Gday lads, praise him

>More than 850 JB Hi-Fi employees have signed a petition circulated by the Retail and Fast Food Workers' Union (RAFFWU) calling for the electronics retailer to close its stores to protect staff from the virus and continue paying them while they are stood down.
>Police have issued more than $300,000 in fines relating to COVID-19 over the Easter long weekend with holidaymakers and residents in Sydney City, the Blue Mountains, Newcastle and Liverpool hit the hardest.
>Two more Ruby Princess passengers dead; 5000 quarantined in Tasmania; Australia death toll rises; man on Tinder date among hundreds fined

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Other urls found in this thread:





Hi ASIO. Slow night eh?

Praise him

>Julian Assange is engaged and fathered two children while seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, according to his organisation, WikiLeaks.


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C'mon ASIO, you can do better than that.

also the bf

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Reminder that the ABC is incapable of a witch hunt because they say so.

Fuck sake glow thread. Fuck off ASIO you dog cunts

the gf

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ASIO thread.
It’s because we started talking about how they use five eyes tech against us.
Another disrupt, divide and conquer technique.
Gotta shit up the board to switch topics. Everyone will now be saying “fuck tarrant, fuck these glow threads etc”.

i swear, now even ASIO is shitposting ironic threads for a laugh.

saged, worship a Saint like they deserve it next time Mossad

>>Julian Assange is engaged and fathered two children while seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, according to his organisation, WikiLeaks.
Wish I had kids.
T. Virgincel straight white male 29 year old neet

It's cos everyone was talking about them, they thought they'd say hi obviously.

Could you cunts PLEASE get some new material, for fuck sake "praise him, praise him, praise him". Come up with something else already.

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>eve, as in evening
>bathory, as in some medieval cunt that got charged with being a vampire because the king didn't want to pay his debts
>reppetyllo, as in reptile
I thought goths were over 20 years ago
lemme guess, Adelaide?

Spot on, mate

There are pockets of them in every capital city

Praise him

G’day lads, anyone here partaking in activities that would be deemed illegal under Australian Federal law

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Who wants to fuck this bitch with me?
Insta - Blackleatherterror

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Gonna praise him lads.

So let's keep going!

Right, so yeah, they use scrapers to track things, sentiment analysis, keyword matching to flag stuff. You can actually accomplish much of it yourself on a more limited scale with various OpenSource tools & libraries. Obviously getting the IPs to link to posts, or track activity across services is harder but not impossible (have a honeypot server to serve remotely hosted images for example, then see who hits it).

You can even try to capture someones unique way of writing, common patterns in typos made, and use that to help track them across platforms as well. No idea if they make much use of that, but given the problems of tracking anonymous imageboard users I wouldn't doubt they give it a whirl.

Based user!!

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I trust you guys most of the time but why this one?

Hey Florian. How are you tonight?

she puts out behind peters back, just hit her up

adelaide. i fucked her after meeting her at a gig last year, been fucking her every now and then since

I talked to a lady 2 weeks ago who was in the broad arrow cafe at port author when the shooting happened. She said the shoot was not Martin Bryant....would any of our fed bois or asio fags care to explain this melon scratcher?

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Nice try asio

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Exactly. You can do it yourself if you’re dedicated enough. The software exists to scan keywords already, it’s open source.
I’m roll call user, i picked a completely random poster who hadn’t even posted his “roll call saying” the other day. He said okay guess which one i am. and i picked it first go. He’d only made 3 posts and i knew he was “jannies won’t stop me user”.
If i can do it from my bedroom in my head just from recognising patterns, imagine what they can do with supercomputers, NSA keyword tech, and the manpower of hundreds of people.
It’s easy for them because they get access to the IPs and whatever else data they need at the snap of their fingers.

I think I'd be safer violating social distancing rules than sticking my dick in a batcave

that evidence is under an E5 classification m8. It’ll never see the light of day. Senator lleyomhelm tried to get it released a couple years ago and was quickly SHUT DOWN.
Curious as to why he never got a trial. A lot there really activates the almonds

Yes, I'm fairly certain shitposting without a loisonce is illegal. Take me on orificer, I confess.

Finger her.

All the "praise him" shit. It's too flat & low effort to even be an actual Seejfag. They're just hoping some wignat goes "fuck yeah, I just bought a rifle off some lebbos at maccas, gonna go shoot at some trannies". Or just generally to piss everyone off, be disruptive. Like trolling, except that it's basically pissing into an ocean of piss to troll Yas Forums anyway lmao.

