Why don't brainlets ever realize if Wal-Mart, Kroger or whoever paid every cashier, stocker...

Why don't brainlets ever realize if Wal-Mart, Kroger or whoever paid every cashier, stocker, and bagger a real living wage ($35k+ with benefits), there would not be one in every city as the company would not be nearly as profitable.

The business model, which relies on widespread accessibility and selling cheap shit at high volumes on razor thin profit margins, is actually what the general public is thankful for right now, and that couldn't be the case with significantly higher wages.

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>would not be nearly as profitable.

>razor thin profit margins
Fuck off kike, the shit they sell for $20 at Walmart cost 15 cents per unit to manufacture. Their system works because of economy of scale, outsourcing labor, and using shit flimsy materials. Not paying their employees a livable wage is just extra greed on top.


What if we actually solved the problem?
A fucking wage will not fix shit. We need to return to traditional European values.
Throw off the corporations, but also tear down the materialistic socialist lies.

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If he's not being paid a living wage, then how is he alive?

Noooo not the profits

Dem programs.
Everyone who works at Walmart is on welfare and has an ugly wife and two kids they don't care about because that makes the welfare number go up.

Avg net profit for a grocery store is somewhere around 2%. 4% is almost unheard of.

That's a razor thin margin user.

fuck gommies :-D

fuck off kike commie

Most jobs in super markets literally require no skill or qualifications. If you expect to get paid more than minimum wage, you are delusional. Anyone can do it and plenty will if you won't. Why didn't you try harder in life?

Hello self checkout.

That's irrelevant since profit is always guaranteed since demand is guaranteed. Everyone needs to buy food.

Do they not understand this is they price for failing at life? For taking that gender studies degree. Doctors deserve higher wages not these shelve stackers. I am a neet because its the life I choose I am not entitled to shit.

2-4% on tens of millions per year in sales (at a single store) of products that humans cannot live without. Its guaranteed cash with almost zero risk

>Most jobs in super markets literally require no skill or qualifications
so what? very evidently, they still need to be done. "try harder" doesnt fix the problem, it just exploits someone else

like clockwork the shilling for "Living Wage" ($15 hr) and tip 20%++ begins...
why self checkout (via smartphone app) and rfid chips in all products will be the future, wheel your cart up to scanner, scans all rfid in basket scanned, app pays for items, bag your own items, out you go through the security turnstile...

Because we need those jobs. Everyone can't get an education or do something better. But that doesn't mean they don't deserve basic respect and dignity by recieving a wage they can live off. You're a massive cunt with an over-inflated ego.

>the shit they sell for $20 at Walmart cost 15 cents per unit to manufacture

just replace these clowns with fucking robots already

Walmart could do an incredible job negotiating with insurance companies for benefits, and it would have better workers if it did. Henry Ford had a point

Gotta make a profit to stay open. If you want the 15¢ price, maybe you should buy pallets of the same item.

You'll still need people to stack shelves. Robots aren't going to do that anytime soon. You also need people around for when the robots break, which they often do. Hence why there are workers at self-service desks because retards can't use the machines properly or the machines break and require resetting.

I find the whole living wage shit to be retarded but I do think a bonus for working throughout the crisis would be nice.
I think it's only fair

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Why do am*ricans swear so much?

The pic is right OP.
I make $19/hr and I dipped when this party started because I deal with too many people on a daily basis. My health isnt worth it for some cunt company who isnt even essential wants to stay open. The least they could do is pay us more but they dont give a fuck.
I'm actually surprised theres not more of these essential workers making minimum wage just up and quitting.

>2% is razor thin
Not gonna make it

You're both right.

We swear like sailors because we work like them too

They should be done by teens who are studying not an adult failure. The low wage and shit job is what they were warned about if they got lazy in school, in life. It's their own fault.

Aye, he is. They should start at minimum, but have a 22 dollar cap they can reach based on performance and crosstraining.

I'm a retail manager for Kroger. I've been with the company over eight years, have worked my way up, can probably give some insight.

paying wages

>believe it or not, the union is actually part of the problem. the reason kroger was slow to do the $2 extra an hour everyone else did was because it had to get approved by the union. Unlike Target or Wal-Mart, we have to deal with those seedy fuckers. The union approves the current wage scale so they need to argue with them, not the company


>true and false. on regular grocery, we are dealing with very low margins on most items. some items we sell at a loss to get people in the door. there is more margin on meat, produce, and organics/natural foods items. But these items also shrink more, so the margins are there to help cover increased shrink


>I do agree with this, but Kroger in particular is very much trying to promote the feel good culture BS now to attract younger workers (that like that campy shit) to replace all of these old fucks retiring after 30-40+ years that have pensions and other expensive perks that the company deals with. We are losing a lot of old timers now, and the company is good with that because it saves money, but it creates a lack of knowledge that we have to deal with

Highest profit margin item in a grocery store is usually bagged ice. A 20 pound bag may cost 50-60 cents and we sell for around $3. Sugar on the other hand we might make 5-10 cents per four pound bag on the cheap brand. Milk and stuff can be more profitable, but then you have to account for shrink on losses and reduced sales. Also theft, damages, expenses like repairs and utilities (my store's power bill each month is outrageous).

Entry level pay/perks are bad, but once you advance everything is pretty damn solid. Just have to be willing to do that

What the fuck is a bagger?


It's simple supply vs demand.

Walmart is not just a food store, they're also a general goods store. grocery store margins are so thin because they deal in food, perishable food. Walmart on the other hand sells everything from electronics to car products. I would be very surprised to learn Wal-Mart's profit margin is only 2%.

well lets also remember that shit like H-1b and diversity hiring along with jacked up requirements and costs of training for skills has gone up significantly

You have purple hair.

>Just get a real job
These are the jobs, user. Service industry shit that a monkey can do. We can either treat them as though they are "real" jobs, or create more "real" jobs instead of eliminating them slowly over time. Or actually train people instead of importing pajeets and complaining about shortages.

essential and replaceable and not opposing terms

The average store does 10 million a day on a slower day.

Hence why the jobs should be given to teens who won't get sick and not a whiny failure adult demanding a wage they dont deserve.

No, I am someone who with a little effort was able to make a decent living. If you want a job that pays more than minimum, you really don't have to try. The jobs at shops scanning should be for teenagers trying to make some extra money, not someone trying to support a life or family.

Teens are unreliable and cant work late

that's not the issue it's that there is competition for the job and because there are essentially no skills required and anyone can do it, there is constantly a massive pool of people willing to take over at the current rate. this is how the economy works, unfortunately an individual employee's hurt feelings are not enough justification to double or triple their pay

You've never worked a min wage job, have you, rich boy? Did daddy get you a job at the firm straight out of college?

Wrong, graduated chem school with acs accredations and a 3.94 and it took years to get a job. As far as most companies are concerned, they want you there to drive down the price of labor from their h1bs even further.
People like you are the reason Carnegie got away with hiring pinkertons to kill any whip driven slave who complained.

>company would not be nearly as profitable.
OY VEY can’t have that, shut it down goys!

People need to work and SOME of us aren't flipping out over a hyped up meme we saw in Yas Forums/cnn.

false. just takes some selling it slightly cheaper and now they lost their “guaranteed” sales you brainlet
read a book and get a job. if it’s so easy, start a grocer yourself

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yessss, let's pay an entry-level job something significant for a job that literally anyone that's not over 70 can do. That makes sense, is not as if the typical retard isn't a lazy cunt and wouldn't conform to the shittiest job that pays well enough instead of bettering themselves and being more productive.

People need to realize that wages aren't supposed to sustain your way of life, it's the other way around.

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