Belgium: The coronadebacle

Absolutely pozzed edition.

Collect all the mistakes the government and media has made leading to the worst country stats worldwide.

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But...but...muh woman prime minister!

Am I wrong or has Germany the lowest line?

Reaction of the fat hog in function of health minister to a virologists open letter urging the government to do more back in februari.

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Belgium shouldnt exist anyway so who cares.

Virologist is Marc Wathelet now calling for de block to step down and calling it criminal negligence which is very true.

Not only is it the lowest, but it is very linear and has shallowest slope. If you linearly extrapolated the line to 42 days it would be similar to the US, but after that point the US will surpass it.
Just by eyeballing it, Italy looks like the only one on the list to be past the inflection point.

>''Muh ziekenhuisbedden''
>''Muh enge krantekoppen''
Wat dacht je van 'muh economie' makak

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This is what happens when you staple 2.1 countries together and call it one country.

In this one the USA does germany second. But Germany is doing very good. Belgium has 3900 dead, germany 3000. Yet Germany is 7,5 timed as populous.

Holy shit belgium wtf ?

>If we get to a million infected we get 5000 dead.
Well. We are at 4000 already with the lockdown. Everything points towards 15000 dead. And those are the official count. This virus probably has a 1% death rate (0.5% is too optimistic) so what if you let it rage?
Perhaps not 1 million get infected but 4 million. All in a short time. The hospitals get overloaded so the mortality rate goes to 1.5% because of shittier health care.
60000 are dead.

And what about the 4 million who get lung capacity reduced for life or some other crap?
What if we dont get immunity like the flu?
You're playing with fire bucko.

kek your government burned 6 million ffp2 masks to make room for refugees.

In these troublesome times, I am glad I can always expect my "government" to be unreliable. At least I know how to prepare when shit happens.

Fuck Maggie De Blob, fuck Sophie Wilmees, fuck all those incompetents, fuck De Weever for trying to keep Antwerp open, serious autism all around.

In belgium we burned our strategic stock of mouth masks in 2018 to make room for refugee housing.
So they kept telling the population mouth masks dont help anyway.
In belgium we didnt put fever controls in place at the airport because it didnt help and we didnt have direct flights from wuhan.
In belgium we almost dont test people for the virus.
In belgium there was no quarantine for people coming back from ski trips from italy.
Plus the lockdown is still not as severe as in france.
And the news is mainly focussing on how bad the americans are doing cause orange man bad.

Belgium population is the size of Lombardia. Now Lombardia had more than 10,000 deaths from corona, Belgium only 3,900.


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Yes we are running 2 weeks later.
We'll get there.
Thing is we had a warning. Lombardia was the first region in the west to get hit hard, they should have learned.
I want heads to roll.
Also they've constantly used that comparison as propaganda to say its not that bad. They stopped doing that.

In my opinion: Many countries with less deaths are simply not reporting them...

>all countries with more deaths than my country are shitholes
>all countries with less deaths than my country are not reporting them

Based austriabro, tell me has your government made massive mistake after massive mistake?

Please 10700 dead. Dont make me laugh, belgium will get there easily.

Wew and i thought my country had a bunch of incompetent idiots leading this crisis

Hard to say what a mistake was until it's all over and can be seen retrospectively. Especially since you never know what the alternative would have been like. I don't really judge.

An albonigger talking the truth. What has this world become

Never said all... said "many"
never said anything about shitholes
just stating the obvious, that the virus should behave similarly everywhere, thus proving that many countries with low death rates are simply underreporting.

In fact, it has to be hard to report all deaths when many people will simply die at home, street, etc; and never be tested

Yes well i think the alternative for belgium were redults like austria or germany. 1/10th of the deaths.

But no, we hardly tested for corona, had spokespersons and health ministers minimizing it as just a flu and to not panic and had them telling us that masks dont help and quarantining people returning from high risk areas was unrealistic.

On the bright side you can always say the virus is fake.