Japan is one of the greatest contributors to white genocide

japan is one of the greatest contributors to white genocide

Attached: animeisajewishtrick.jpg (1536x1500, 765.68K)

This is absolutely true actually death to chinocks

Poland is one of the greatest contributors to...

well, nothing at all really

chink chong nip bong.

sony is an insurance company.

Oof rekt

lol you'd have a point if Japan wasn't full of virgin weebs, so they're destroying themselves


they're pulling kamikaze and taking us withes with them

2 nukes wasn't enough. and anime girls are fucking disguisting


>said a fucking zipperhead


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>t. Prilocjvkschzktt’tkk’tkk’hrkkthczjk’vzkjk Czyblpkpkcghcghcghcgh-mkme’eples Bartakamous

Anime is pure, especially the older stuff.

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>cancer meme that some tripfag watermarked his cancer trip id
the absolute state of namefags

old anime is dangerously based

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Why don't people take responsibility. They all get what they fucking deserve.

Meh, just a bit cleaner and not so loud chinks.
>cruelty same
>insect brain same
>crave for white blood same
>tooooop levels of degeneracy

>Posting the most fedora of fedora lords.
You know he was a scrawny little shit who got doxed and whose mother banned from the internet, right?

Imagine being this retarded

Japs have more soul than most people these days.

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attack on titan is gloryfing zionist plot to destroy white race


Lupin is a canon nazi sympathizer. It's a reoccurring theme throughout the franchise.

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i don't know who you're talking about

and he's a man with fluffy hair and is obsessed with money

It's inspired by the works of Carl Schmitt. a nazi strategist and philosopher.

Also the entire "cool" aesthetic of the show, what attracts viewers is all nazi imagery. They might have back pedaled the themes later in the series (((in reaction to western audiences))) but at the end of the day it's about flying brownshirts that battle subhuman mutant traitors.

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He's obsessed with freedom. Not owning things. Money is just what affords him his thrilling lifestyle.

Half the time he gives up the riches he steals to others. It's not like we ever see him getting fat in his estate or anything.

ok 30yo hag , have a nice live when your husband going to leave you in 5/10 years for a hipperrealistic sexrobot based on anime girl character with an artificial intelligence and being able to clean house and satisfy every sexual need
no complains and cry will change that future

Your addressing a symptom not a cause user

what about the continuation of species?

That meme doesnt make any sense, brainlet.

>old anime is dangerously based
Any good old anime that you can recommend?

so what's the cause then? most of the problems
of modern society stem from japan. Basically they are responsible for soiboys, coomers, and consoomers

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D&C kike



funny, i've done more to fight kikes than any of you faggot. i was also threatened by kikes here on Yas Forums

Depends on what you want to watch. Galaxy express 999 is very good scifi. Androids kill protagonists mom and crucify her over their fireplace. He is only 8 or 10 or something. He kills him and all his friends, burns down his manor and escapes to space with a waifu all in a single episode. Other than that you can just tell me what you're in for really.

daily reminder this whole website is based on weebculture

where do you think you are?

who the fuck is quentin?