Can we hop off this clown world

Can we hop off this clown world.

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How can you sue someone for refusing service? Like they arent slaves...

just make the fucking cake. who does this guy think he is?

An American with the right to refuse service to anyone he pleases. Fucking nigger

An American with the right to refuse service to anyone he pleases. Fucking nigger

>hur hurr how can you have personal believes
bet you filthy nigger wouldn't make ma nazi themed birthday cake faggot

Sorry forgot the archive.

You know, in not so distant history this kinda shameless behavior would get you tied to a donkey and sent out if town.
We need to bring back banishment.

Businesses are allowed to do business with whomever they want you flaming faggot

>be American
>get sued

And everyone else are the cucks

Next think they will ask him to cook a aborted fetus into a cake and sue him for refusing.
Such a bigot

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Lmao fuck that stupid cake decorator

Someone should ask him to make a "pedo rights now" cake just to fuck with people

so did the tranny seek this guy out because they knew he would say no, and they could get attention and create a shitstorm?

Why not just fuck off to some other bakery?

One of the thing that characterises the left seems to be narcissism, a need to control, others and a lack of empathy
Even though they try to ACT so empathetic

Although I agree, most public businesses have to adhere to a few fairness acts that basically say if you refuse service to anyone based on (thing) it's illegal blah blah
Dunno if this dude's business is private or not though

Top kek gonna order a bdsm goatse cake and sue this retard when he can't deliver

a tranny seeking validation and attention no way

It's a private business. Shouldn't they be allowed to refuse any order without having to state any reason?

It's bullshit and you know you kike. He literally told the faggots that he'd sell them a premade cake, but he could not in good faith produce a custom cake since it went against his religious views. The fags were just looking to get some quick cash, and now these fucking trannies are too

I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason and I don't owe anyone an explanation.

>Supreme Court throws original case out.
>Some super retard makes another case.
Why don't Americans just throw the case out again?

By the way it gets even better.
>Autumn scardina first requested a transition cake, sued then few months later, Scardina made another request of Masterpiece Cakeshop. This time it was fucking Satan smoking marijuana what she wanted.
He is a bitch for gods sake.

Did he manage to claw back costs from all his previous lawsuits?

Probably will, he'll still need to a pay a lot in legal fees though :/

Make the cake but put testosterone in it


Attached: soup-nazi.jpg (302x375, 22.15K)

Obviously a staged incident in order to allow a lawsuit.

Yet trannies don't understand why people hate them.

Judge might make the accuser pay his legal fees in this case since that person clearly had vile intentions to go after this guy for attention

An American with the right to refuse service to anyone he pleases. Fucking nigger

do you think those trannies wasn't fucking with people ?

>The sides have agreed to end all litigation in state and federal courts, and they will each pay their own attorney’s fees and costs.
I think this was for the second case. Google didn't want to tell me anything more in detail. The OP one is the third case.

how does this happen? is it a bot?

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It's like that Canadian tranny ball waxing incident. They are doing it on purpose to 'defeat bigotry'.

An artist that is allowed to pick and choose his commissions.

Hopefully this paves the way to force straight men from accepting trans women as partners. Trans women deserve better.

>1) It has been said before and it's pasta.
>2) user 2 copied user 1 instead of saying 'this'.
>3) It really was a bot.
Take your pick.

>they didn't bake our homo cake
>let's see if they'll bake a different homo cake

This is being done on purpose. They are baiting him because they can't find any other small businesses to harrass and then sue for "discrimination".

So we can force tumblr artists to make Moonman art?


I dunno. Glowies stirring the pot?

A phone, and a computer post?

An American with the right to refuse service to anyone he pleases. Fucking nigger

>bake the fucking cake, bigot
>let me deflower your seven year old daughter, bigot

Pretty sure he didn’t want to refuse them service because of their identity or sexual orientation and whatnot. He simply didn’t want to make a custom cake celebrating something that he doesn’t agree with. They could buy something else, like a normal cake and do the decorations themselves
Anyway, what’s the deal here? The dude already won once. What made someone think that they can take on him over the same thing and be succesful?

My god you're a faggot.

Really? That sucks. Can’t he sue ?

What if he made it really ugly and accidentally added too much salt?

Lol how is this edgy? Is edgy just the word that mouth breathing faggots use when they have nothing to say but still want to flap their retarded lips?

They werent looking for cash, they were part of an activist cell and visited 12 cale shops before this bloke looking for trouble

you mean dressing up in the wrong gender's clothes and then harassing local businesses when they don't submit the objectively incorrect version of reality you attempt to force on them, right?

This is ridiculous. The judge should hold this idiot in contempt until the DA can find charges that will stick, probably some kind of harassment.

Your asking someone who wants to get their dick cut off to apply logic

Unless that person is a part of a protected race, which is every race except Europeans.

>Go into gay cakeshop.
>Get a cake with several religious symbols including the 'totally not nazi' buddhist one.
>Tell them to put extra attention into the religious symbols so that none of your religious diversity friends get upset.
>Quote from several religious texts that denounce sodomites.
Bake the cake faggot!

Commissioned a leftie artist to draw some nazis, she refused, should I sue?

The land of the free and the home of the brave btw, oh no no no.

Would you really want a cake made by someone who appears (to you) to hate your guts?

LOL, if someone does this they will be god of Yas Forums
Doesn't matter, this would fuck with SJWs

I need to become a baker so I can get this kind of shit and make millions on lawsuits

Got a Muslim baker to bake a picture of Mohammad on the cake, he refused, should I sue?

These two things would crush the left

this is a big part of it, he is fine selling them a cake, he just doesnt want to do their stupid custom decorations they want. and since the custom decorations are basically art he has a right to refuse
