shitposting aside. and I know we jews are evil and damned and cursed and demonic and whatever
but aside from us for a sec. you guys do realize that pretty much every single poster here is going to hell, right?
shitposting aside. and I know we jews are evil and damned and cursed and demonic and whatever
but aside from us for a sec. you guys do realize that pretty much every single poster here is going to hell, right?
clean yourself off, jew
No one falls for that rabbi jesus fucking christ trick anymore, kike.
I'm nice, I'll become decomposed and disappear forever when I die. I'm mean, I'll become decomposed and disappear forever when I die.
So why do I have to be nice to your filthy evils?
why do you kikes keep denying that you worship demons and drink christian blood?
I'm well-mannered, good-willed, wholesome Australian boy :) :) Heaven for me :) :)
nope, i'll go directly into paradise because the messiah redeemed me
you go to hell because you do not accept the messiah
have you EVER posted a meme promoting genocide in some capacity?
turn off vpn and show your flag chink faggot
Jesus promised to genocide filthy kikes.
Really? I didn't actually think he flat out said something like that, but I never actually read the new testament. Can you show me a cited quote?
>listening to a dead kike on a stick
why are goyim so predictable and stupid?
It's the main tenet of Christianity, you dumb fuck.
Only jews go to hell
Well, because I never drank any
Is this true?
then you'll rot in the deepest circle
I thought the main tenet is to just make everyone convert and baptize. including jews
just admit it chaim
If you reject Christ, you get the fire.
Erased from memory and existence.
I am willing to burn in Hell, if my people can live in Heaven.
I am with the true faith(orthodox) and as long I keep the path I will be ok .
I'm waiting for these goys in hell
only goyim burn in hell.
silly question:
Is blood even kosher?
Like if you had blood from an otherwise kosher cow, would you be allowed to drink it?
unbelievably retarded
>every single poster here is going to hell
John 3:16;good luck moishe I hear the big guy has eternal plans for you
Even cows blood isn't kosher jews eat well-done
I don't agree with a single thing you said
Ironic since you rats killed Jesus Christ. Repent
Just leave us the fuck alone. The white guilt is running out.
I thought jews didn’t believe in hell?
Thanks for proving rabbi yeshua is in hell, lol
You jews are so fucked when you meet God. Good luck schlomo
Nope, it's not. Kosher meat is by definition meat that's been salted so all the blood leaves it before it gets cooked.
The other 2 requirements are that it belongs to a kosher animal and was slaughtered by a trained jewish butcher
>1 post by this YID
>Using the "kike on a stick" line
>why are kikes so predictable and stupid?
There is an out for that.
If someone rejects our message we are to kick the dust off our feet and move on.
It's safe to say the remaining Jewry has rejected Him, and we can move on.
If we made that official and explicit, do you think Jews would be able to back off of us outside Israel?
What's white guilt?
Jesus wasn't a j3w, he was the first Christian and just happened to have semite blood. Since then, your blood is that of the serpent, your father. Killing Jesus turned your kind from 'chosen' to 'condemned'
I love Jews, I love how they play the victim and attacker at the same time
Why would I go to hell?
>You're going to go to hell no matter what [citation needed]
>Therefore you should commit evil on Earth
>Well done steak
That's even worse than the bacon-less, cheese-less bbq bacon cheeseburgers.
He had a semite blood=jew
So did the first Pope. And although I'm sure we have a few Popes in Hell, the first one was based.
this, fucking hell I knew jews weren’t human but shite!!!
Is human soap kosher?
No but you can cover if with matzahballs and god won't notice
This thread just shows how easily baited fragile Yas Forumscels are.
Maybe this is why their females push vaganism.
>If we can't have good steak, NO ONE can!
Doesn’t believe in something yet tells people they are going there! How are you any different than pol!
I don’t believe in the Holocaust but you need to get back in the oven Jew!
Ok motherfuckers we are all evil but you do know your going to Narnia!
Is this what you call bait jpeg
You are not a special unique race anymore than muslim is a race, desert nigger.
Are there any kike forums that Gentiles shit up 24/7/365.25?
We are in hell. Nobody is going anywhere.
You're not evil. Just blinded by your slave relationship with the Demiurge you call YHWH. I forgive you.
You too. Snow nigger with a kilt.
Rabbi Shekelstein, watch ur mouth before I send you into the Deathcoasters back in Germany in the name of G-D
lol dirty fucking projecting kikes have made hell on earth for themselves and now telling others they are going to hell. good luck with all that, jew.
you don't believe in hell though?
If you don't believe it means you believed 6 milions jews foght for foreign nations and we bith know it's absurd
Sure but Yas Forums isn't a jewish board
Not yet.
You sound upset
I certainly believe would ally with (((Bolsheviks))), but what does fighting have to do with it?
The point of holocaust denial isn't that they were enemy combatants, merely that they inflated their numbers.