What did you think of this movie?

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>are there really prisons out there in which cons can play tennis?

>True story about a jew scheming millions from dumb goyim then spend it on hookers and parties.
I liked it. very inspiring.

Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas did it better in the 1980s with "Wall Street"

Money buys everything. especially in Jew-SA.

This. Hard to beat Gordon Gekko

makes me want to get fucking rich

propaganda to make finance system that is destroying the west look like rockstars. Showed all the glamour but none of the consequences for the people they ripped off

One of the most Jewish movies I've ever seen. And I've seen Schindlers List.

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Boiler Room was more realistic.

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Entertaining movie. Makes me wish I was around for ludes

I've never saw Gordan Gekko as a villain. I saw him as a very smart man who played the game and used every resource to put a smile on his face. It's just the idiots like Bud Foxx and others who bought into his game play and didn't do their research on how he operated.

The patrician mans Scarface

will be a future classic

I only remember nude Margot Robbie

>Film about ugly Jew scamming money from people
>Got attractive white man to play him to make him more sympathetic

It was enjoyable, but he was/is a villain and deserves to be locked up.

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Gay as fuck

Jordan Belfort is as Jewish as a Jew can be. Funny enough, he voted for Trump.


He defended his actions by saying they scammed mostly already somewhat wealthy people and that it was a shortcut to make money. He claimed that if he hadn't scammed people he would have a net worth of 8 billion now

Yes because Trump has been really bad for Jewish interests

Kikes are smarts.
They made the jew thief as sympathetic as possible. You actually root for him.
But what did he do? He stole from working class niggers, mostly families. All of their savings. Teating apart families and ruining lives.
And they even made a film about him?
This kike should be shot dead as we speak, you goddamn niggers.

This was so dull, ultra long and repetitive to me that I couldn't even finish it.
It seemed to go on and on about
>le evil profanities haha
>le evil drugs haha
>le evil traders lifestyle haha
and that's not necessarily a bad thing but there was no novelty or entertainment value in anything after the first few scenes.


>unironically watching this paul person
holy shit lmao

I don't. I watched Alex Jones on Logan Paul then saw this in the recommended.

I found this movie so terribly dry and boring for a reason, I couldn't watch it till the end

Stupid movie.
The Big Short is better.



That's not an excuse for actions that's a "Well I fucked up by breaking the law, I paid the price by not be as rich as I could've been."
No fuck that, he screwed with people's livlihood's to make a quick buck.

Wall Street was boring as fuck.

Jews are wolves and Goyim are sheep.

That was the most idiotic idol-worshipping statement i have read all week.
Please tell me you are no older than 15- because if not, that is just fucking pathetic...


Very goos


It's a kike movie about a real life kike and of course they got a good looking Aryan shabbos goy to play him.

This movie is evil! What the hell people there performances were good but was the point since most of the characters were disgusting and should be in cages. And I'm not talking about the drugs or sex I'm talking about scenes like the one abusing the little person. People praise this kind of behavior and found it funny? What a sick world we live in really and for those that are married or have daughters and love the orgy scenes are the worst men out there.

not defending him just sharing some of the things he said. what really gets me is i still don't understand what the fuck he did t make all that money

They did it by not showing the damage he was causing, by pretending that he had reformed before he was taken down (he didn't repent or anything he was just playing it safe).
Also they got a good looking white man to play him to make him more sympathetic and make people forget he's a Jew even if they did think he did something wrong.

It is a degenerate movie made by kikes for stupid goyims

Five fucking hours


>taking multiple drugs a day will make you successful
>masturbating daily will make you successful
>monkey see monkey do

Fucked a lot of the younger generation up tbqh

He got commissions by getting people to buy shoddy stocks. The people that were selling the shoddy stocks were paying Belfort half the sale price for him to do it. It was a scam because he mixed them in with trusty smaller amounts of trust worthy stocks to hook them in.
The was the model he used towards the start of the film, and he ramps it up with other shady tactics later in the film.

In Danbury there are prisons nicer than most hotels-golf, tennis. I’ve worked in one as a subcontractor.

Perhaps not successful but fulfilled.

all of these movies portraying traders, investors, hedge fund managers as bad asses made me laugh my fucking ass off everytime lol. For example, the big short....Michael Burr's character is so cooool, listens to heavy metal and plays the drums while dealing with his investors lol. He's so fucking cool right? In reality is a lazy eyed weirdo that met his wife on match.com lol.

He advertised in the back of magazines and specialized in ripping off plumbers.

never once mentions the characters as being jewish, which they were irl

based thieves. he does crack from a hookers asshole, whats not to love.

Not enough sex. 7.5/10

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it works though. After this movie all you heard in interviews was how cool these cunts were and how they wish they were city investors. Like how secret agents are all handsome, charming and morally incorruptible

she's not that hot. definitely wouldn't let her give me aids

They replaced the Jews with goys.