Now that the dust has settled, was it a nothing burger?

Now that the dust has settled, was it a nothing burger?

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2 more weeks

The real happening is when people start to revolt against the lockdown

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The “Sunday” effect. It seems to happen every 7 days for some mysterious reason.


this is going to be the next iraq war that everyone bitches about forever

just wait until they test antibodies and find the fatality rate is tiny and tons of people already have it

Well no, because aside from the hysterical reporting. The wider public has been red pilled about China and World bodies. If they choose to ignore this then they get Everything they deserve

>was it a nothing burger?
Of course. Too bad we caused more total suffering collapsing the economy so a few boomers could live six more months.

If THAT is “revolting” then it’s TIME. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!

The dust hasn't settled. It never was a nothingburgeg. Considering how many got sick/died, and the economic and social implications.

Are things starting to look more positive? Yes, because people started taking action to fucking do something about.

Will we beat it? Yes, and only because people will continue to take action to stop it.

OP is sad because 100,000,000 people aren't dead because of it.

Fuck off back into your hole OP. Nobody likes you in real life, and nobody likes you here either.

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Dust you say huh?

as always
is a massive faggot


You're not considering the next 2 weeks bro.

I'm going to continue to say that it is/was a pretty serious happening, just because we survived it, doesn't mean it didn't happen or that it wasn't a happening.

At least you aren't pushing muh 2nd wave.
You nearly sound resonable, even though you're wrong about how effective the measures have been. We will know soon enough though when we compare counties that had draconian measues vs not locking down. Will you be pissed off at you handlers when that happens, or will you also believe their excuses for implementing it?

buh muh 6 million weeks

There is a high probability that normies will cause a second wave if they leave lockdown early. I would guess it will hit hard in november.

reminder nothingburgerfags will be calling it a nothingburger when it has killed a million people
it's called desensitization and they're using it as a coping mechanism

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muh 2nd wave


nic o mnie nie wiesz...

Fuck off back into your hole too.

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It's funny really. They're either trolls or mutts

>even though you're wrong about how effective the measures have been.
And you're right? Some idiot with evidence stacked against him? Lol.


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Remember the popular catchprase that you incels were spouting a couple weeks ago? Exponential growth? Is that what exponential growth looks like?

First Leaf that's been normal on here. Congrats.

I won't vote to take over your country and make your provinces our states because of this interaction.

months and months of this bullshit and you fags still don't know how to read graphs with a logarithmic scale y-axis

The numbers are going down due to our lockdown response. But the truth is that this doesn't defeat or eliminate the virus and when people return to work and their normal lives then it's going to flare back up again.

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand if we can really control the spread through social distancing measures such that hospital surge capacity isn't exceeded then we have a moral imperative to do this to save lives. But it could take a year+ to cycle through all of the population so that we have a controlled spread. And in that time we could completely destroy the economy which in turn could end up costing lives.

The truth is this does not end until we have herd immunity. Viruses don't just disappear that's obviously a stupid idea. They persist in the population, as they infect more people natural immunity builds and it denies the virus of new people to infect, hence the r0 drops slowly and once it drops below 1.0 you start to see the death of the virus as it cannot infect people at a fast enough rate to persist in the population. That herd immunity level depends mostly on how infectious the virus is, it's r0. And for SARS-CoV2 that's estimated to be about 60% of the population at a minimum. Realistically when all is said and done we're looking probably at 70% infected rate. I think the last "worst case" scenarios had total infected at 81%

Every Sunday some of the cases drop a little, only to pick up more a few days later. You retards said the same shit last Sunday too and it picked up again.

Clock work. Every weekend. Until theres a Monday-Friday decline hold you're memes. No doubt once that happens it will just be automatic life as usual. Happening cancelled

Herd immunity..keep old people home. If not this be an issue over and over

This. So.y hapcoomers on suicide watch.

tak bedzie masywny pedale

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Exactly. If it can only end with herd immunity and maybe you need 70% of the population infected to get that, the best you can do is make the 70% that get it the young and healthy people who are almost completely asymptomatic, or have symptoms to mild they don't notice. And make sure in that 30% remaining people who are the benefactors of herd immunity are the most vulnerable, the old people and those with severe pre-existing conditions.

When you use that logic it's obviously why the UK government did 2 things. 1) keep the schools open as long as possible, to boost the spread through children who basically don't get ill 2) tell the old and vulnerable to self isolate for ~3 months.

>another post about the fictional wuhan virus
>no evidence exists of said made up virus
>please believe our news you stupid goyim
its all so tiring

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Everyone went out for Easter, cases will be up again by end of this week.