David Icke was right, about fucking all of it.

I mean how much more fucking proof do you need?


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Proof NOT YouTube

>Bill Gates and his Satanic witch want to give you vaccines for the cooties they invented
Of course David Icke is right
1. Ignore shills
2. Acquire knowledge
3. Fuck bitches
4. ?????

I'm calling the xbox, pizzagatebox from now on. Fuck Microsoft and Soiny. I'm a Nintendobro now

What am I supposed to read into this exactly? It's literally describing a VR art gallery, not a single mention is made about the contents of the exhibition.

take the next step and realize reality isn't as real as it appears

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You can literally feel it in the air society is about to fucking explode.

I hope you lads been been diligently getting ready the past few years.

David Icke is a nut job con artist and you deserve everything that happens to you if you swallow the insane stupid pills he peddles

>Arguably the world’s most acclaimed performance artist
what dey mean by this

well based on her background you could interpret her digital copy as a form of immortality ritual...

Oldfag from /g/ Yas Forums and Yas Forums here
Went and got vr last year it's only really good for Simulators where your sitting and not moving around alot because your limited by the space you playing in and other factors like wireless range battery life weight and for most users cables length and tangling tripping up and feeling like a goon.
Fast forward 6 months after I got it and it's been gathering dust for about 2.
The motion sickness is random and what's worse is the sweating (doesn't matter if your fit it feels like your drunk on drugs when it happens)
Worse issue is lack of games that are worth the experience as most of them are just janky short garbage or tech demo's. Half life 3: alyx is absolutely not worth it I got 2 hours in got bored and quit slow plodding movement shit combat came took 15 years to come out and you can't even melee properly and it's made by a bunch of sjw camposanto cucks
Oddly enough some of the best vr I've had is watching 3dhsbs 2k movie rips in 3d duovr it's a giant fucking screen in full 3d and is comfy to watch a 2-3hr movie in one go easily.
Sadly the vidya just ain't there as I said and gimmick ar shit isn't either
I've played around with soft ar type stuff in mixed reality portal (God the tracking is truely awful for the controllers) and it's basically the same fake fucking wanky art crap

Every other video has comments enabled apart from that one, they fucking know!

It's not though. Maybe think about going outside into the real world user, it'll do you good.

Is porn even worth it with VR?

Pure goddamn cancer

Most acclaimed to pedophiles

>Is porn even worth it with VR?
It is without a doubt the saving grace of it

where is the proof for reptillians then ?

That'd be the only reason I would bother with VR. When I play games I don't want to be standing up moving around, I do that all day at work, it's nice to sit down and play shit

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Fuck guys. How do I use another operating system? Is temple OS actually usable or a meme? Is Linux only for autist?

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Nothing ever really happens.

good thing Yas Forums the movie came out a few days ago on youtube, normies waking up

Programmed disclosure. Too many coincidences. It's to the point where 'coincidence' doesn't even mean the same thing to me any more.

He said they aren't human, not literal reptiles, he used that analogy to describe how disgusting they are

Actually go and listen to the guy

>Is porn even worth it with VR?
No having mom slap her tits in my face shits over any vr experience with bad ai models graphics ui and it's all really barebone
I hated it
Thank God most games have seated modes

>Microsoft & Marina Abramović
*blows my mind*

David Icke is saying COVID19 is fake.

This is dumb and dangerous.

That was a good movie

>Nothing GOOD ever really happens.
fixed that for you.


David Icke & Marina Abramović are on same spectrum.

David Icke is dumb and fake, his purpose is to muddy the waters from the real shit
