Orthodox Christianity = Satanism. Prove me wrong

Orthodox Christianity = Satanism. Prove me wrong.

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Orthodox Christianity teaches you to not steal, cheat, or lie.

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The only thing it teaches you is how to serve Moscow.

Orthodox Christianity *is* Christianity.

the jesus sacrament rituals aka the eucharist are ritual cannibalism and attempted necromancic commune with a dead rabbi
Take this bread as my flesh = ritual cannibalism
Take this wine as my blood = ritual cannibalism

That shit ain’t ok fellers

What do you even know about it, amerishart?

I am an Orthodox Christian.

Why do you attempt necromancic commune with a dead rabbi?

you're a disgrace to your ancestors

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When God says he hates vain repetitious prayer why have the same liturgy every sunday forever?

The liturgy is a worship service. It is neither vain nor repetitive. It is the discipline set down by the apostles.

My ancestors are a disgrace to me. Look at the nation they'd built. It's pathetic, spent 350 years under the Moscowian boot. Yours aren't much better.

Speaking to God is not necromancy.

I don't think you understand.

All religions are the basic summoning of a particular spirit. On par to wiccan and pagan rituals.

Satanism is one in the same except a different spirit.

Regardless you are summoning an astral entity.

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looks like youve got a bone to pick

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I do believe Christianity is a tool used too get you to worship a false conception of God. That doesn't mean it has no value underneath it but you really shouldn't look at it as a set of rules to follow.

Attempting to do it through a dead rabbi sure is though

>nor repetitive
its literally the same service word for word every Sunday...

Small brain'd protestants.

You are what you "eat". During communion the bread and wine become Christs flesh and blood which we take into ourselves. God's essence fills and transmutes your physical body so that you become -more like God-.

This is an inversion of the Pagans and Idol worshipers who sacrificed men and beasts, spilling their blood onto their idols. We know from things like Crowley's "Paris working" that Demons take pleasure from blood and flesh (life is in the blood) and that it was a good time for them to be sacrificed too.

Jesus starved the demons.

Likely because if you read the book of Enoch all the demons (most anyway) had physical bodies once, but lost them. Now they wander as hungry, angry spirits.

This is why all ancient pagans did human/animal sacrifice and why spirit possession (giving a demon a body) was so common. It's also why when Jesus arrived on scene, all the Pagan Gods died or fled.

Hope that helps you move past your 101 level course of theology newfriend.

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Your ancestors are basically Moscowian though

Lol gypsy, Moscow wasn't even a thing when my ancestors created their first state. Go learn something in your gypsy university.

Yeah you just literally describe ritual cannibalism
No thanks

>we wuz kievan rus n shiet

Jesus was killed by the phariseem, who became the first Rabbis.

Maybe Russian orthodox is different but Greek Orthodox is original christianity your not going to find some ex Wal-Mart turned into mega church with a Starbucks in it was a skateboarder park attached to lure those sweet supple kids in

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Nah m8 they called jesus rabbi in the bible
rabbis have been around for a very long time doing evil shit

Problem, officer?

Is Keanu showing off a puncture mark through his wrist?

Heb 8:5 - who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

Jhn 6:53 - Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.

Rabbi meant teacher. After Jesus' death the Phariseem took over Judaic teachings and mixed them with their own interpretations, creating the Midrash and the Talmud thus forming Rabbinic Judaism. Now Rabbi exclusively means their priestly class.

Bullshit, it’s literally different every Sunday. Different veneration for a saint. Different passage of the Bible. Stop letting moloch tell you what Church is like.

ok joomer

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ukrainians = faggots, you do not need to attempt to prove me wrong because there is already ample evidence

Can I suck your pansky chuj?