Yeah, I think it just clicked
Yeah, I think it just clicked
Women want leadership. A good leader is not cruel. A good leader is motivational.
>Change her
That's easy when she's not entirely confident she can find someone better, but for most guys, shit's not gonna work.
he must work out
cant change a broken hymen, sadly
Turning a fat bitch fit is pretty good cause she'll always have fat self-hate.
Not with that attitude
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He needs to lay off the weights so he doesn't look like a freak.
Okay but that requires me to change first
I hear you, but it's not without risk. Low self-esteem women can be devastatingly destructive to themselves and to you.
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Chin up, old chap.
She looked better before though...
She looks better in the first picture.
Nothing wrong with her on the left though.
not to mention the time cost, thats how you end up having babies at 40
Why would I spend hundred of hours of my valuable personal time trying to motivate a vagina to shed its excess fat?
I like bbws
Post your gains
EXTREMELY based and redpilled. I salute this king.
not the weights bro, the steroids.
those extraterrestrial 3d deltoids are a clear sign of steroid use.
she was fat
Found the niggers, always after fat white chicks
I like soft, squishy women. Not as fat as the left version, but no hard spots on her either.
Most fat Americans have potential too look great, it’s unfortunate we have fast food and very little athletic arts.
>She looks better in the first picture.
i kind of agree. she looks alot more comfy
Thank you for your insight, fatty
Yeah, but in the good way.
>liking fat piggies
I've tried this with multiple gfs, it doesn't work, they have to be into fitness already.
OPs pic probably was fit in school, then ballooned out a bit then got back on the fitness train later on as she already knew the benefits. Could also just have been recent pregnancy weight, who knows.
For most fat women you would have to go drastic like tying their feet to a stationary bikes pedals and beating them when then slow down, stop, whine, cry, etc
This. Low test betas who disagree need not apply
His physique in pic one looks similar to pic two. Check his neck or arms for example. The t-shirt hides it. His change could be losing body fat because of diet change
>Emad Boutahar
Nobody is mentioning that the whore is a roastie
she was better in 1
>wh*te faggot is gay
more news at 11
>based and virginpilled
ignore all roasties regardless of how they are shaped, no hymen no diamond
non virgin women are used goods, sadly we don't have much choice but to get with a non virgin these days, at least don't date a slut.
He’s white in America. Now I’m guessing Europe too.
Damn I hate manlets.
Clearly from a MENA country
pumpkin delts are always a clear indicator of steroid use
This is very true. I go to a gym that is full of now fit, once fat women. None have the entitlement attitude that women who are naturally thin or have always been in good shape have. The girls who were once porkers tend to genuinely appreciate the attention they now get from men.
Her body is mis-shapen and he is a manlet with ridiculous looking roid gains
Yep. A bit of extra body fat is a sign of fertility. Women with visible musculature are not attractive or feminine.
This here, is what the ideal female body looks like. Large breasts for child bearing but not too large (too large and they damage a woman’s back, making pregnancy more difficult). Fat deposits also show her body is sufficiently capable of bearing a child. Child birthing hips. Mid-twenties, which is where women are at peak fertility (teenage girls are actually at far greater risk of death during childbirth). You may not like it, but this is what peal performance looks like.
Same desu, soft skin big tits. Not going to lie, it's nice. But I hate their eating habits.
Ironic considering excess fat and excess muscle are essentially the same thing when it comes to how shit people like him are at any kind of real life activities that involve muscular endurance.
cringe post, that girl is fat
all yours
did you expect a nordic boy doing some alpha stuff?
Lol wrong, ex pigs are even more toxic and entitled than normal women
this shitskin manlet dug his own grave.
as soon as this bitch realizes the kind of tall naturally muscular rich chad she can fuck now this dude is done.
He looks Balkan
Could easily be a swarthier Mr bean phenotype Anglo wouldn't look twice at him even in the countryside
> yeah, but in the good way
good luck with your alimony, alcoholism, and stds
>change her
Never increase a woman's SMV. She has no loyalty and will leave once she has better options.
Dude looks like he might be using roids. Can't be sure, but what I'm sure of is that he works too much on the upper side.
Anyway, good for him. I do the same with my wife when she puts on chunk. I work until she cries. But thanks me in the end.
It's almost like you're starting to get it.
The dude looks like he aged 30 years lol
Change her, with what? Photoshop? Because her waist is definitely edited.
Not that anyone ITT notices. That is white on /pol./ People would only notice if he was Sub-Saharan, Asian, or a very abo looking poo. That’s the state of this board kek.
You sound like Dwight from the office retard
>Anglo wouldn't look twice at him even in the countryside
Oh man. And we’re the mutts.
Not in my experience, which admittedly is only the 5 or so women at my gym. One is a trainer there. Now that i am giving it some actual thought she does kind of have the 1000 yard stare.
That's not a bit of extra fat, that chick you posted is just fat.
Yup. If she is sub 28, and was hot for the first time in life 99% chance that she would start fucking every hot guy that winked at her
Liar. What in the fuck do fat tits, fat hips, and fat bellies mean as far as being a good mother? Do fat tits produce higher quality/quantity of milk than regular tits? That's all completely dependent on the woman. Fat hips? What, to rest the kid on or something? Fuck off. Good pelvic bone formation is what you should be looking for, not fucking fat. Fat stomach? Is the baby gonna pop a straw into the belly button and drink up some fat? The only thing that really matters is that the woman's hormones and estrogen are balanced and that she has the right morals and view of the world. That means she's not a gluttonous lazy entitled bitch.
Emad is almost exclusively a syrian or egyptian name or generally an arab name. Just because he looks balkan doesn't mean he is one.
No I said she was a roastie.