Anyone else getting tired of this faggot?

>I don't see how we can go back to life as it was. The virus will always be with us. Moving forward we will have to balance prudence with restricted freedoms for the greater good.

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He's the type you want in the backroom running numbers. He's not the one who should be talking in public.

Trump must be trying to lose the election it's the only reason that he hasn't called this hypocritical little guinea wop out yet for his bullshit. This little greaseball was saying Americans had nothing to be worried about at the end of february, was criticizing trump's travel ban, and now is blaming the deaths on Trump for not listening to his advice. How the fuck does this testa de minchia still have his job?

This guy needs the axe

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Are you literally retarded?

Didn't that guy say he's in love with Hillary?

Yes. There are emails where he is sucking Hillary's cock as SoS.


This guy is a public relations disaster

He’s also smug, in an intolerable “I’m a scientist I’m smart” way

>obama has to deal with both swine flu and ebola(sorta)
>assuming another would come along is fauci deep state conspiracy
q confirm this shit too?
you boomer faggot?
is ebil demonrat shillary loving fauci making the rest of the planet go into lockdown too? hmm?
do you idiots think before you post anything?

Everything happening will be used to drive waves of anti-government sentiment

Just turn off the TV lmao. Pretend this virus doesn't exist and live your life.

>Fun-sized Fauci

>Moving forward we will have to balance prudence with restricted freedoms for the greater good.
Did he really say that?

Is he a joo?

also before you stupid fucking boomer jewdick sucking faggots say bush didn't have to deal with anything, he had to deal with muh west nile virus and muh anthrax bullshit

hes the type we need swinging from lamp posts, not advising anyone in any capacity.

that kinda looks like mike gravel.

doesn't it?


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Like 30 million people list their job and they aren’t even counting the statistics of the millions who are taking pay cuts or losing hours. The tv didn’t take my job away


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>west Nile now ravaging the country
>anthrax scare was baby powder
>Zika now ravaging the country
>let swine flu ravage the country
A++ would health again, I’m sure fucking up every single pandemic for the last twenty years is part of the CDC game plan.

Italian Jesuit Fremason

This guy hasn't been right yet, who cares what he says.

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except that was correct and sound advice. the chinky coof is mostly harmless. kike media couldnt let trump be right about it so they whipped up a panic. we need a major hurricane or earthquake or something to snap everyone out of it.

He's a fraud. Rovert F Kennedy Jr hates his ass

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Feels like the plot of Highlander 2

I see you weren't here 2 months ago when all of Yas Forums said it was a big deal and people were stupid for not acknowledging that. Go back to plebbit where you came from with your boomer theories.

A major earthquake is coming to the west coast on April 16.

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He needs to get fired and replaced with someone with real knowledge, like Kushner.

Is his wife a literally tranny or is the dude like 5’2”

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I'm more tired of Trump listening to that deep state traitor. I thought he didn't like those.

you're fucking trash at your job. kill yourself.

And literally everybody is noticing this. He leaves him there so everybody can see. He probably considered pulling him but the left cried bloody murder so he is probably going to come back later and say “none of this was my idea, I want to reopen the economy” and then blame the left and msm

Trump is giving him the extreme bright light of media exposure and letting him destroy himself. Everyone paying attention is starting to hate him. If he had fired him earlier nobody would have known what a shithead he is and Trump would get the blame. Fauci is a beurocrat and doesn't know how to play the media game. He's flying to close to the sun.

Why is Trump so fucking shit at picking staff?

Trump seems to just surround himself with people that make him look shit time and time again.

Sure people say he's a hangover from previous administrations but he's had enough fucking time... If Fauci fucks up, the Trump isn't completely blameless

I suspect the cunt we have over here advising Boris is doing the same thing

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Ive been following it since before CVG1 and knew it was a hoax in the making

Looks like Chris Cuomo in drag.

He's telling you exactly what the agenda is. Agenda first, reasons later.

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crazy that you didn't speak up about it on Yas Forums for months until it became cool to have such a sentiment kek
Not one person displayed your insight you claim to have had at the time.

Attached: Fauci hand signal 1.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Attached: Fauci Acosta.webm (1920x1080, 1.4M)

revenge of the deep state.
They've finally figured out a way to bring capitalism to a heel and bring about the new world order and end american exceptionalism.

Fuck Mr No Handshake man. Tony had 35 years and he wasn't prepared. He knew about hydrochloroquine and suppressed it. He's too in with Bill Gates. He's deep state.

Do you?

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