satan’a name to something else, how about Aut?
Okay, I blew some air out of my nose.