How bad was Q+A tonight?

so they figured out how to use archive sites?
why should I be worried?

Lol'd at that based boomer who triggered the chink in Big W today. More Australians need to be like him and trigger chinks.

Do you think its the same reason ""they"" are making tarrant plead guilty?

I get that it is because of tarrantchan but he has been posted constantly since his big debut. It’s only the last little while that it has been instantly stamped a glow thread when he turns up.

I’d wager it happens in basically real time. Maybe slow delay. Especially for frequent posters of “red flag” sites, like chans and idk maybe right wing media sites. Idk what extremists look at, i’m only here for conspiracies. Don’t v& me for exposing the xkeyscore bot ASIO

I just sent Eve the names and IP addresses of the incels posting about her in this thread.

alright then Peter

They are to afraid to kill Tarrant and make him a martyr so they are torturing him instead. Bastards.

Hmmm it's almost as if the official narrative might not be 100 percent accurate

gangbangs aren't my thing m80

based ASIO shitposters

Reminder to the agents and public servants monitoring this place; you're here forever. Don't let your tranny supervisor think that you're becoming silently radicalised. Be sure to say extra loudly how you'd like to acknowledge the traditional abos who lit bushfires where you are currently sitting.

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Yeah, he has lost a shit tonne of weight so it's plausible

Good point, wonder why that is?

is that the one that got caught buying a dozen tins of baby formula?

Fucking her as we speak, lad

ahh... arghh...... i'm... i'm gonna... COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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what do u mean a left handed literal retard who couldn’t count to ten, didn’t walk in there and kill 15 people in 15 seconds, shooting right handed from the hip, then doing a tactical reload after counting shots, ensuring he still had one in the chamber, all while a strange glow agent was screaming “NOT HERE, NOT HERE” cause something went wrong like too early or wrong venue, and that a 12 body truck was built and delivered to port arthur a couple days in advance, despite the town using the local ambulance as a body truck for the last 50 years.
Yes yes of course the official story is legit. That’s why it’s locked away and never went to trial

Its Pete here. Fuck you cunts. Why are you making up lies about my girlfriend? She would never cheat on me.

Blew up some Federal buildings felt good idk I might do it again.

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Best thing I ever did was learn how to fingerblast my butthole

lads, as the boomers in government get even more jewish, it's more important than ever to save and spread this image

the cunts could take away our shitposting access at any moment, making it really inconvenient for the 30 or so seconds it takes to undo their jewish behaviour

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No lies here, m'friend. Just cold, hard truths.

very based

was there some legal pressure for this reveil?
Assaunge having kids but being locked down give me hope hes not a CIA vs FBI plant.

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fuck that faggot and fuck you. Attacking people at a place of worship is absolute nigger tier behavior.

I suspect you could be asio. Are you doxing people who use this thread? If so why? This Peter chap looks a bit strange.
I find it very suspicious. I'm going to call you out as a asio agent.

Yep. Exactly right. Of course, the big thing from there is to then rank you in a threat matrix, and try to figure out your network (ie, get your Facebook or whatever and see who you're friends with). From there, if they see anything interesting in your associations, they can figure out more in general, such as who is trying to build a movement, who the main influencers are, if there's anything planned (from bank records etc) that kind of thing. Again, tons of tools already out there publicly to do this yourself (at least to some extent) & it's all at least somewhat automated. It's like a big puzzle, from all the little clues you leave online they figure out what you and everyone you know are doing.

> some twat
why am I not surprised

fuck off cunt

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don’t worry m8 it’s just an ASIO poster. None of us actual posters support that faggot. He’s a fuckwit and i hope he rots.

You know what is curious tho, OP is 1 post by this ID. ASIO confirmed

no siree, not an ASIO agent. just a sad 22 y/o in my bedroom


Victoria police to continue pursuing more and more charges against Pell. Will be in tomorrows newspapers.

Sounds like a pre-emptive strink in case Pell tries to sue Victoria and the Victorian police force.

Do we even have double jeapordy laws?

>just a sad 22 y/o in my bedroom

Reminder to always be observant and avoid asians in the wild. Asians can be identified at a distance by their pan-shaped face, short stature, slits-for-eyes and a cloud of diverse virii following in their wake.

Hold your nose, walk past at a safe distance say aloud "PING OFF CHING."

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posting some rare webms

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Start reporting this shit.

You are a fed. No one on Auspol is ever sad except the who justed poster. And your not him.

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"Diversity" is jew-speak for "Replace all white people."

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