As the subject says here is what the US Air force is providing us for "masks" to "protect" us from the airborne chinkAIDS.
Any other military anons having to put up with this shit?
USAF Providing its Airmen with "Masks"
Would you rather be walking around in fucking MOP gear user? Because you can either shut the fuck up and put on the pink mask and have fun with it. Or sweat your ass off in the coming summer heat in rubber boots and gasmask.
Shameless self bump
At this point I would rather be in mop 1 than risk getting my pregnant wife sick.
Oh Jesus christ you must be an E4.
are you in the major league gaming division?
You really don't see a fucking problem here with this?? You must be an E5 because you sound like a fucking kool-aid drinker.
And Here you have ZOG bots fighting over who’s the better ZOG bot
Get a job niggers, McDonald’s workers make more than you
I'm a contractor and they've been requiring us to wear those masks as they cleared out our entire building. The air force won't provide us masks, neither will our company. I know I know, it feels kinda stupid to complain about having to buy our own face masks. I didn't have a problem until I saw this entitled fuck complaining about not being "provided" with the right kind of masks. At least you're getting something Jesus Christ. Go buy one like any other hard working American would have to do.
Didnt u donate 1 million masks to israeli army?
this, be careful what you wish for nigger
Damnit. They stole my "bandit" mask idea I was about to dig out some old du-rags and wear them shopping, just to see the effect it may have.
I traded some ammo to a friend for a homemade mask his wife made. Haven't worn it yet, but I'm told you need a mask to be allowed in the commissary now.
you’re both on fucking report
Medium to LarGe
Lmao you gotta be kidding me. Go to the flight line and engine shops. They will have masks. Whatever your AFSC is, you’re most likely not essential and a nonner.
Buy a CM6M.
t. Cop.
I am essential and work on the flightline every day. Planes would not fly without our shop.
I already own a full face respirator and I tried wearing it to work but after about 2 hours I was going insane.
can you unpack this for us, is this one of these neko themed kawaii masks? Super based of the military to give you superior Japanese technology.
Probably washed a bunch to recycle them and someone put them in with their reds
Sorry I already left work for the night and I didn't want to even touch that shit.
No it looked like a new bandana, they often come in pink like that specifically so you can wash them with the colors.
>Our shop
LMFAO backshop nigger thinks he is important buahaha nigger go paint some age or recalibrate some torque wrenches or whatever the fuck you think your "essential" job is.
Pretty sure we got old sand ts.
Nigger I am 2F I am driving and pumping fuel every damn night so planes can fly.
>Can't effectively shoulder a rifle on either side
Good luck with that
masks don’t protect you from anything except chinese facial recognition so put on the fucking masks. you idiot. you’re property of the usa, stop whining.
On a side note I have never met one of you guys over E5 that wasn't bat shit insane you unironicly might want to get a better mask if you can.
>Pretty sure we got old sand ts.
Rip, thats fucking wild that Aviano of all places would skimp on that.
The USA has my ass on contract for a limited time. Im not fucking whining and I already bring my own masks to work, Im just showing you how fucking bad things are and how badly prepared we are.
youre a pussy.
Only the crazy ones stay in as POL.
They are only meant short wear in severely high risk zones. I only wear mine when accessing possible COVID-19 Patients. I am TEMS(Tactical Paramedic), so.
Cant your buttstock on your shoulder joint. It works best with wide-angle optics(Eotech/Aimpoint).
You can eat a bag of dicks I'm trying to produce white children on uncle Sam's dime.
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
Moshe, COVID is now the JEW FLU
stop crying you pussy retard
>how badly prepared we are
uh huh
that has nothing to do with youre being a pussy about a coof
and what's the fucking deal, homeboy?
>ur a pussy because you dont want to increase the risk of getting your wife and unborn child infected with a disease that we know very little about and is most likely a bioweapon.