Why can't rightwing men cook rice?
Why can't rightwing men cook rice?
2 cups of water
1 cup of rice
Bring to boil. Turn heat to low. Cover. 15 minutes. Perfect rice every time.
>rightwing men
low quality toorkpaste posting
>screenshot of tweet
>white men, X
Board Approved Thread®
You can't just make up a strawman and pretend like that's a common stereotype...
you forgot:
1. rinse the rice until the water runs clear beforehand, let it dry;
2. sautee the rice in 1 tbsp of neutral cooking oil for every 1 cup of rice;
3. after the 15 minutes let it sit covered for another 5 minutes, then open the lid and fluff the rice to release the steam to stop carry over cooking;
Only one way to cook rice.
>store brand auqafreesh trying to b8
Does american chink really think that rice will be a commodity on apocalyptic america?
Real right wing men have asian women to cook their rice. Or at least a rice cooking machine. Miss Cass Marshall is just angry because nobody wants her fast ass in their bunker.
>300 lb Twitter Pic
Mama Cass trying to use her time constructively fighting patriarchy.
I cook buckwheat
it frightens western low t faggots
All unnecessary
Or I could just go to el polo loco and get some of that delicious Mexican rice
>men who use Facebook as a search engine
>right wing
Fucking imagine being a normalfag
There but for the grace of 50 IQ points go I
Yooo she got you good and you know it lmao
>no spices
Of course white people can't cook. Asians ain't much better.
things that never happened
>implying that a MIGApede would eat rice over their decade's worth of prepped Cheetos
How the fuck can you not figure out how to cook rice?
Step 1) wash the rice
Step 2) put it in the rice cooker
Look at it! IT'S FUCKEN RAAAW!
>no spices
Nigger detected.
I go for half of that quantity per person as a side dish and cover for 20, otherwise, simple and ricepilled.
You forgot:
Add a cup of 200-proof alcohol per cup of cooked rice to make it edible
ew. white rice is for fats and asians. brown rice takes a half hour.
You forgot
>black cock
>said the landwhale that goes for takeout every single day of her life
Stupid roastie
This is a dog whistle for banging azn women
Buckwheat masterrace reporting in, tastes better and has more nutrition anyways.
>meme flag
This ain’t Spanish rice, faggot
Lmao this bitch looks like Andy Milonakis. All she does is play Animal Crossing all day. Or should I say this young boy?
If you can't cook rice, you have bigger problems than just being white.
Microwave. It's better and less messy, if you aren't a retard.
Lol, tweet her this
this is a completely astonishing straw man
Are they REALLY implying people who are self proclaimed survivalists don't know how to make food?
>rightwing men can't cook
I think you're mistaken
It's leftist basedboi faggots who can't cook