Refugees have cut down all these trees on Lesbo Islands of Greece

Refugees have cut down all these trees on Lesbo Islands of Greece

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Be a pity if the Greeks cut off their heads

They try to terraform it into their natural desert wasteland habitat


Are they trying to build a raft or fort out of it, either way it's theft and they need their hands cut off for it and sent back

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Looks fake and gay dude

These trees take up to 50 years to produce good yields. The Greeks will not forget this.

Those were olive trees, it takes 60
Years to get a tree big enough to get a good harvest and some of those these were 100s of years old.

>all the trees
>loads of trees in picture
need citation on this one faggot

Skin them and display their flayed corpses along the border.

thatt’s terrible, you know Lesbos love their bush

Greece and Italy deserve their fates. Meds are eternally cucked by Africans.

Orcs have gone back to moria

kek, but you are the one helping them to enter in greece

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Isengard hello?

So? Are Greeks going to do something about it. Is anyone here? No didn't think so pussies.

Die fucking bitch

Cutting down Olive trees is a declaration of war

Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and defensive war, her sacred tree is the olive tree, which is how she won over the people of Athens to make the city temple her main place of worship and have the city itself named after her. It was a contest of the gods where Athena bested Poseidon

>Poseidon was to go first, and he lifted his massive trident (three pointed spear) and struck the earth with it. At the point where the spear struck, a frothy spring burst out producing a sea which is now called Erekhtheis. The people loved it but as they went closer to taste the water, to their dismay the water was salty.

>Athena’s turn her act was far less dramatic. She quietly knelt and buried something in the ground which in time grew into an olive tree. This turned out to be a much more useful gift, granting the Athenians not only the olives themselves as sustenance, but also a source of oil for their lamps and for cooking their food as well as the wood from the olive tree to build their boats and houses.

Don't you cunts get it, this a declaration of war, Athena is the god of defensive war, Greece is currently defending their border, the Olive tree is sacred grift from Athena for the people of Greece. Defend her honor and smite these roaches where they stand.

how will greens defend this?

>The last mortal who really rubbed her the wrong was a Gorgon called Medusa. She use to be human, but Poseidon raped her in Athena's temple, so as punishment for allowing herself to be raped in her place of worship instead of killing herself by biting off her tongue, Athena turned her into a Gorgon....When Athena had Medusa beheaded, she had it mounted to her shield..

Please Greece, Evoke her wrath already.

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>Cutting down Olive trees is a declaration of war
Cutting down trees in general is a declaration of war. When an army invaded another city-state during the Peloponnesian War, first thing they did was to cut down all trees.

Why are niggers so dumb?

you realize they're not pagan anymore, right? it's all cheek-turning christcucks these days.

Lmao random pagan drive-by

Mulch their bodies for fertilizer and regrow the trees. Solves both the refugee problem and the tree issue.

Desert people bring desert with them.
Imagine my shock

Yes, but this is the tree of the ->DEFENSIVE


most of those olive trees were probably around 100 year old, that shit grow slowly.

>you realize they're not pagan anymore, right? it's all cheek-turning christcucks these days.

and wow, hasn't greece just flourished with golden age that doesn't seem to end ever since...

They’re plundering the land. Shitting all over it.


You’re a literal moron and it shames me that we’re from the same country


I guess we do have all those great greek philosphers with the opened mindness that is offered by christian theo.... oh wait..... no other way round... they cant think their way into thought anymore...

Welp. Looks like Greek anons are gonna have to push them into the sea.

That's how little respect they have for their host nations. And then they think anyone sane would want them around.

Greek mythology isn't meant to be taken literally. Its a sesame street of explaining concepts. Christianity on the other hand...

first greek to die trying haul the migrant boats back ashore so he could prevent any survivors from escaping the wrath of lesbos gets immortalized in a poem

so the refugees are doing the hard manual labor greeks wont do

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That was in poor taste. Are you melanin enriched by any chance?

how many people you reckon god chucked in the oven before he decided to have some book published....thats abrahamic religions right? you go to heck everyone who didn't get the book, is in heck...

and for the record, I don't believe in the pagan gods, but I give credit to the concepts they were trying to convey

Didn't they invent the concept of hell long time after they aggregated the bible to get more power over the peasants?

Preparing for mechanized infantry.

The ancient Greeks believed in and actively worshipped the gods. Believing it to all be metaphors and conceptual explanations is a very modern and unkowing take.