How exactly does AI Technology semi-accurately get the ethnicities of humans correct? I put Abby Shapiro and sure enough it came back jewish, I put hitler and sure enough Austrian. The app is called gradient go ahead and plug in a famous or historical figure and they will get the general ethnicity right.
AI Ethnic Testing
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machine learning. developers feed it images of what a 'jew' is, or what an 'austtian' is, and that 'trains' it to detect ethnicity after being done enough
basic linear algebra my senpai, its only as accurate as the bank of images and classifications it was generated with
Link please
I've noticed that it detects the country of the user and puts that as the second option so it's probably bogus.
it's a meme you dip
We will see what happens. I am Aussie but live here. Just downloading it now.
>canadian ethnicity
It's just what people from that country tend to look like. Yes it's stupid.
>8% Canadian
Queen Victoria?
The site in pic related is much better
Closed tho. Not installing a datamine google app
>tfw plug pictures of myself in
>tfw always some mix of Scandinavian and German
Both my parents are 100% bengali, yet it claims I have a mix of Swedish, Iberian and Egyptian ethnicity. I have no fucking ancestors known to be European or Middle Eastern, I know very well that my ancestors from both sides are 100% bengali. This app is crooked and made to promote race mixing, it's run by jews.
Nothing. The AI analizes the procedence of your internet conection and, if you are not from there, fails. I put diverese VPN, same photography and the results were... strange.
Just downloaded the app. It’s fucked.
I’m Australian and it gave me Danish,Dutch,German,Sweden.
My heritage as far as I know is
Scottish and Welsh. I’m obviously pretty Anglo.
I put another photo through and it said Mexican... I think it was the beard and tan.
Jew app
i can do this without AI, it's called phenotypes.
She kinda looks like trudeau
real science the jews don't want you to know about, that was demonized as a nazi practice
This garbage is literally just tracking location and calling it a day.
You honestly sound retarded and mentally ill. Getting an ethnicity wrong doesn't mean there's a grand conspiracy.
You do look Middle Eastern, so it's pretty funny that it thinks you're Swedish.
jokes on me, but still this app is goy
Yep, subscription cancelled and deleted the app 5mins afterwards.
Word if warning to anyone downloading it. After 2 days(not 3) you’ll be hit with a $20usd subscription bill. You can still use the app once you’ve cancelled the sub.
What are you talking about? Measuring people's skills and facial features is one of the most famous things they did, nobody's trying to hide that.
In fact, a big part of the reason they did it was to select people for the camps, where they exterminated 11 million people, including 5.7 million Jews. Are you admitting the Holocaust?
73% asian on first picture
51% danish on second.
App is straight trash.
Canadian isn't an ethnicity
It just tracks your IP and makes shit up on the go
Xi is white lmao
I admit two. The fake one and the real one that will happen soon.
>Ethnicity Estimate:
>73% Jewish
>15% Spanish
>Am Brazilian
If it picked my ethnicity based on location data, I doubt it'd have flagged either of these. What now?
This is the literal predictive programming tool. Perfect for the NPCs.
Then get a bigger bank
its complete bullshit i tried that a while ago, told me im 80% polinesian and 20% italian, but im ethnic hungarian
so pretty accurate for jews, considering the easily identifiable classification of "big fucking hook nose"
Sort of. Used Sam Hyde and it didn't use my localisation, a turk guy I knew used some Icelandic slut and she turned out 80% turkish, so it probably heavily depends on data which is partially taken continuously from the users.
>0% Chinese
i am not surprised by this one bit. kikes absolutely will try anything (and they have the resources to do it with US Tax-payer funding...kikes) even a shitty half-baked app like this with no real science behind it.
since a 'canadian' ethnicity doesnt even exist, tells me how trash this AI already is. you can close this thread now
Sorry man... I don't know what to say.
not really, check what percentages pic related gets
>I’m obviously pretty Anglo.
so in other words, you are north germanic? ( dutch, german danish, swedish )
That thing is based off of Geography mostly.
>be AI
>beep boop, big nose=jew
>geographical postion of retard=Jewmerica
>computing probable amerimutt ethnicity: jewish+brazilian+Canadian+Spanish= Devoradora de shekel del nuevo mundo
unlike your visual system, the AI is not robust and generically adaptable, but instead only looks at 'passport' photos.
From there, it takes millions and puts them through what is called a 'neural network'.
A neural network is a mathmatical abstraction of a neuron cell. In the same way a plane with a jet engine is a mathmatical abstraction of a birds wing.
The more passport photos put though the neural network, the more well 'trained' the network is.
wtf i got 44% polish 43% French 8% swiss and 5% Vatican Lmao
people often think i'm eastern european or french so i guess i look the way
>so it's pretty funny that it thinks you're Swedish
Or maybe it is just a funny fake after all...
what did it say about sam hyde? did it correctly identify him as a negro?
90% of their estimate is your location. took 2 photos, exact same angle, 1st guessed correct, changed vpn to mutt land and got wildly different results.
There's also some huge variance between pictures. I tried 3 different pictures and apparently I'm Jewish, from Qatar, Spanish and Portuguese. None of those are my nationality nor my origins.
Bet they'll train it alright, like the youtube
I knew it. The germans really did have secret flying saucers.
it probably randomizes it every time you put in a new picture. Its one of those toy apps for instagram hookers
It's completely random, I tried with pics of me and of my gf
It was totally wrong about me, every pic had totally different results (I am French+Greek but it guessed German / Russian/ Armenian as first results)
It guessed correctly Italian for the first pic of gf, but then it was again random as fuck (Irish, Greek, Slavic, etc.. as first results)
OP is a fucking shill marketer for his own app