They are pretty much trolling us at this point

They are pretty much trolling us at this point.

When did you first realize that the most prestigious news organizations in the world are just propaganda outlets?

Attached: NYT - The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.png (1270x931, 172.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

About the time Obama signed an executive order to make it legal for them to do so.

>most prestigious news organizations in the world
lol, no

thank God for the way back in time machine.

Attached: 1586770692451.jpg (473x583, 84.49K)

when i was 12 i guess, even as a child you should be able to figure out why things are presented as only black and white

they're taking china money. a lot of these companies would be dead in the water years ago me thinks

Can somebody give me the definition of the word "mourner", please?

Attached: NYT - AP - Hundreds of Iraqi mourners tried to storm the United States Embassy in Baghdad.png (1787x731, 822.57K)

25 years ago

More trolling.

> hey, this guy is charged with giving illegal donations to hillary, what picture should we use?
> him with trump

Attached: NYT - Prominent Political Donors Charged in Campaign Finance Scheme.png (635x1044, 349.18K)

> now you see it
> now you don't

Attached: NYT - Black Virginia Girl Says White Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks on Playground.png (1372x1154, 994.67K)

January 3, 2013
When the US repealed anti-propaganda laws.

Link to tweet? I want to laugh

Archived copy because the truth bureau deleted it:

Does anyone have a NYT article about what constitutes sexual harassment?

Replacement is just a theory, you bigot.

Attached: NYT - ‘Replacement Theory,’ a Racist, Sexist Doctrine, Spreads in Far-Right Circles.png (1277x730, 526.98K)

I know it's faggy to write sigh, but that's how I feel about the fact that you are correct about that happening, and the general populace not even knowing about that, or even giving a shit upon being told about it.

Sometimes deleting a tweet just once is not enough.

Attached: NYT - Having a penis thrust in your face at a drunken dorm party may seem like harmless fun. But when Brett Kavanaugh did it to her - poorly phrased - offensive.png (1777x846, 641.11K)

This is a dirty one. Two NYT journalists write a "news analysis" piece on Kavanaugh trying to promote a book they wrote. The contents are old rehashed allegations of sexual misconduct, with one exception: an accusation that Kavanaugh's penis touched a female student's hand.

Two days after the article was published, they quietly add a note that the supposed victim declined to be interviewed and her friends do not remember the incident.

Here's the kicker: this exculpatory information comes from the book that the authors of this article wrote. Why didn't they include the text that debunks the only new piece of news they had in the first published version of the article?

Attached: NYT - Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not. - the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.png (1385x903, 101.32K)

When I was 2

Sometimes the news are too fake.

Attached: NYT - Mao Zedong died on this day in 1976. The Times said he 'began as an obscure peasant' and 'died one of history's great revolutionary figures'.png (1204x536, 206.44K)

> i can blame 9/11 on airplanes
> dude no way
> watch me

He actually did it the absolute mad lad.

Attached: NYT - 18 years have passed since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.png (1185x349, 64.42K)

Attached: pic.jpg (1280x720, 137.99K)

> our reporters need to write more about divisions in this country
> goddammit trump, stop dividing this country

Attached: NYT - How do we cover America, that’s become so divided by Donald Trump.png (746x1412, 596.59K)

Which number is that, please? Or do you happen to know its title?

Sometimes CNN debunks the NYT.

Attached: NYT - Some of those 'very fine people' shouted 'Jews will not replace us'.png (1566x791, 135.63K)

when they started to glorify everything the government and its leaders do

That the dork from that 'walmart' themed show my gf watches?

Sometimes CNN debunks the NYT, part two.

I'll ask your gf tonight.

Attached: NYT - he was ranting about the 'very fine people' among the neo-Nazis.png (1566x827, 144.97K)

Media corporations were sued in whatever your high court is called. It was ruled that there is no contract between media companies and the public to tell truth. They are not bound to tell you the truth. Hell, they are not even compelled to tell the truth. What were you expecting?

> attacker yells "allahu akbar"
> uhh... really hard to say... maybe he was pissed about the lack of female CEOs in top companies

Attached: NYT - It remains unclear what motivated the gunman who opened fire at a Christmas market in Strasbourg, officials said, as the police continue an intensive search for the attacker.png (1164x723, 376.93K)


When I was like 12 and started thinking rationally?

Trump supporters watch in private a video of Trump killing members of the media: bad

A theater has a publicly shown play where Trumpius Caesar is assassinated: good

Notice the second author: Maggie Haberman. Good 'ol Maggie.

Attached: NYT - Macabre Video of Fake Trump Shooting Media and Critics Is Shown at His Resort.png (1946x1276, 778.87K)

> Italian driver

What did they mean by this?

Attached: NYT - BBC - The Telegraph - Italian Driver Sets School Bus on Fire After Kidnapping Students.png (2262x810, 1.05M)