Are based North Africans /ourguy/s?

Are based North Africans /ourguy/s?

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t. North African immigrant

Well, if you hate jews, yes, but go back to your country.


You either side with faggots or applaud when they get btfo.

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I prefer levantine Arabs every day over the violent, ugly, rapist North Africans

no kys

No you fucking faggot

Even arabs see north africans as subhumans

They're rapists

Shut up arab. You’re subhuman too

They beat sub saharan niggers, that's for sure.

Looks like what we call lads in aus. They are degenerates

There is no arab in France, only north africans. uneducated 56%

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Nee kanker op Redouan

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No. Guaranteed scumbags every time. I'd even take a turk over these fuckers. Absolute plague on Europe.

No they don't.

Nafris are worse than niggers

Don't know many African niggers, do we Nigel?


just fucking look at that disgusting mongrol. Why did we ever allow these people into our countries ffs

THIS. Niggers are awful animals, but damn the sandniggers are even worse.

You don't know many nafri's do you?

Because we’re not racist unlike you, incel

Yeah those in europe have adopted nigger rap culture which make them even worst.
But those living in north africa are actualy ok when you visit them.


> diaspora are niggers
News at 11.

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Diaspora Slavs and Caucasians adopted the nigger rap culture as well, but I remember Nafris were just another level of subhuman, always wanting trouble but cowardly at the same time.

They more certainly are your wife's son guy

>But those living in north africa are actualy ok when you visit them.


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>based shitskins
No such things

No but if they're attacking leftists, fags and kikes I won't stop them.

>Implying chopping globohomo Nordic subhumans is bad
I don't like Nafris but I support them in this deed.

When you talk about North Africa, Europe, Turkey and Caucasus you are talking about a Roman culture that has been there for so long that no one can't just simply take it away despite the religious differences and shit. It is still Roman in some sense. Roman and Ottoman, which was a continuum anyway.

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They did a research on these sandniggers with a group born in 1984.
61,4% was involved at some point between 1996 (when they were 12) and 2010.

Literal human trash. Even poo's have more value.

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>Be woman
>Think you are invincible
>Go camp alone in a remote place
>End up chopped
Not only they deserved it for being traitors, but they are lucky they didnt even rape them.
Also the one who did it got death penalty, in europe they would have a nice jail room payed by taxes.

Hittite? No bro I'm Greek! Did I say Greek? I meant Roman dude! Nah you're making shit up I told you I'm Armenian! No way bro I never said I'm an Armenian I'm a Turk, fuck Armenians!

>Are based North Africans /ourguy/s?

they are your new countrymen