WTF is going on????

The average person under 60 has a .001% chance of dying from coronavirus.

why is the whole country shutdown??? Just tell old and unhealthy people to quarantine. that would literally solve everyone's problems.

The hospitals are nowhere near being over capacity.

i can't believe the government is allowing this joke of a virus to destroy the economy.

we're all going to die anyways. we can't just stay inside forever!

this feels like a bigger inside job than 9/11.

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Because people are fat and have breathing problems as it is

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is covfefe good for you

World wide inside jobs?

I'd like to give her an inside job, if you know what I mean.

Pole reversal worse than your wife pegging you is coming.
Get some iodine stat.

I'm an obese smoker with diabetes and hypertension. How fucked am I?

Boomers are afraid of death, they're willing to destroy the world for one more day of life.

Have you never asked yourself what what age group is in power?

No, I’m not exactly sure what you mean user. Care to elaborate?

>i can't believe the government is allowing this joke of a virus to destroy the economy.
Bruh, the economy have been doomed since the get go. Fiat currencies ALWAYS fails.

Still don't get it? Let me say it again, they always fail, every single fucking time its been tried they fail after a few decades. Right now we have been going with longer then their average lifespan, it started to fail in 2008 but they "fixed" that by creating more currency.

So it was obviously going to fail very soon, this year or the next doesn't matter because it was inevitable. So what do they do? They either create an artificial crisis or exaggerate a real one so that they can blame all the worlds problem on it.

>oh well sorry you guys all lost your pensions funds and saving, we just got things under control but then this virus came along and destroyed everything. Can't blame us for that, please don't bring out the tar, feathers and guillotine because this time it wasn't out fault.

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The whole thing is a big excuse to bail out the banks yet again, and fire millions of people who stupidly think they will get their jobs back in 6 months


What did he mean by this?

If I had to guess, probably waiting on the tables at that restaurant. Not 100% though

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Hospitals only have a few ICU units and such so if a hospital only has 50 ICU beds and 75people need them then the y are over capacity. Ireland only has like 300 ICU beds in the whole country.

I'd move my erect penis around inside her vagina until I ejaculate inside of her.

burgerland is justified in locking down due to a vast majority of amerilards being obese which makes the chance of dying higher for them, its not just "muh 65+ year old boomers" who have a high chance of dying, also obese people who have diabetes (aka amerilards of all ages) have a high chance of dying as well !

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Why are you being so vague and cryptic. Ffs just tell us straight, what do you mean?!

Spain is already starting to lift lockdown restrictions despite being hit relatively hard, we'll be doing the same in a few weeks I'm pretty sure.

Is it good for you?

hit me with yer chest bollockz luv

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it's nigger drink.
fuck it

The vast majority of people that die from covid are old people and health care whales with multimorbidity. In other wrods, people that aren't a net positive on the state budget.

coof fee fee foo foo

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I'm expressing my desire to copulate with the pictured female, to have sex with her so to speak.

This link may help clear up any misunderstanding:


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Countries after Spain and Italy were shut down to buy time for hospitals to refit themselves for X10 ITU capacity, no small task. We had to protect doctors, nurses and pharmacists: if they went down, the healthcare system went down.
In the UK the whole thing took three weeks, a minor miracle. In the event our preparations - which wouldn't have been possible without the assistance of the public not fecking about - matched the expected peak of the corona wave.
So, good job everyone. Expect an announcement on Thursday at the latest about opening everything back up from next week onwards. The only place that might remain locked down is inner London for obvious reasons.

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why would his autocorrect correct his word into "covfefe"?
why did his autocorrect learn this word?
what is this

Imagine thinking that the world's fiat currencies would never fail.

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covfefe = COVid Fe2 Fe3
Fe2 Fe3 being cholriquine or someshit

don't know why as it didn't do a single thing to stop the spread of the flu this time.