What are you niggers eating during this pandemic

I'm not a broke nigger so I dont have to go to the bread line. I've been eating high quality spam and taking vitamins to keep my mind strong. Spam is great when you fry it, slice it, pulverize it and use it like caviar, spam fried rice, fried eggs and spam, spamburittos, lots of great thing you can do with spam. That's what I'm eating and I'll be here after all the boomers get coronavirus.

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I thought that only boomers eat Spam.

I eat actual food

>high quality spam
This is bait.

i eat what i usually eat. tonight i fried up some leftover pulled pork i made, served it with mashed potatoes and roasted greem beans. i didn't know pulled pork went so well with green beans.

i was thinking the same thing, kek
>when i was prepping for a minute i thought about getting a can of spam to try and then was like yeah fuck that i'd rather die first

Pringles for lunch and Kellogg's for dinner

You guys are fucking retarded.
SPAM is quality survival food that belongs in any pantry. And unlike most of it's imitators SPAM doesn't use mechanically separated pork and it uses potato starch instead of wheat flour for consistency (which means it won't give you the shits). It's 1000 calories of protein and fat in a tiny little can you can fit in your pockets. If your survival pantry doesn't have at least 30 cans of SPAM you're NGMI if SHTF

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Holy shit faggot, you're allowed to stock good food

yeah I had a bacon egg and cheese sandwich I made for breakfast and a bacon and mushroom shepards pie with 1000 calories for dinner

Spam is like $2.50 for a small ass can. Itd take 4 or 5 of them for a meal. Thats how small they are. Spam is a novelty at this point. If you wanna go cheap buy beans. Blacl, pinto, red, or white (navy) beans are all extremely cheap. Theyre pure 100% protein. No salt added like spam (if youre worried about that). My boys are being raised on red beans and rice. Beans are actually responsible for the population boom of earth back when humans learned to farm. Extremely healthy. Cheap.

Fuck spam. Eat beans


SPAM has less ingredients than whatever you had for breakfast.

A can of spam is like 1300 calories. If you weren’t being such an amerilard you could easily get 4 meals out of it. No one said to just eat pure spam and that’s it for a meal.

Eating as normal. The other day I had liver and favs beans paired with a decent chianti

Its not cost effective dipshit

>4 or 5 of them for a meal

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Shut up fatty

Never added spam to your red beans and rice I see. You are missing out and your boys are missing high quality nutrition.

Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top.
And Spam.

Spam is pretty good.. I prefer the lower salt version though. Keep a stack of it next to my deenz.

I've been BBQing chicken breast and using them on all kinds of shit, got a big ole bag of potatoes. I've avoided fast food since February, so I'me feeling pretty damn good. Too bad this thing isn't as bad as we thought, I'm enjoying this.

>deep fried trash

Right now? Some Hash Browns and a Maple Dount from Dunkin'. Nurses at the Hospital actually bought us something for once.

A leaf is actually right for one. Spam is based survival food, and it's also pretty tasty. It just suffers from bad marketing (a bad name). The only people who shit on it are people who've never tried it.

>Nurses at the Hospital actually bought us something for once
Are you a coronavirus patient?

I need to know if spam is better or worse than corned beef.
t. dollar store was all outta spam so i got some corned beef and i'm skeert to try it

No, Law Enforcement TEMS. I just brought two patients in.

Hahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha
I've had fresh meat and veggies you dumb nigger, you can't even find fresh shit and you say you're well off? My fucking sides

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Grocery stores are open, restaurants are doing pick-up. Literally nothing has changed here.

Aloha OP
Do you have the chinkypox?

Hey there, corned beef is great and nutritious but watch out on your salt intake, as it can get high if you eat it without other ingredients to space the meals out

i eat the same shit i was eating the last few months
>a green vegetable (or a can of v8)
>plain/chocolate rice cakes with organic peanut butter
>black/kidney/pinto/red beans
>once a week my brother and i get takeout from a decent restaurant

i stopped eating fast food years ago. reminder to check your food for s'oybeans, s'oybean oil and s'oy lectithin as these raise estrogen and are in like 75% of foods besides organic and good stuff

i have no idea what everyone is talking about "eating during a pandemic" i have been eating a million times better since all of this shit started. cooking organic food and eating veggies every day. Local Aldi's has everything I need, I go to a butcher for good organic meat

The people who shit on it are obedient little sheep that believe daddy government will keep the lights on and their refrigerator and water running indefinitely. These are the same people who end up face down in a puddle every time there's a hurricane or a flood. Sad!

Law Enforcement TEMS(Police-Paramedic). I brought two child patients in.

thanks bud